
Vicki Maler

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Describe a day at carlmomt

mk ill do like my schedule
get dressed for PE
run hella laps and sweat like a bitch (its really fun i promise)
change back into my clothes
walk to choir
sing my ass off
speedwalk to biology with neda (which is on the other side of the school)
kill myself during biology cause i hate that class except for troy
go to life skills
go to my locker
talk to drew
walk to the quad/bleachers to eat lunch
eat my lunch
walk to french with max and dani
speak francais
go to as english and read books
go to geometry and learn math
go to sleep.

Do u like carlmont, I'm an 8th grader I don't know if I should go there

umm me personally I don't LOVE carlmont cause the beginning of the year has been kinda rough. a lot of my close friends are changing but obviously what are you gonna do, it's high school and it's going to happen to you anywhere you go. but school wise, carlmont is a really good school with great education and I love most of my teachers so you should definitely come (:

tbh: I see you around we don't talk but we should but we kina talked that one time at lunch

HAHAHA when we were making animal noises :)


Language: English