
Vicki Maler

Ask @vickiimaler

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Dont listen to these most likely anerexic motherfuckers who think that they can hide behind their fones and tell this bs to u! Ur gorgeous and thank god ur comfortable with ur own body so u dont hav to hide and give out hate like they are <333 ur perf

thank youu!! this means a lot <3

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wait i dont even know you but the hate about you being fat showed up in my feed and you are not fat at all!!! like that anon is crazy for saying you were!

aw thank you so much (:

Rate 10 date idk it wouldn't be in my best intrests as the VP of the Vicki maler gang to date Vicki maler, but ur really pretty. Tbh: people give u too much shit over retarded stuff, Vicki, ur a cool chick and Ily.

fitty tyson
thanks ily Tyson

Why do some people enjoy life and others don’t?

because some people need to learn to find happiness in every moment

Yeah well it does make me feel better just saying gawd i didn't know that u knew that u where fat cause u keep EATING ALL OF THAT FOOD and u know u need to loose that fat its just not good

what is your opinion of fat? cause that's definitely not what I am. there are people out there that are hundreds of pounds and you're telling ME that's I'm fat? go find something better to do please.

Remember when we were at rockin jump just us two and we were so bored and we met that guy who asked me for money and he was a creeper

austin leary
lololol we have so many better memories but yaa I remember :)

Remember when me & Rachel danced with you at the dance & you did this twerking dance thing that we still cant figure out how to do lolol

Cate Armstrong
bahahahaha omg that was the worst dance ever


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