

Ask @traciplayer

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name someone you want to know better from these classes: History, English, Chinese, PE

history-probably jeremy!!! he seems super cool
English-probs max
chinese-Anna and blake!!
pe-hhhhMMMMmmm Jing EN! (i feel like i already know her pretty well but i wish i talked to her more!)
i feel extremely creepy doing these...
Liked by: J

5 thing on your bucket list???

1.go skydiving (cliche but i really want too)
2.go on one of those 3-6 week long, outward bound/backpacking trips in the summer!!
3.visit at least 50 countries in my lifetime
4.learn how to take the subway by myself...
5.go to an ice hotel!!!!! those look so cool!!
Liked by: Mio Eleanor tracy

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book recommendatiosn?!??!

its kind of a funny story-Ned Vizzini
Me before you-Jojo moyes
the siren-Kierra cass
the eve trilogy-i forgot the author (and the third one sucks, but the first two are good!!!)
hmmm thats all i can think of, i read a lot but i feel like i dont read enough good books
Liked by: Eleanor

top bunk or bottom and why

TOP because its so much more fun you are in a bed but you are also up HIGH and that is exhilerating im not completely sure why

tbh Traci I feel like our friendship has really grown since that fateful night at r4l, I had a super gr8 time jammin with you at myg night~ You have a really cute voice plus you give the nicest hugs/compliments, also your smile is very contagious!!

THANKS FRIEND <3 so nice

tbh traci YOU make me smile so much because everything you say and do is so funny and SELFLESS man YOU ROCK MY WORLD PEI XIAO TIAN!!!! glad we've recently taken our friendship to a new level if you know what i mean ~ can't wait to see you slam some poetry (-:

AW CAITLIN I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! and yes our friendship has increased in many ways recently..hehe anyways thanks so much gurl you da bomb
Liked by: JiSup Kim

tbh you're super k00l but I don't think we've really talked at all so let's do that soon (y) also you're mad cute and your answers on here make me laugh woo

thanks keith!! this is super nice, we should definitely talk more!

tbh TRACI i hate how you think boys don't like you when there are obviously at least 10 lining up for you :c you're way too nice! i've never heard one mean thing out of you & it seems that you never judge people either. teach me how! ps can i have your closet because ur clothes are perf just like u~

what the heck leslie this is the sweetest thing EVER!!! thanks so much friend we really need to talk more i miss talking to you!!!!! ♥

tbvh traci your one of the nicest people i've ever met. your extremely adorable and so much fun to be around...not to mention your amazing dance moves. i'm impressed. hopefully we'll be able to talk more in the future! stay cool and keep dancing :)

awww thanks misha!! you are so sweet <3

i like chocolate c:

yaya that works out great for both of us!! you have really made me curious and also really flattered so please tell me (i dont have to answer it publicly) c:

you are like the cutest person i know! im a guy !!!! this is very nice anonymous boy!!!! i would love to know who you are - thts me, u dont want to know who i am, lol its funny

except i really do want to know!!!! plleeeaaaaseee i'll bring you chocolate


Language: English