
Vicki Maler

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Whose the hottest seventh grader you kno? Be truthful and has to be a girl

Kaylin and Rachel are pretty damn sexy

I honestly think no one should hate you. people need to grow up and get the fuck over it.

thanks bb ❤

yeah that makes sense, your really pretty!!!! you seem super nice too, I hope you and Gianna make up.

aw thank you! I hope so too..

I get that it's annoying getting questions about what happend but you publicly admitted it happpend so you can't pretend it never did. you prob knew you would get a bunch of questions about it and its not like you have to answer the questions you can just delte them.btw your prof pic on here is perf

yeah I understand that. and I know that I did admit it, what else could I do? it's true. I just don't want people to ask about it. it's been too long.
and thank you :*

lol i havnt seen you in forever and haha u probobly dont even remember me! but i just read all this shit and ur life is crazy!!! at least your are brave enough to stand up for what u think is right girl! also, dont take any of the crap these people are saying, cause u can make your own choices!

aw please kik me or text me or something! lets talk again!

OMG people it her life and her decisions. She can do wat she wants. OMG I do t completely like ur decision but its ur life and it doesn't concern me

thank you.

why do people still make fun of U for getting fingered. obviously u can't change the past and I'm sure u would if u could so everyone please stop asking shit cuz she can't change the past but she can make better decisions in the future. keep calm and carry on yo

I love you. what's done is done.
can you just get over it.

U peir helped me before and I thought u were awesome and nice till this happened

okay sorry you feel that way

Y would u do something likes this. And u liked it?

okay. first of all stop asking "why"'I would do it. it happened over a month ago and it's over. it can't be undone. I don't believe what I did was wrong. and I most definitely have the right to "like" it. I'm sorry you don't support my decision, but it's my life and I can do whatever the fuck I want without cunts like you constantly judging me.

Y would u do this don't u think ur parents will find out. I used to look up to u now I don't b/c of ur bad decision. Y

my parents wont find out.. lol
and it was so long ago can we please just get over it. I'm so done answering questions about it.

what are your plans for this weekend?

Friday: rockin jumppp
Saturday: beach with my babes Nora, Zoe and Shana. it's been too longg.
Sunday: same as usual.

your the prettiest sis ever and yeaaaa I love you and lets hang soon

aw love you bb jack ❤ we better hang soon.
lol imma come over again kk


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