

Ask @traciplayer

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Tbh traci I also miss you so much haha I think you're one of the most like unknowingly funny people I've ever met and you're super cute and not just cute but perfy too You don't give yourself enough credit a lot of the time even though you're an amazing franddd/person <3 love you xx

AWW THANKS SO MUCH ETHANOL I MISS YOU!! come back to me i love you and nothing about church or shanghai or seminary is the same without you!! i miss your hilariousness and all the great times weve had <33 please tell me youll visit sometime???!!

are you going to formal?

yeah im planning on going with friends but im not that excited about it, i dont just want to skip it though..hopefully it will be more fun this year
Liked by: Eleanor

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What’s one mistake you keep repeating?

i keep spilling things on my computer!!! i dont think a day has gone by in this past week where i havent spilled some type of liquid or food on my laptop
my poor baby im surprised its still alive
Liked by: Mio

you gotta start believing in yourself, traci. you ARE talented. you ARE smart. (not to mention beautiful) change your attitude towards yourself, because you are a lovely person and you deserve to love yourself and be confident. <3

ah thank you thank you this is so nice and makes me so happy!!! i would really like to know who you are you lovely person!!! i am trying to be more confident and this message definity helps thank you ♡♡♡♡♡♡

your profile picture is incredible..your eyes are so stunning that they're piercing through my skull so that my skull along with the entirety of my bones melt, leaving behind the organs and veins caught between the folds of my unstructured shell and this is how traci player's beauty ruined me


doesn't matter about that because you are one of the sweetest most genuine people I know who constantly and consistently does everything to make people happy and you are such a super great friend and actually one of the nicest people I have ever met in my life.

THANK YOU SO MUCH this actually made me tear up a little :') thanks for being the sweetest person to walk this earth, this is sosososo nice and means so much to me! <3 stay lovely

What are you good at?

how about i tell you what im NOT good at'??? thats much easier!
im not good at art or sports or academic things or musical things
the only thing i can think of right now is burping??? and LOL thats one of the most pointless "talents" in the world

How's that perfect Jar thing coming? You should so do it! I encourage you fully ~ Madams

its okay so far, but i only have one perfect moment! im gonna keep going but ill probably get lazy ahah

So, I know people try to be modest about what they are good at, and I fee like you're the same, but I would like to honestly know; what do you consider yourself to be really good at? ~ Madams

oh well the thing is i dont really consider myself good at anything! so yeah sorry to disappoint :(

thoughts on lachlan catania

lachie !!!!! literally one of the nicest guys ive ever met, so cute and nice and funny and genuine just a super coool guy i wish i could have known him from day one on the cruise tho bc hes so hectic (ha ha)


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