
VictoriasConfession.s on IG

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3. Alive and people like you just can't take the fact that she is married and she gets international success and recognition. You favor Adriana and Candice too much but hates Behati? Very obvious! One doesn't have to be blind to notice that.

WHOAAAA. International success and recognition? This is why i find you all amusing. I laugh at your stupidity.
Adriana and Candice have better careers than Bee. Truth. No need to favour. No need hate.
They should make a mental asylum for fans who cant tell apart reality and delusions. Wouldnt you agree?

The last time I checked Behati has only 1 poster outside VS. How is that everywhere?

I woul love to know where they live lol. If its not lalaland obviously :) xx

But Bee appearingbin a music video got a bad impression on modelling groups and women right advocates? I agree that how could Adam let her do that in a musoc video, she is his damn wife? Hate me all you want dear Behati fan but I lost repect on Adam and her for doing that.

Thats music video was disgusting. Completely change my perspective of the song lyrics.
Stalking, killing, hunting :/ What is it trying to glorify? What message was it trying to send? That stalking and then killing someone is totally normal?

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2. She is just doing what VS wants her to be is wrong..She was as likable as Candice even before. She walks for big brands and she is in demand. Why do you really hate her huh? She is shinning now, why do you have to add colors on why VS is using her more. Jealous again? Adam is the hottest man

I agree, she was likable before.
She was unique and stood out through her personality. They shouldn't have changed her to 'fit in'. But i admit, i fint her more appealing now than before.
Walks for big brands? In demand? I actually though you were a decent fan, turns out your delusional as well.
Im going to say this until people get it through their thick skull, i never said i hate Bee. And no, why should i be jealous?
Just because A magazine names A guy the hottest man alive, doesnt mean he is the hottest man alive lol. I find him less than average tbh. Definitely not attractive...
Incase you feel like a reality check:
http://models.com/models/Behati/2 and compare her to Cara, Adriana, Candice or Gisele lol. Since her fans tend to do that a lot. :) xx

1. Calling her a nobody even if she is everywhere these days is like hating. Her Animals video is a proof that she can do anything in terma of modelling. Agreeing that

Didnt call her a nobody, reread whatever you read please.
Everywhere? Where do you live lol?
A music video is proof that should could do anything in terms of modeling? Actually, its not.
You dont model in a music video, you act. If she was as good as you think, then she should ditch modelling and become an actress. :) xx

III. only me who notices it but some bloggers and co-commentors. I like her, I really do but i won't be blind with the fact that the fashion world (apart from Vs) is not a fan of her works.

Liked by: Sonja Skarsgård

I was about to sleep when I read that someone called Behati a NOBODY O_O WOW!!! JUST WOW!!!!

i have to go to school but i dont want to miss anything lol :) xx

II. Is not that well accepted. She looks good recently but like one of your commentors said, I pity her that she has to change just for people to like her. For me her catalogues are very photoshopped. I'm not saying these because I hate her, I'm saying these because it is very obvious and it is not

Exactly. I would never change who i am and what i like about mySelf so that i can please others.
Its what the modeling industry does. They make you change your name, fake your height, lose weight, change your looks ect, so they can sell their products. Once you give into that, you're basically a puppet for the industry. :/

You have just proven yourself a Behati hater. Poor you and your insecure fans

'First things first, im a realist'
How am i hating Bee? I would love to know? :) xx

That's one brave soul!! Calling Behati a nobody is like, EPIC!!! *I SHAKE YOU WARMLY IN THE HAND ANON*

Hahaha :P

Interesting in a sense that fans of a nobody gets mad when you don't think their queens are not what they think they are... And Gisele and Naomi fans are so chill.

Gisele and Naomi fans dont talk lol, their careers speak for themselves. What more can a fan say when you have designers, editor, consumers, photograpers ect saying how unforgettable and amazing working with them was? :) xx

I. I also don't get the point why bring up Adam when people thinks she is not that good. It is not all the time Adam is involve about how we see Bee's modelling. VS trying to make her as consumer likable as Candice and the rest to the point of dying her hair blonde really shows that Behati

Its because her marriage and relationship boosted her career ( even if it was for a short time and non permanent). So when people mention Adam, its to show that her career was low, then went high when he was around.
I agree about making her more consumer likable, but honestly, its working for me. I find her prettier blonde and with bangs, than she did before. :) xx

Hahahaha... Did you guys just called Behati a nobody? Lmao. Brace yourselves for Behati fan attack!!!

Thats what i was thinking lol... Im like ohh shieet, better not mention that in my answer (i didnt) lol. But bring it on. We can easily deteriorate any opinions you have with facts. Behati is NOT as good as her delusional fans make her out to be. And if me standing up for my opinion gets hate, then in the wise words of Eminem, GREAT! :) xx

Hey... But in the eyes of the fashion industry and for me as a Fashion fan, Behati is a nobody. The sudden downpour of works came after Adam came tbh. I rarely watch VS bit your Ask fm is really interesting so came here to stalk you too.. Lol.

