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I have heard people say before there are too much brunettes/blondes. Stop saying there is too much blondes or brunettes! VS don't choose models by their hair color damn it.

Made and will be posted soon. :) -A

the modeling industry should be more open to smaller models, theres really talented, beautiful girls that could be awesome models but cant bc of something dumb like height. I think if the girl is skinny, has talent, personality, the face and can sell, that should be enough, and high heels exist!

Made and will be posted soon. :) -A

Sui is like the Asian Miranda, with the smile and dimples but so much better. It's weird the Asian countries don't get behind her as much as they love Miranda yet she does so well in the Western countries where Miranda is no longer getting jobs.

Made and will be posted soon. :) -A

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1.I think it's good that Adriana admitted that she doesn't eat for 9 days pre-vsfs. Now we understand that the body she is displaying on the show isn't her normal, everyday one. I highly doubt anyone will starve themselves for 9 days because of her. People always say models starve themselves anyway

Made and will post soon :) x

Pt1/2 Having tons of magazines covers, earning a lot of money, having millions of followers does not make a model a Supermodels or iconic. Yes they are good but icon's are models who are muses too not only the fashion houses but the industry & everyday people, like Kate Moss, Linda and Gemma.

Made and will post soon :) x

P1 I don't understand why some people simply confess "[model] > [model]" and don't exlain why. Firstly, why put the two models in the same sentence unless talking about a joint achievement or something neutral? Secondly, why not explain why one model tops the other? I enjoy opinions as a VS fan, but

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(1) I don't understand the hate on the #ImNoAngel campaign. It shows beautiful women who are proud of their bodies and I think that is incredible. I love what the message is: you don't need to be a size 0 to be sexy. And let's be honest, VS deserves all of the criticism it received.

Made and will post soon :) x

(2) VS made did a poor job with their marketing and the backlash was appropriate. I just believe that women of all of shapes and sizes should SUPPORT other women of all shapes and sizes.


(PART 1) I wish Candice would stop trying to be perfect 24/7 and actually show us her real personality, cause she already is a very pretty girl but thats just it, she doesnt have a personality of her own

Made and will post soon :) x

(PART 2) like behati or adriana, shes just the girl trying to be cute and sexy, even the way she dresses, she never takes risks, its so superficial, shows no personality ever and thats boring AF.


I've worked with Miranda before & YES she is down to earth but she is also a diva, though she is no worst than others I could name. The only rule you need to know is to not get between her & the cameras! She is more famous now for her need for being in front of cameras then her affair with JB.

made and will post soon - annita

The Brazilian model boom just proves the industry is always looking for the next best thing. Gisele started the hype and scouts took the opportunity to be all over Brazil to find better. They'll never find better.

made and will post soon - annita

Adriana is like Beyoncé in modeling. Beyoncé has the best live shows because they are so energetic and Adriana opens the VSFS/or segments the best because of her energy.

made and will post soon. - annita

I hope people will stop compare Candice and Elsa all the time. The airplane video fight just made it worse and both fan groups are so agressive. I hope they understand that in reality Candice and Elsa probably don't have anything against eachother

made and will post soon - annita

Candice seem very nice and she's seem to be friend with all angels except for Elsa. I feel like they both didn't get along that well and I wonder why since Candice always seem so friendly and down to earth

made and will post soon - annita

Jac reminds me a bit like Miranda but she's so much cuter. I find this funny because I didn't like Miranda at all, but maybe that's personality wise as Jac seems very genuine.

Made and will post soon :) x - Sofia

I see potencial only on lais, sara, jac, martha and jasmine as angels

Made and will post soon :) x - Sofia

Congratulations to Isabeli for being one of the many beautiful faces of Loreal. I prefer Loreal to Maybelline tbh, not only because of their models but because of their products and marketting!

Made and will post soon :) x

i dont get why bee is the only one getting hate because she smokes! a lot of other angels (candice, adri, erin etc) smoke too but people dont give them hate for smoking!

Made and will post soon :) x


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