

Ask @traciplayer

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What do you think is the best gift for wedding? summa dat d 22 minutes ago excuse me mormon girl

carlinewman’s Profile PhotoCarli
AHAHAHA THAT WASNT ME that was izsy im sorry
Liked by: Carli

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favorite freshmen?

carli and hannah! and i think mio and gaby are so adorable i talked to them at relay for life a bit and theyre so sweet! honestly most of the freshman seem really nice
Liked by: Carli

[10/20/13 5:12:11 PM] Buttquack: GUESS WHO HAS SCENTED CANDLES

wait why am i buttquack
Liked by: vienna Carli

When was the last time you danced?

at relay for life! i looked like a complete idiot dancing in my snuggie, but it was a fun time
Liked by: tracy

three quirks about yourself that you're sure that everyone knows about

-I dont like to wear shoes
-I really hate gooey things (like that slime you can win at arcades, and those gooey hand things)
-I always put my hand under my chin when i say things (hence the dp)
oh and ik this is 4 but the most obvious is that i love plants

*you're wow ratchet hoe. its okay traci you probably scared them off with your intimidating stares that you always make that send chills down everyones spine in a 15 ft radius.

Throwaway Account
yeah im pretty much the most intimidating person on the planet you're right
hehe love you anniieeee <333
Liked by: Throwaway Account

traci wtf please don't listen to that poopoo you are beautiful and adorable and perfect im not even kidding or just saying

thank you annie <33 youre the sweetest

I think you are the most beautiful person and make me smile whenever I see you :) thanks for being amazing

this is so sweet! thank YOU for being amazing. you made my day so much better!
Liked by: Carli

who can you count on to always cheer you up when you're down?

all of my close friends!
pretty much anyone who will hug me and tell me things will be okay, and not tell me to just get over it and that what i feel is stupid
Liked by: tracy

Yew r so ratchet. JK ILYSM. I miss you so much traci. You're like gorgeous and we need to Skype so I can update you on David! And I just miss you. Love ya bb

Sophie DeBaltzo
YEYSYES i really need a david update! i miss you so much tooo! send me your skype in a question? haha i wont answer it publicly ill just add you
we need to talk!
Liked by: Sophie DeBaltzo

what's the last thing you think about or do before falling asleep?

i usually read before i go to sleep so i end up thinking about the book haha, but i guess it depends what happens during the day

what do you look for in a guy?

someone who is sweet and quirky, maybe a little bit awkward, but at the same time he wouldnt be afraid to come talk to me at school, someone who could put up with the fact that im really insecure and strange/awkward haha
also taller than me (thats not hard), smells good, funny, thinks im funny (hehe), dresses well, someone who loves to hug!, also just someone that would want to spend time with me and start conversations with me and to top it all off, someone who smiles a lot!
(a boy like this would never like me, but a girl can dream right)

what is the best gift a guy could get you?

in all honesty probably flowers and a card, even though its simple
i would freak out and put them in a cute vase and just stare at them and think about how someone gave them to me and uewfudv3f
or any type of food works too
Liked by: Carli

reasons you like and dont like shanghai?

i like shanghai because I've met so many amazing people here! and the city is so exciting and there is so much to see, i honestly think this is one of the nicest cities to live in when your in high school, its such a cool experience!
i hate that everyone spits on the ground, i just think its so gross, so i guess thats one reason, and another is that my school is really hard. and everyone is so smart! so that makes me feel bad but i mean thats not really a valid reason. Also everyone stares, but my reasons for "not liking it" are pretty petty
overall i like shanghai a lot!
Liked by: Rebecca Costa


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