

Ask @traciplayer

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TRACI!!! you are so cool and so fun to talk to during PE!!! you always make me laugh and you are definitely one of my favorite sophomores!!! finally, I would like to say you are very artsy and skilled at writing poetry!! YOU ROCK!!

Lena Z.
thanks lena this is super sweet and means a lot!! also YOU ARE SO CUTE AND WONDERFUL!!! ~~~ but you poked my butt in the freshman cafeteria the other day...im scared to go back there...(jk luv u and you are one of my fav freshmen woooOoOoOoOO)
Liked by: Lena Z.

traciii you are so cute and perfect~ i love having pe with u esp our locker room discussions about a variety of topics!!! im glad my strangeness and awkwardness doesn't drive you away like it drives away others! and that makes you very cool B) and also we should talk more!!

!!!!! thanks so much elaine i love having pe at the same time as you~~you keep me entertained with all your funny and strange remarks :)) and yes we should definitely talk more!!! (also you are perfect in every way please stop) <3
Liked by: Mio elaine

can u post one of your poems here?

ok this is very extremely scary for me but here is the one i performed yesterday for the women's history month slam!!
i already regret this and i havent even posted it yet
you can say a restaurant was a seven out of ten because the service was slow
and that hotel was 2 stars because you found a cockroach under the bed
but that girl? that girl does not belong on your number line of shallow desires
compiling a petty summary of sticky lashes and glossy lips
adding shimmering falsehoods and subtracting human flaws
stripping her complexity down to the two or three meaningless lines we call numbers
numbers that determine if she is beautiful or if she is nothing
but she is NOT a math problem, the product is neither even or odd
single or double digits
the product is HER
her flaws
her insecurities
her wandering mind
her lilting laugh
her heart that beats and swells for everyone but herself
so how dare you, take her self worth and whittle it away
into the unrealistic mold that is your "ideal" woman
cramming entire worlds into societal pegs
carving like a jackolantern, insides tossed, shells glorified
because in our world branding integers onto living, breathing, human beings, is normal
when will we realize that describing a woman
should not be as easy as counting to 10

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What's the best cheese to eat with crackers?

I don't know man but I love cheese so much, I'm at a hotel right now and they had such a good selection of cheese at breakfast I FILLED my plate
Liked by: Alex D Eleanor

you probably get this all the time but you seem lovely and i love your sense of humor!! i felt like saying this to you, just a random act of kindness :)

Aw thanks!!!!! So kind :')

traciiiii you're a really talented writer, I'm always blown away with your stuff and the poem you performed today was hella rad ~*~ you're a cutie and a really nice girl I'm glad to have met you! c:

aw thank you so much keith1! i was so scared today i was shaking A LOT... !! but you are very very talented too and a really cool guy, im glad we had our first actual conversation today~~~

TRACI! SO MANY COMPLIMENTS! ok, you're so awesome and you put up with my terrible humor in like 12 classes a day your smile is contagious and thats a trait not many people have! And you always know what to say to people!

BenCherry98’s Profile PhotoBen Cherry
woah this is so nice, thanks so much ben1!! i actually love how we have so many classes together this year and youre really funny so shut up your humor is NOT terrible!~~~

Hey traci, freshie speaking, even if you are older than bla bla, you are the cutest girl ive seeen. I mean you are like sleeping kitten on a grey day. You can make anyone smile! I know you can, keep up the good in you, i really like seeing it :)

!!!!! this is the cutest and sweetest thing ever ever ever
Liked by: J Ben Cherry

who else is in poetry club? when did you join? is it too late to join?

there are a bunch of people and they are all incredibly talented ahhhh, and i joined the beginning of the second semester!!! (pretty late) AND NO ITS NEVER TOO LATE!!!! it seems like youre interested and its always great to have new people and new writing styles~~~~ JOIN YOU WONT REGRET IT i was so sared but im overcoming my fears and improving a lot
Liked by: Monica Sun

TBH TRAYPLAY i am SO glad we've gotten so close this year! we've shared so many things and helped each other through tough days!! you are one of my most favoritest people ever and EVERYONE loves you its unreal. have fun in boracay and come back soon for the CAT chat ajisen date okay!! i love you!!!

woah woah so sweet this makes me so happy!!! thank you so much chen dog you are the coolest and cutest person ever and i really needed this today~~ AND AJISEN DATE YES PLEASE <3
Liked by: CAITLIN

What's the best concert you've ever been to?

aaahhhh dont make me do this!!! storm was amazing if that counts, killers AMAZING lumineers also super fantastic because the venue was small and just wow and also maroon 5 was just a really fun time so yeah there is my top 4

i bet that anon is feeling pretty bad about him/her self lolz

ahaha i have great friends (✿ ♥‿♥)


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