I agree.
Adam did get her more popularity. She was actually offered work apart from VS (even if its as irrelevant as something like The Edit).
Interesting? Hahaaa lol. Thanks, i guess.
:) xx

Dear Anon, so is it mean now to educate yourself before fantasizing over things that don't really happen to your idol? Oh come on? There are times that calling someone a "QUEEN" has basis. Grow up! The world is not a bed of roses and wake up and face reality.


II. Of those who really know the industry and the sales report speaks for itself. IF i were them, better but all the products Behati models instead of blabbing and insulting the sales report. Look at Gisele fans, they rarely speak but her sales are sometimes recordbreaking.

Gisele is naturally wonderful. Her fans dont need to talk because she, her millions of dollars and sales records, speak for themselves. Whereas in Bee's case, unless a miracle happens (or her fans start buying products she endorses/models), she will never be as good as Gisele, so people have to talk about her and put her on a high pedestal. Its their coping mechanism to try and deal with reality. In the end, they are only trying to convince themselves.
I have no clue if i answered your question or not lol :P im so sorry if i havent, feel free to resend it. :) xx

I. Hi Mel. I don't wantvto sound rude or what. Do you think these Behati fans just can't take the fact that "the somebodies" of the fashion industry said all those facts along with the sales report? I really don't understand why they get mad over this when we did not invent it but opinions of

Youre not rude at all :)
I honestly dont know. Theyve been targeting myself and my account for a while. They've even gone to a point where, if another person comments their thoughts on Bee and its negative, they'd DM them through a fake account and be all rude and stalkerish. This has been going on for months, wayy before those reports. They get defensive in a stupid manner over ANYTHING that is negative about Bee.
I honestly blame Adam. Behati fans werent like this until his fans became Bees fans. Their actions are that of Ariantors/Directioners ect (death threats, stalking, inappropriate comments, trying to prove their idols better using irrelevant opinions>facts ect). And we dont have stuff like Doutzenators or Swanepoliens in tge fandom. We just have fans. Yes there is conflict -opinions do clash- and yes, success breeds envy, but when youre not successful and people make you out to be 4577 times better than
you, people will point to out. These are Adam fans trying to make Bee seem like something she obviously isnt, so that she can be (in their eyes) 'good enough' for Adam. Otherwise it would look like Adam married and fell in love with a 'nobody' (not saying Bee is a nobody) and why love a nobody when you can love a fan? Thats MY opinion...
DISCLAIMER: im aware that not all Bee fans are delusional. :) xx

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Guys, if you think that the account owner is rude then leave. She is not here to please you. Sometimes the truth hurts. Reality bites and it is a hard pill to swallow and if you can't take the harshness of real life then it is your problem.

Thank you! ❤️ :) xx
Liked by: Sonja Skarsgård

"Educate yourself before u make a fool out of ypurself". Whoaa. WHOA. Those Behati fans was agressive but agree you are so rude and un kind, even thou u have good acc. Rude missy, rude!!

Your either too old or too young. 'Rude, missy, rude'? Really lol :P
Im confused...Did you think my account was equivalent to my personality?
Now I'm leaning more to the 'you're too young' side.
But whatever, have a fabulous day. :) xx

Your acc was great. This lately turns out boring and suck. Perhaps it bcs you were unwise to all of us

Unwise? How so?
Please elaborate on that.
'Boring and suck'? Thanks for your opinion. Do i care? Nope.
A Dummies Guide To Getting Rid Of 'Boring and Suck' In Their Feed:
Step 1: Ive attached a picture which shows what my account looks like from your perspective. See the green button? Yeah, the one thats says 'unfollow'. Click it. It will turn white. You will no longer receive posts from this user on your feed.
Step 2: (optional-depending on severity of 'boring and suck')
Click on the arrow left of the username and then click block. You will no longer see any posts from this user, anywhere on instagram.
Hope this will assist you in living a happy and healthy life. Mwaah!

Post of pic of yourself. I wanna know if you prettier than those bunch of models you hate or not hahahaha lmao

I dont hate on models babes, get your facts right please....

Calling people stupid and idiot is rude. Stop it

But telling people to die isnt?
Your mindfucked if thats what your think sweetheart!

I think this acc getting meaner and un healthy. People kept arguing stupid things and insulting models which is model is not an easy world, and ppl forget that model is human TOO = not perfect!

Okay doll, then unfollow. Easy peasy.
Whats unhealthy is you complaining about something, yet still doing it.
If its not an environment your used too, then leave. Your not being forced to follow my account. :/


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