
VictoriasConfession.s on IG

Ask @victoriasconfessionsig

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You are just jealous with Behati cos you always said her non exist career. She is a VS angel, didn't you fcking count that as a job??? Are you a VS model yourself? Nope at all!!! Pathetic. Enough said you clearly defend other models


Yepp, people are jealous with Behati cause she is pretty and rich. She got best job any girl wished for (VS angel) a bad famous boy who fall for her (cute, everybody wants that!) And literally you are just nobody who hate her cos she is famous. Let's face the truth dear, are you prettier than her?

Let it all out sweetheart....

question: where was todd thomas last year (vsfs)?

He was present during the designing and piecing together of the VSFS 2013, but i didn't even notice he wasn't at the fashion show (if thats what your questions implying). I have no clue, he probably had other commitments :) xx

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Please be wise admin, we all know who model you defend and which model you hate. Clearly you post mostly hate and bad confessions about her. Pretty rude :-)

You shouldnt tell people to be wise when you yourself are an idiot.
Let me enlighten you, so hopefully youll gain some much needed knowledge.
People like you send in confessions. I don't control whether they are positive or negative. If a models gets hate>good confessions, then its because people send in more hate>good confession. I post all confessions i get, unless i dont. In that case, you see the ones i dont post. Which is like 2% of the confessions.
If you think im going to stop posting rude BP confessions because it hurts your feelings, you need to unfollow or block or get the fuck off my page. Its not rude, its life. Learnt to suck it up. Its not going to always go your way.

Why you hate Behati so much? I know some of Bee fans IS delusional but not all of them. She is lovely person and nice model, i think you're just jealous like everybody else. Stop hating her cause she didn't do anything wrong! dont judge Bee's fans bad. There's good and bad in every fandom

Nope, i don't hate Behati. What makes you think i do? Because i dont suck up to her and put her on a higher pedestal? Im not going to say someone is a great model, when they are not a fucking great model. Lmaao!
Jealous? Of what? Her near non existing career?
Wheres the hate? I just see truth and people who cant accept the truth...

Calling us delusionals won't change the fact that Behati is doing great and all those facts you are talking about is nothing but false news. Everybody loves Behati and she is a supermodel.

#delusional :) xx

III. heard of Wattapad? That's a place where people scribble fan fictions, if you can't bear the reality, go write ypur delusions there and invite those maroon 5 fans attacking Anne. Tired of seeing you and the rest doing trash on blogsites and confessions.


II. All people loves a douchebag. Now, if you can't accept that "FACTS" about Behati, you better replace that vogue editor if you think you are better than her. Go replace these designers rejecting and see if you can run the modelling world... Oh, wait, you are a nobody too...that's okay, have you


I. Dear anon: you can call people bitches all you want but you can not change the fact that Behati in the modelling gets negative feedbacks. Why would people be jealous of that? Ming Xi and Kendall( even though I don't like her) are more envy worthy. And Adam? Obviously you like him but sorry, not


To that random anon, if it butthurts you that Behati mostly gets bad news and is giving VS a bad sales mark, maybe just maybe go to her instagram site and console her. I heard her Vogue Mexico last january was put in 50% downmark sale. You are barking at the wrong tree.


You know what bitch, allowing Behati haters like you talk about negative "facts" won't make her lesser of a model!!?? No matter what you will say she is Behati, Adam's wife, and you are just a nobody. Instead of defending her, you would prefer blocking Behati fans. Now die!!!! Jealousy kills...

Except, im not jealous. lmaoo :P xx

Confessions that aren't numbered 1 & 2, will be deleted <- what do you mean by that? numbered by who?

If you sent in a 2 parted confession, number each part. So before you type the confession write '1' and then if you confession doesnt fot and you need to send another one, type '2' and continue writing you confession :) if its fits in the word limit and you dont have more than one part, then you dont have to number it. :) xx

I send a con in the other acc about a month ago , is it still counted or i have to send it again in this acc ? Sorry for my bad english

All confessions sent in @modellingconfessionsoninsta were made before we stopped using the account. If it was made, you would have gotten an answer saying 'Made and Will post soon -'. If it wasnt made then you most likely sent it in while askfm was closed, therefore your confession got deleted. Resend it to this askfm WHEN askfm is open :) xx

I want the FB in blue, purple, and pink gradient colors. I think it would be really pretty

Made and will post soon ~ Grace <3

The vogue contributor who called Behati a nobody went too far in saying that she isn't as effective as "last years" who I think is Candice since she saw the VS swim campaign. VS also did a bad move removing her poster after a week. I think VS is pleasing the press too much.

Made and will post soon ~ Grace <3

I think Behati rocked the bangs and blonde hairstyle. even better than Anne V who had that ridiculous hairstyle since who knows when. So what if fashion directors and fashion bloggers think that VS is trying to change Behati to gain more acceptance? It is working and I bet that she will be the Queen

Made and will post soon ~ Grace <3

I don't understand what is the big fuss of VSFS. Those pretty and sexy girl is the highlight. The show just ridicilous, i mean lots of outfit it just weird and silly. Back to the reality, where would you go while wearing those wings or PINK outfit? So silly. Be realistic. It's not good thing

Made and will post soon ~ Grace <3

I totally love the picture from backstage of a Chanel show with Tony and Gisele.It just proves that even thought Gisele is Leo's ex and Tony is his girlfriend,they still can be friends and have fun.

Made and will post soon ~ Grace <3

What was Naomi thinking for getting Anne V as a judge in The Face? I lost respect of her after doing that.

Made and will post soon ~ Grace <3

Everyone is always talking about Behati and Adam and Ale and Jamie, but what about Karlie and Joshua? They are great together!

Made and will post soon ~ Grace <3


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