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what advice will you give to younger people?

asweirdasme’s Profile PhotoUSMAN
Advice to people of any age:
The words "Shia" or "Sunni" are not mentioned in the Quran. They have no existence in it. The Quran, in Surah Al-Imran, Ayah 103, says:
"Hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided."
Allah, in Surah Al-An'am, Ayah 159, says:
"O Prophet! Those who divided their religion and became sects, you have no part in them in the least. Their affair is with Allah, who will tell them what they used to do."
Thus, creating sects within Islam is prohibited. Anyone who creates sects is moving away from the Quran and Sunnah. The Quran instructs:
"Obey Allah and obey the Messenger."
To be a Muslim, one must simply obey Allah and follow the authentic teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Moreover, do not feel superior to any other Muslim or any human based on caste or sect, as the Prophet (peace be upon him) stated in his final sermon:
"All humankind is from Adam, and no Arab has any superiority over a non-Arab, nor does a non-Arab have any superiority over an Arab; a white has no superiority over a black, nor does a black have any superiority over a white; none have superiority over another except by piety and good action."
The Prophet (peace be upon him) taught us humility. If you feel superior to another Muslim or human, you deviate from the righteous path and become a follower of Satan, who was the first to say, "I am better than him" (Quran, Surah Al-A'raf, Ayah 12).
Furthermore, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said about arrogance:
"He who has in his heart the weight of a mustard seed of arrogance will not enter Paradise." (Sahih Muslim)
Therefore, as Muslims, we need to focus on our faith and deeds and stop declaring others as 'disbelievers' based on their sect while considering ourselves as 'believers.' Unknowingly, we are wasting our good deeds and causing division, which is prohibited in our religion. May Allah guide us all on the straight path. Ameen.

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Send some motivation......🤍

annieech0019993’s Profile PhotoQURAT UL AIN
If you're crying over a man, it will hinder your path to reaching your true potential. The steam of emotions will keep things blurry, and you won't be able to see the bigger picture. You might start underestimating yourself and your capabilities. I completely understand how it feels and the level of vulnerability one experiences due to this. It will take time, but you can heal and become the best you!
This world is full of loss. Nobody is meant to stay with us forever. Every person we meet has a duration. Don't cry over the duration, but understand "the why" behind it. Allah will stay with you forever.

akının annesi vefat etti. cenazesinin görüntüleri her yerde paylaşılıyor gördünüzmü. akın abiciğimi görünce yıkıldım ayakta zor duruyordu. tanıyor musunuz baya ünlü

Allah sabır versin. Ben tanımıyorum ve görmedim ama adamın acısı varken onu o anlarda kamerayla çekmelerini hiç doğru bulmuyorum. Bırakında insanlar acılarını yaşasınlar ve istedikleri gibi vedalaşabilsinler.

Late night thoughts?

mskshariq’s Profile PhotoMuhammad shariq khan⚽
In all these years that I've lived, I have been inherently fascinated with sharply curated, short pieces of poetry or certain lines that carry only a few words but exhibit a whole world therein. And nothing ever comes close to the Quran in this regard.
There is a quranic surah called 'Ash-Shams', one of my favorites. The poetic rendition is just marvellous, in whatever language it is translated, not a single word gets lost in translation. The meaning is deeper than life itself and the verses are are so dense, both on the eyes & the senses. One really gets reminded of Allah & the magnanimity of His being. In His own words:
Late night thoughts

Do you believe that you deserve all of this?

My, my. So many good questions on Ask today! Good work, wise girl. 🏅
Aaaaand no, I don't think I deserve any of this restlessness and uncertainty. I'm still trying to figure out why Allah has chosen this specific journey and bumpy timeline for me.
Let's see when He reveals the reason behind it. Until then, I'm hanging by a thread, hoping it will get better soon, maybe? 🥲🥲
Liked by: Fasih Iqbal Micro. Amna

Are physical pains in the body without a clear reason inevitable?! And does having no financial issues mean that everything is still okay?!

deeda_dahi’s Profile PhotoXalaam
Mental issues also exist... Allah gharibon ko maal k through aazmata hai to see Walon ko bhi azmane ki tareeqe Hain... And every physical pain has a reason get yourself check bro...

What do you do to cope up with sadness?

Become regular with my prayers. Once I get back on track, so does everything else in my life, Alhamdulilah.
Trust me, in the end, nothing and no one except Allah will help you get through your tough and sad times. 🙏🏻

Do you have a clear picture of what tomorrow holds, or are you still wrestling with today's doubts?

MMaryamKhan’s Profile PhotoMaryam Khan
I'm amazed at this question of yours. How can someone have a clear picture of what future holds, that's ghaib and only ALLAH knows that.
We on the other hand can work on ourselves with a hope to make it what we desire by ALLAH's will.

