

Ask @traciplayer

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((((: trayplay this is going to be short because you already know what i'm going to say. i love how warm and bubbly you are and you make me smile a lot!!! also i love your poems and clothes and your style in everything. have fun on your vaca cutie :)))))

this is a very late reply but tHANK YOU CUTIE ILY <3

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how is your long weekend ??

really good!!! just hanging out with friends and spending a lot of time on the internet~~~~ the usual
Liked by: isabella

traci youre one of the nicest people i know. i never hear you say anything rude or mean or in anyway bad and youre just so much fun to be around. im always gonna remember that first english class when mr harris tried to set us up and i was new so i was like suuuuper red and blushing and it was quite

Dustin DeLuca
LOL THAT FIRST ENGLISH CLASS...but thank you SO much dustin this is way too nice, you are so friendly and nice and a really really cool and funny guy, you make english so much more enjoyable !!!
here is a baby polar bear being tickled

do u miss your old school?

yes i do but when i left i felt like a lot of people didnt like me!!! i wish i had the chance to know the people there at a later time in life because man i was a dork in middle school
Liked by: Eleanor

treeceme plur!!!! #1 you have a great name! also you may be the sweetest cutest most beautiful funniest greatest human being i have ever met!! your poems are amazing and you are so talented and easygoing and i love talking to you :) i'm so glad i've known you for so long! i luv u frend

carlinewman’s Profile PhotoCarli
carlme i love you forever ever ever thank you for being a great friend and for getting me on a spiritual level ( this works bc both mormon and because i dont think anyone relates as closely to my humor and me as much as you do heh) anyways everything you said is same to you you beautiful person see you bright and early tomorrow wooo ♥♥♥
Liked by: Carli

Traci, you are such a cute, unique and kind hearted person, i don't think i have ever met anyone like you. we have never had a proper conversation but i really enjoy those brief and awkward smiles we sometimes exchange during flex~ i honestly loved the poems you performed at the poetry slam!!

!!!!! this is so nice leah, thanks! i'll just take this time to tell you that you are SO PRETTY and in a different/striking way if that makes any sense, also your style...can i steal your clothes please but anyways sorry im so awkward in flex!! we should talk more ur cool~~~
Liked by: melisa leah

your poem was actually so good though :') POST ANOTHER ONE!

I am extremely sunburnt
Everything hurts
I even put on sun screen
Why is the sun so mean
Every move is like a thousand knives
People will remember my redness their whole lives
I will
(Jk but really I look like a lobster ) I'll maybe post another one next month because we have another slam and I don't like any of my old ones enough to post jafeel

you are a cootie 3.14 and i like hugging just your head&face. idk why but its cool and nice :D you are so lovable and i don't see why anyone would do anything mean to you (for example, send anon hate) if anyone did, i've got your back ;)

AW JISOUP <3 thanks so much friend !! and same goes to you im here to help you whenever you need me!!!

traci, you are probably one of the nicest people i know. you are always cheering me up, and i have actually never heard you say anything bad about anyone. you are always so funny at school and its always fun talking to you. we should talk more at school :D

Cleet Wrzesinski
thank you so much cleet!! the same goes for you!! and yeah we should definitely talk more~~~
heres a dancing manatee

hahah honestly traci i would need much more space to give you a proper compliment, but man thanks for always being so open and willing to listen and cheerful cuz you are actually one of those people that makes every day better for me (-: ur the BEST

!! jaret this is so nice thank you so much!! you are honestly such a good friend thanks for tolerating my stupidity and sharing your fab music~~~<3
Liked by: Jaret Allred

traci, your poem gave me goosebumps! i am trying to write my own, and it's so hard! never stop doing you because you are perfect. please keep writing because you have a real talent for it. xx

Thank you !! This means a lot lot lot lot because sharing poetry is very scary and this is so sweet!! And yes it is hard but stick with it! You can do it friend

traci!! first of all i love you v much you are a ball of sunshine! i'm super glad to have gotten to know you better this year, you're always full of energy and the locker room is funnier with your presence. you are super cute and awesome and all around a great person, stay that way! c:

!!!!! Thanks so much jing en! This is so sweet I'm really happy we have classes together this year you are fantastic
Liked by: J


Language: English