
VictoriasConfession.s on IG

Ask @victoriasconfessionsig

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HAHA OMG NEVER. But for reals, is that your prediction about what will happen for the show? Gosh that would be horrible 😂😩😭

The one about the outfits in pretty sure will be true. But I don't know about the others! I hope not! That would be a disaster. I really want the 20th anniversary to be something special 😞
Liked by: aishah Fashion

I don't get how Taylor Hill got 2 VS fragrances when there are 10 new angels and 8 of them never got one. They're trying to make her the new Adriana but It won't work.

Why did you send this confession in 383762 times?

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OMG you totally got me and freaked me out 😂

Your reactions were HILARIOUS 😂 I couldn't stop laughing. And some of the confessions I got lol 😂😂
I love you guys so much lol, don't hate me! 😂
Liked by: Fashion

Why the hell did you post about vsfs updates and not tell everyone about the source? Your ig has many followers, pls don't make us panic and make sure it's true before you post them.

I did tell them the source though 😊

Although I love seeing all the models together, I wish Taylor Swift would stop parading round her "squad".

Don't send in the same confession more than once, you'll be blocke!

Since Josephine didn't become an angel, I hope she at least walks in the main line and not pink. And hope she gets a pair of wings she deserves it since she's been used more than most of the new angels.

Nataly Sanchez
Don't send in confessions more than once!

It's funny when people say that you can smoke and being heathly, please don't be naive!

Relate this to models then resubmit

Part 3) that do any of the other angels think it's a bit awkward modeling with her? Do they feel they have a shadow watching them that makes them uncomfortable to model normally? I'm not saying if I was a model I'd ever have that issue, but we don't know how the rest of the Angels feel towards same


Part 2)I wanted Stella to be fired for her interest in women, and I don't think she should be! She should be absolutely proud for who she is, even if she's just "trying it out" to see if that's who she wants to be. NOW, what my confession did say, and what everyone should have gotten out of it, was


(Part 1) This is a confession: I'm writing to clear up my last confession that caused so much mishap; I posted about Stella's sexuality being an issue with the rest of the Angels- 1) I'm not homophobic, I've supported the gays before and ever since Pride day in America. My confession never said that

Made and will post soon :) x

Part 2) Ariana Grande got hit with Elsa's wings because of her performance. If the singers are going to be there, they need to do their job and sing, not strut their stuff down the runway! They aren't the stars of the show, and it's not their concert. This is a fashion show.


Part1) I think Victoria's Secret needs to cut out the performances in the VSFS, or keep the artists to the side of the stage, like Hozier. Their performances are taking away from the lingerie, and quite honestly, lately they've been interacting way to much with the models. For example,

Made and will post soon :) x

P1. I honestly don't know what Victoria's Secret was thinking adding 10 angels. That is way to many girls, and if VS hasn't learned already: the public hates it. It takes away a special moment when a model gets her wings, now it feels like they are just being handed out to anyone "with potential".

Made and will post soon :) x

Pt1. I hate how people go off at others for the use of the word 'replace' when it obvious they are not talking about the models look or stature. VS even use the word to describe when one model comes in to fill the spot of an exiting angel. It's what happens in every workforce when someone leaves;

Made and will post soon :) x

Pt2. so why fans get so worked up over a word is a joke! Elsa replaced Karlie & Miranda replaced Gisele it's a stated fact by VS so deal with it. Don't know it'll you'll post this but it's my thought so i give it a go lol


2. you see photos of them from the past that is not “in” these days doesn’t make them unappealable during their time.


1. I don’t get these people who asks us to give the new angels the chance yet loves to insult and question what the old angels has done for the brand. Yeah, I would love to see the new angels prove themselves but please the old angels has already proven themselves and dissing them just because you

Made and will post soon :) x


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