
VictoriasConfession.s on IG

Ask @victoriasconfessionsig

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Wow I love dangerous animals, especially these! I think I'll move to Australia, thanks :*

Here's another one lol :P
But Australia is a beautiful place, you should definitely visit. It's rare that you'll encounter any of these. I never have. It's just stereotyping Australia :) xx

Lol I knew that you were a Belieber too because you like some picture's of him on IG

Stalking much! ;) xx
I was being sarcastic btw. I dont have pictures of him on my wall or any of his albums and I've only been to one of his concerts. And I don't ship Jelena, Im soooo over that. You can break up and get back together only so many times before people stop giving a fuck! Haha xx

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Are posting all confession's ?

I think I've answered this before...... Like 837367 times :) how about you figure it out the answer yourself xx

Are there any dangerous animal's in Victoria?

Loll. :P I made this collage just for you. Somes up Australia very well and I'm sure it answers your question :) xx

When are you going to close askfm

Like now. And then I'll reopen it in the morning so that people from different time zones have a chance to confess :) xx

I miss seeing myself at the VSFS

I'm sure VS misses having your presence at their shows, but remember... All good things must come to an end ;) xx

How many confessions do you have not answer?

All of the ones that were sent in. We don't start making them until askfm is closed again xx

Omg you always use 'xx' at the end of a sentence but I don't want an 'xx' of you what does that even mean a kiss or what

I'm so sorry, I'll use *kiss kiss* instead! Maybe... Probably not.. It's too long to type.

Why do you have so many rules? Do you think you have might? Cause you haven't, I bet in real life you're a stupid 14 year old Belieber who hopes Selena and Justin get together again and who's on her mobile 24/7

Omg! How did you know? I'm a hardcore Jelena shipper and Justin Bieber is my life. He is all over my wall and I have all his albums and he is just so fricken sexy!! I'm been to his concerts an everything. OMG? Are you a belieber? Let's be biffles. The only thing you got incorrect was my age. I'm 15 *wink* xx
Liked by: katharina bettels

How many Co-owner does this account have and who's the real 1st admin? :)

The instagram account doesn't have any coowners. It's just me.
This AskFM is run by me and several others. Whenever your confessions are made by them, they will sign their names after 'Made and will post soon :) x'. I don't. That way you know who makes your confessions. If it wasn't for these lovely ladies, I wouldn't be making, accepting or posting as much confessions as I do, so they deserve credit for their hard work and dedication. :) xx

What about the other confessions? Will you even post them if you didn't answer them (here)

I post ALL the confessions unless as stated previously. We answer them WHEN we make them. If you're wasn't answered, it means that it hasn't been made yet. Read the terms and be patiant.

Why you always comment "^^" under my pictures on IG?

I usually comment '^^' on lots of accounts. It means that I'm agreeing with the comment on top, instead of rewriting the same thing. You see it done on my account also.
So for the picture, I'm agreeing with the comment on top. (I prefer Lias'). Hope that makes sense :) xx

so you're getting confessions already?

Yes, askfm is open. Which means I am receiving confessions and will continue to receive confessions until it's closed again :)
Liked by: Tia Delevingne

why do you say you'll post some confessions soon? and other are just rejected?

'Made and will post soon :) x' means that your confession has been made and is added to the 'To Be Posted' list.
We say 'soon' because we can never give you an exact date or timeline of when we are going to post it. It could be days, weeks or months. So it's easier to say 'soon'.
As for 'rejected' confessions, we post ALL the confessions we get UNLESS they break the rules, are banned, sent in when askfm is closed or troll confessions. If a confessions is not going to be posted, we will always inform the confessor that we are 'Not Posting'. :) xx

Stella M became famous because of her friend Barbara P & Ali Kavoussi. Now she walked and works for Vs but Barbara seems not to be liked anymore by Vs

Not posting.
This is a statement/fact, not an opinion/confession.


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