Kis ki talaash hai tumhy?

m_hamza_zafar4’s Profile PhotoHamza.
I’m seeking the truth, the truth that is one. As Rumi said, "What you seek is seeking you." This suggests that our pursuit of truth or understanding is a mutual journey and highlights why it's so important to keep our thoughts positive and prioritize love.
In the universe, everything is energy. Thoughts are energy, and energy has form. When we project thoughts into the atmosphere, they gather energy and manifest in our physical world. The Earth's magnetic energy field is influenced by our thoughts, feelings, and actions. What we project as thought is reflected back and becomes our reality.
The true challenge lies in living within this energy in a way that respects its profound origins.
This is what it’s all about:
To the One,
To the Aleph,
To Truth,
To Allah.
Kis ki talaash hai tumhy

Pendapat kalian tentang laki yang nangis gimana?

Laki-laki itu benda mati, kah? Bukan kan? Mereka juga bagian dari human being yang nggak cuma diberi Allah akal, tapi juga perasaan. Kalo nangis emang cuma buat perempuan, bayi laki-laki seharusnya nggak pernah nangis. Nangis itu salah satu cara mengekspresikan emosi. Nggak ada yang salah kalo laki-laki nangis, selama nggak sampe menyakiti diri sendiri, menganggu atau merugikan orang lain.

where to buy unlimited mental peace ?

herpov’s Profile Photothe woman
Just read Quran with extreme focus. Synchronized thoughts between heart n brain can lead you to create an image of world scenario. You can call anyone through your brain, track every movement whether of electron/proton/photon or giant aircraft. Your brain can work like sonar, lidar and tracking radar, it can match with a whole lot of varieties of electromagnetic spectrum for e.g., frequencies of light from stars, underwater phenomena etc. Why are you keen on proving yourself disabled when we got the Holy Scripture? Have faith in Allah, He can guide you well. Curse everyone who needs to be cursed. If we all had true faith in Quran we could kill all infidels without firing a bullet. Know the muajizaat you'll get surprised.
Liked by: Abdullah Basit Micro.

How much innocent you are?

Unaizahkhan04’s Profile PhotoUnaizah Baloch
I have said this before and I'll say it again.
There's a fair line between innocence and naivety.
We all have been naive at some point and grew out of it eventually. Like when we started to see the world from our parent's lens then we lost naivety, we understood their insecurities, and concerns.
Now what is innocence then? Innocence is something above the distinction of good and bad. Innocence is the state where you are aware of how cruel this world is and how frequently you're being exploited by everyone around you, but you remain silent and bear it with patience but patience doesn't necessarily mean that you'll be silent at everything, maybe you'll speak up one day and tables will turn quite harshly.
Let's just hope Allah keeps giving sabr to the innocent and wisdom to the naive.

What's on your mind lately?

Met a brother from Palestine just now , can't stop that pain in my heart when am trying to feel him, he is Pakistan for his studies on scholarship and his family is in Hebron , knowing that your family is in danger every second , be far away from them and living a life like that , ya Allah, yet he offered me help if whenever I need it he'll help me with anything in his capacity, his name is Mohammad Ismail

Lost trust in loved ones. 3-yr love ended due to mom's wrong advices and criticism setting unrealistic expectations of him. I Resented him, now regret it deeply. He never gave up on me. Loyal man gone. Forced into new relationship. Fiance demands servitude. Terrified. Lost & hopeless. Please help.

Y’all pampered girls sharing everything of your fiancé/husband with your moms thinking you’re going to over-smart him and his family will actually backfire really hard. You’re signing up for your own destruction. Why you girls regret later? Wasn’t it you who allowed your mom to interfere about how you should run your relationship? Did you imagine how much hard was it for your ex? Not even once you tried to stop the “third person” into ruining your life? Remember, the day when one of you start giving command to the third person, the rift will begin to take place.
Though you learned your lesson but it’s too late. Make a choice without asking your mom whether you can adjust with the new person’s nature or not. As long as the new person is giving you respect & provision, it’s better you find solace in this relationship. Surely, Allah is with the patient ones. If not then think properly about it because switching people isn’t a joke. Have mercy on yourself and this new guy at least. While my advice is harsh, it is for your betterment. Never find your ex in your next otherwise dismay will be what’s left.

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Target nikah umur brp?

Tidak ada target umur, yang penting mandiri secara finansial. Kalau menambah ilmu dan membangun kebiasaan baik Insya Allah saya usahakan, sambil berjalan cari ilmu dan bangun kebiasaan sambil mikir kapan ya bisa mampu secara finansial, tapi sisi lain juga tidak mau buru-buru kerja, ingin tuntas kuliah dulu.

Have you ever had a near-death experience?

