
Vicki Maler

Ask @vickiimaler

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You know your going to get a bunch of hate when you put the "ask me" things on instagram, so why do you still do it?

it didn't say "write me hate", it said "ask me questions" and that's all I want, k? and I'm bored.

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can everyone just stfu and leave her alone.People make mistakes. Who gives a shit what Vicki does? It not Ur fuckin life. I don't think it's smart what she did, but she obviously regrets it and there is nothing she can do about it now so leave her alone. Btw Vinny is a dick and Ur out of his league

aw thank you so much hun❤❤ ilyy

hey why do u just brush it off lik its nothing??? you did something with a guy and sure we may judge u for it, but we have tht right! you cant just expect everyone to forget, you have to kno the consequences for stuff like tht. sure you may think you still have true friends but dnt thnk so fast hun

I don't think you know what you're talking about

You're fucked at tl tomrow babe cuz ur only friends are at ralston

are you serious? I have plenty of friends at TL that care about me, something you probably don't know a thing about. And also, i'd rather be a loner than stay up all night writing anonymous hate.

Why do you need other people to fight for you? You're a big girl. Don't make others do your dirty work hun<3

lol. sorry I have friends?

whats an abortion? jk. lol theyre saying im having sex? tell this dumb ass tric to shut the fuck up and come off anon

They won't. no balls.

which one was to me? say shit on MY ask ily babe(;

it was the abortion one hahaaha OMG anon has no life.

We'll show you some respect once you show respect for yourself and your body

I do have respect for myself and my body. and if you can't accept that then fuck off

stop fucking talking to vicki like that, thats so fucking rude why would you even say that? have fucking respect.

for reals

Why would she fit in at ralston? Because half the bitches at tl are immature AF. right? and theyre sitting there bitching and crying over somebody getting fingered. big whoop. i thought ralston was bad but i rather be there then deal with these dramatic bitched. dont little to them babe<3

aw thank youuu. ❤

Who ever just said that is the biggest bitch I've ever seen. You may not like Vicki as a person, but she's my best friend and she's a whole lot more beautiful than other girls I know. If you ever say that about Vicki again, I will get in your way, and you will regret it



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