
VictoriasConfession.s on IG

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Omg I'm so sorry I didn't mean to say 213!!! I meant to say 23. Very sorry about that.

Resubmit the confessions (that you sent in over a few months ago)

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I don't get why they fired Barbara! They fired her because apparently she's fat. where is she fat? She one of the models with actual curves!

Sophia Smith
That's not why she was fired. That's just the most popular rumour

I've sent exactly 213 confessions since your account was made and not once has any of them been posted. I've never written anything bad they have always been good things about the models. #confused

Shania Tay
That's a lot. I don't believe that none have never been posted. You either most likely missed it on our feed or sent them in when askfm was closed. Did we answer 'Made and will post soon :) X' on them? The chance of a confession not getting posted after it's been answered, is VERY unlikely.

Hey,can i make a confession now cause i wont be able when ask.fm is open:) thanks if i can❤️

It's open now, so yes

Many people are saying "lets give the new angels a chance. Maybe they'll become more mature" but what they don't remember is that even when Doutzen, Gisele, Adriana, or Candice were their age (18-early 20's) they were "WOW" but the new angels at that same age are like teens

Made and will post soon :) x - Desiree ❤️

Everyone is angry with the fact that Gigi and Kendall walked in this year fs (including me) . But, Cara didn't go to the casting either. And in 2012 she was the it girl, like KenGi now. Nobody complained about her being in the show. Dont missunderstand me, Cara rocked!

Salsa Montgomery
Made and will post soon :) x - Desiree ❤️

Everything on vsfs2012 is on point! There is no missing angel. The lineup on each segment. The performers. PINK is fun and have theme. The only thing that I want to change is to take Erin's first record with a top hat. But yeah VS love drama.

Made and will post soon :) x - Desiree ❤️

Taylor was really decentralized at the VSFS this year. I mean, what was that hand wave at the end of Pink section? She seemed like she was saying "Hi mom! Im at the VSFS!" And then it was like she didn't know what to do so she hugged Selena.

Salsa Montgomery
Made and will post soon :) x - Desiree ❤️

The definition of a perf seg: Adri opening. Candy closing. Fierce walks. No amateur /awkward poses, weird smiles, spins. Don't need to have everyone blow a kiss at the end of the runway (maybe one or two is fine but when half of the models do it it's annoying). Good music with good beat, nice wings

Made and will post soon :) x - Desiree ❤️

I really wish VS change the model's hairstyle. I think Candice would be perfect if her hair is tied updo like when she do the photoshoot

Made and will post soon xx :) -Aitana

My top 3 opening segments ever: Sexy Santa Helpers (2005), Circus (2012), and British Invasion (2013). The worst would probably be Boho (2015).

Made and will post soon :) x - Desiree ❤️

The only outfits I liked in PoA were Ale's and Jasmine's. I loved Lily D's wings and Cindy's was alright too but they were both lacking something that would make it "wow"

Made and will post soon :) x - Desiree ❤️

In a few years VS has to do a double FB again but this time with the africans Bee and candice. Would be perfect

Don't send the same confession more than once!

VS is running out of ideas. Ice angels was so unoriginal. I understand "Snow Angels" segment because it's what we used to do in the snow in our childhood. But with Ice Angels, it's like they can't think of anything and so they were like, oh okay let's just call it Ice Angels

Made and will post soon :) x - Desiree ❤️

(2) dissed the brand for say, not giving her a FB. Jourdan, on the other hand, had her place stolen by a spoiled brat whose Mom got her her position in the show. Rightfully so, the person who created that Insta post (a VS account, might I add) deleted it. Note to VS fans - stop attacking a model

The 2nd part of your confession condradicts what you're saying. 'Stop attacking a model' then you go and attack KJ. Reword and then resend part 2


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