
Vicki Maler

Ask @vickiimaler

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Is it smart to make out with a girl during school? Would you do it during school?

it doesnt matter if its smart or not, its the situation that matters. If the person youre making out with is your boyfriend and its in a some-what private area, then yes. but dont make out in front of a group of people because that would just make everyone feel very uncomfortable. I would make out with someone at school under those circumstances.

what classes are you taking at carlmont?

AS english biology social studies PE geometry french choir

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tbh I'm so glad we talked things out! ily so much vicksters I can't wait til we hangout again(: Highschool will be fun next year((; BOBA❤

aw thanks Roz love you ❤

What r u wearing 4 the great America trip?

probably a tshirt and bringing a pair of shorts to change into


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