
Vicki Maler

Ask @vickiimaler

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not really my face isnt fucked up and you havent seen it. just avoiding the facts arent you

if I haven't seen your face why are you talking to me? obviously you have nothing to do with my life so gtfo

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hey Vicki, so you're my biggest role model some people don't get it that you can't change the past and it's so encouraging how you're being more thoughtful in the present I hope I can be just like you really you're amazing please let me be you and you're gorgeous

you really don't want to be me, trust me.. but thank you so much bb this made my day. ❤

32 white horses on a red hill, first they jump then they r still. What am I? -(from lord of the rings)

ain't nobody got time for this

like no tits chubby short. work out maybe because your face is hot as fuck

lol I'll work on it thanks for the advice

youre so pretty and sweet and dont listen to any of these bitches! dont let the haterssss get ya down gorgeous - 8th grade girl u dont talk to from central

aww please talk to mee!!

you are literally the most annoying middle schooler and such a huge slut. you are so desperate. no one will ever truely like you if you keep acting like you do. no guy will want you when you wanna get serious because youll be all used up. stop being so pathetically desperate and get a clue


you are so fucking amazing to stand up to all these dumbass haters truth is you're really perf ;)

aw thank you so much! but you're more amazing and perfect ❤

Vicki I fucking love you and idk why people are saying this shit yea you made some bad choices its called life just don't answer them they're fucking immature and need to get a life cuz clearly they've never actually found the time to get to know you it's all just shit

you're the best

I think it's for the best that YOU tell ur parents sooner or later

I think I can decide that for myself, thanks

Thoughts on Colin McGrath...

Colin is freakin amazinggg he's so funny in PE and he's hella chill. one of my fave seventh grade boys

not hate. concern.

if you were really "concerned" you would say that. not bitch about how I'm a whore cuz I look my shirt off for one picture.


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