

Ask @YanaLulu

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knp kte still buat maksiat wlpn kte tahu kte still xkn puas?n mcm mn kte nk hindarkn diri dr buat benda tu?

Soalan pertama kamu, "Kenapa kita masih buat maksiat walaupun kita tahu kita masih tak akan pernah puas?"
Jawapan saya cukup mudah, "Kerana awak masih belum bersedia untuk MENINGGALKAN nikmat maksiat"
Dalam hidup ni Allah cuma beri kita 2 nikmat iaitu;
Nikmat B E R I B A D A H
Nikmat B E R M A K S I A T
Depends pada diri sendiri, mahu yang benar atau salah.
Depends pada diri sendiri, mahu yang syurga atau neraka.
Soalan kedua kamu : " Macam mana kita nak hindarkan diri daripada berbuat perbuatan (maksiat) demikian?"
Jawapan saya : "Tinggalkan maksiat :)) "
Lepaskan segala yang boleh membawa kepada kemaksiatan hatta sebiji ketul gambar awek/pakwe ataupun artis kpop/melayu/hindustan/hollywood/barat . Buanglah material yang mengingatkan kita kepada mereka. Sebab apa?
Sebab mereka adalah unsur-unsur yang akan menjerumuskan akidah kita ke arah kesesatan. Tanpa kita sedar. Saya ulang lagi, tanpa kita sedar.
Sekian :)

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Liked by: SYAAKUR

What was the last CD you bought?

1. Rindu Madinah (album 6)
2. Qasidah Melayu (album 8)
3. Rindu Madinah II (album 9)
4. Humko Bulana ya Rasulullah (album 10)
This is ever first CD I bought using my money. Organized by Ibnu Sina Institutes. I really recommend to all of Prophet's lover, to buy this kind of CD. The lyrics were so good and incredible.
Mereka dalam pembinaan sebuah dewan selawat yang akan bergemanya qasidah-qasidah dan selawat-selawat ke atas junjungan besar baginda Rasulullah SAW. Kos adalah sebanyak RM5 juta. Ringan-ringankan tangan untuk menyebarkan maklumat ini agar pembinaan dewan selawat akan datang, akan menjadi saham akhirat anda :)) Insya-Allah.
Bank Muamalat : 0701000 2316715
Maybank : 557090 504851
Facebook page : Ibnu Sina Institutes

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Which famous person from the past would you most like to meet?

I would love to meet Kak Hassanah and Kak Mai Izyani; my inspiration since 2015.

How many languages can you speak and what are they?

1. Malay
2. Arabic
3. English
4. Korean
And I still learn all of them. Wish I could speak and learn mandarin like I used to since I was a kid. Really missed it 😭

Look in the mirror. What do you see?

I see my parents' face who had been working hard for raising their daughter from the first I was born until now ; my age is 17.

Have you ever written a poem? If yes, what was it about?

I've written so many :))
It's about friendship, enemies, life, love, missing someone, desperated, introvert, the smile of his, exhausted, melody of obstacles, memories
I can't write it all. Because it's too many :) You can read comfortably on my official website http://yanaalulu.blogspot.my/ and also https://telegram.me/CeriteraBidadari
Have a safe journey through my poems :)) Much love for my readers!

What to do on a rainy day?

Raise your palm to the skies and pray.
Before that, please recite du'a during rainy day. Allahumma soyyiban naafi'ah :)) May Allah grant us a brand new day with a positive vibes

If you could eliminate any word from the dictionary, meaning no one can ever use it again, what word would you choose?

Shit. Fuck. Bullshit.
and all of the negative words.

What kills us and what makes us eternal?

What kills us is MISUNDERSTANDING.
Believe in every Allah's miracle :)

Are you afraid to fly in airplanes?

Nope. I would love to fly.
One of my favourite is staring at the skies and enjoying the vast view.

How often do you think about your future?

Sometimes I thought until I have a beauty and handsome children. I want teach my generations the beauty of Islam :)) Pray for me :')

Do you curse out loud or in your head more?

Only in my head :)) If I curse out loud, I will curse by the name of Allah and it could be scarier for someone who hear it.
Because what's going out is about WHAT'S IN MY HEAD =]

Name your three biggest weaknesses!

1. When someone told me a ghost stories
2. When someone tried to overcome my fear to 'ulat gonggok'
3. When someone judged and laughed at my flaws (instead of helping me how to overcome and keep laughing and feeling that they were the FLAWLESS)

Do you think forgetting is the ultimate revenge?

It is FORGIVING the ultimate revenge for those who had such a pure heart :))

What does true friendship mean to you?

A true friendship is the one who doesn't even care my looks.
A true friendship is the one who keep reminding me about the good things.
A true friendship is the one who doesn't say a bad things about me (even if we were misunderstanding and fight)
This is just my opinion :)) The number one is the most TRUE FRIENDSHIP REALLY MEAN TO ME :)

Do you remember your dreams?

Not all of them :)) I only used to remember the sweetest dreams and I wrote down the dreams . And if I have a free time, I would collect all of them and make a story about it to keep in my memory.
I just wanna share one of my favourite dream (I still keep the storyline in my phone)
I'm gonna use the person as Y .
I just walked around the mosque, and I did met a person who I've never ever meet 'Y' in personally. When I looked at Y, I tried to run away but my legs keep walking towards Y. Y's friend noticed me. Then, Y's friend pointed at me gesturally. Y was watching me walking but my head was keep looking at the ground as I was ashamed to see Y in my eyes.
That's it. Y just a person who had taught me such an amazing life. Thanks :))
-Thursday, September 4th, 2015-

Was there something in your childhood your parents lied you about and you knew they were lying?

When Umi and Ayah told me that I was an adopted child when I was a kid. Because of my looks alike a chinese girl who was not similar to my parents' face.
Yeah and I was crying hard to believe it. They even showed me my real parents' house. It's such a big house. A luxurious one with a grand furnitures and garden.
Haha masya-Allah when I tried to remember each centiment of the day, I would have laugh to myself who believed 'bulat-bulat' and even I made a diary about my real life. Imagine... a kid who doesn't even know a REAL life of lies, she figured it out even she knew that they were lying.
I don't care about the past. My real parents are here. Right now. In this ordinary house. Not too luxurious, but I am fully thankful for having this amazing family. I love mummy and daddy ^_^

What things help you relax the best?

Keluar dari rumah.
Lihat langit yang membiru.
Lihat tumbuhan menghijau.
Lelaki-lelaki berjubah putih dan berserban berkumpul di suatu majlis atau tempat yang baik (semata-mata hanya kerana menuntut ilmu atau kempen selawat/qasidah)


Language: English