Lucifersays_hi’s Profile Photoزینب
Twice, once in my infancy, my maa told me that some medicine reacted in my body and i got high temperatures. Paramedical staff was bathing my body in ice cold water to cool down my body temperature at time when the temperature outside was around -2 to -6. but it was not getting in control and doctor left the hope and asked my maa to pray to Allah that i survive through the night. And Alhumdulillah Allah listened to my maa’s pray. (Fun fact my aba didn’t get to know this since my ama was at her home until i got healthy.)
Then in my teenage i had many accidents and every time Allah Almighty saved me from not only dying but from disability as well.
The last accident was a wake up call for me to slow down a little in life. I was severely hit by car that dragged me to 10 feet on the road. My left elbow (i am left handed) got severely wounded that the bone was visible but Alhumdulillah Allah saved me and my bone wasn’t damaged at all. Would you believe nothing happened to the bone only the skin and tissues beneath were damaged. My skin took a month to recover completely, but a year even a little touch to that area, gave a shock of some hefty watts.

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Ever regretted any deed of kindness?

MaheenAaftab’s Profile Photoماہی❤
Never. All I know is that whatever I did any deed of kindness is for the sake of Allah. Even at times, I have felt as if I have been taken advantage of in some way; I have not regretted it cause I think the act of kindness is two-fold - not only does it help the other person; but it is a learning and strengthening experience for me. It teaches me every time about my own life and other people and it broadens and strengthens me. I could not possibly be the same person I am today. 🌻

صباح الخير بذكرى اليوم الذي نجي الله فيه سيدنا موسى من فرعون (عاشوراء .. { قُلِ اللَّهُ يُنَجِّيكُمْ مِنْهَا وَمِنْ كُلِّ كَرْبٍ } ربنا يفك كربك ويفرج همك وييسرلك أحوالك 🤲🤍🚶‍♂️

AhmedGoba604’s Profile Photo꧁༺♡T❉্᭄͜͡M ♡༻꧂
Good morning and have a wonderful day…..may Allah accept our repentance, our fasting and our good deeds

What's the most important lesson you've learned in life?

Lucifersays_hi’s Profile Photoزینب
One of the most profound lessons I've learned in life is the importance of Tawakkul. We are never alone..... Allah's support is always with those who trust in Him.
“And whoever puts their trust in Allah, then He will suffice him.” Quran 65:3

Fav versse of Quran?

☆ فَبِأَيِّ آلَاءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
This one. My nano jaan always reminds me to recite this and it reminds me that no matter how many difficulties we face in everyday life, we have a million blessings in life to be thankful for.
And this one too;
《 Allah does not burden any human being with more than he can bear 》 (Quran 2:286). — It brings so much motivation to a believer who is going through extreme hardship. The fact that a believer is being tested is itself proof that the believer has hope and the strength to overcome any situation as long as you leave things in his hand and have a strong tawakul. 🌻✨️

Yar Pakistan main koi insan kuch bhi seeekhna kyun nhi kuch chahta. Har insan ustad bana hova he Kia Waja Guys?

Kyun k mindset he aesa build up kia jata hai, our focus is never on right & wrong. We would defend our family & friends to everyone & it doesn't matter what they did.
So many girls get raped by family members & they never dare to speak because they know that they will be blamed, some even build up courage & tell their mothers but even they shut them up because right & wrong doesn't matter.
By now you might be wondering that I'm off the rails & what I'm saying has nothing to do with your question but wait a second, it does. When you care about what actually is right & what's wrong, you put your ego aside & accept what's right, it doesn't matter even if that's coming from your enemy so it all comes down to the value of right & wrong in a person. But parents raise their children while being total hypocrites so it's a huge problem with no solution in sight. May Allah guide us all.

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Liked by: Hamzayyy Umair ! Kaina

Yar Pakistan main koi insan kuch bhi seeekhna kyun nhi kuch chahta. Har insan ustad bana hova he Kia Waja Guys?

Our people feel entitled when we are the worst performing countries in the world. We have to come out of this egoistic bubble, humble before you stumble. Just because we have cash, cars, homes, businesses, beauty doesn’t mean we should flaunt about it and consider others as lesser humans. Every person here is worshiping their “self-created” internal God instead of trusting Allah.
Are we integrable people?
Are we accountable of our actions?
Do we own any responsibility?
Are we fair with others?
We never will be because we are worshipping our desires.
Boutt parasti say nikal aiyn haan loog lakin nafs parasti may parr gaiy ha, Khuda bhi kehta hoga kitna na shukra ha yay shaqs.
Think about it, western are not better because they are liberal and always talk about rights, they are better because they are credibility and integrity societies. Yes, they do have societal flaws too such as immorality but our society has adopted their worst(because it makes it makes you modern) and ignored what they are doing best.

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