Ask @baekjei

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Asik ya kak, kenzo sama bayu foto bareng. Itu ceritanya gimana kak bisa foto bareng? Coba tlg buatkan ffnya kak

Ah, itu pas Fabian family pergi liburan sama-sama Sabtu kemarin, dan.... ada satu anak hilang yang ikutan.
Bayu bilang dia bosan banget di rumah, dia cerita sama Syira, "Aku bosen banget nih udah hampir lumutan."
"Kamu kan baru pulang dari US? Gak betah amat sih di rumah?"
"Habisnya aku jadi ditinggal ke Cimahi."
"Kenapa kamu gak ikut ke Cimahi?"
"Nanti kamu nangis lagi." kata Bayu sambil ketawa meledek.

Mereka nginep di resort gitu, terus pagi-pagi Syira udah dibangunin sama Kenzo.
"Ra, jalan-jalan yuk, pemandangannya bagus deh."
"Sama Bayu juga."
"Iya tunggu... ergh."
"Hehe cepetan ya abang tunggu."

Ya, ngomongnya sih mau jalan-jalan bareng liat pemandangan, akhirannya Bayu sama Kenzo jalan berdua ninggalin Syira di belakang. Udah gitu Syira disuruh foto-foto segala macam lagi. Foto candid lah, foto aneh lah. Sampai akhirnya tiba di tempat yang pemandangannya bagus.
"Ra, fotoin ya!" Kata Bayu, mukanya udah dimanis-manisin banget karena takut Syira ngamuk, "Satu lagi kokkk. Habis ini kita yang foto bareng ya sayang?"
Syira cuma masang muka (-_-), "Yaudah buruan."
"Yeeees! Buruan, Zo!"
Kenzo langsung ngedipin adiknya terus mouthing, 'ntar abang teraktir'. Syira udah gak peduli, moodnya udah rusak gara-gara cuma dijadiin kacung. "Udah buruan."
Selesai difoto, selesai pula kesabaran Syira, Syira langsung balik ke kamar karena ngambek. Bayu sama Kenzo cuma liat-liatan, "Lo sih, Zo. Dia jadi ngambek sama gue juga kan."
"Yaelah, gampang itu tinggal dibeliin eskrim."
"Gue hibur ah ke kamar."
Bayu yang udah mau jalan nyusul Syira pun langsung kena jewer, "Satu langkah di kamar Syira sama dengan satu jepit jemuran di muka lo."

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jey coba fast-forward dong ke reaksi daddy kalo 3 little bears punya pacar...

daddy when helping jung tidying jung's study place.
"whose book is it? nara?"
"dad!" jung immediately snatched it.
"eyyy who is it? tell daddy~"
"no.... it's just... someone."
" like?"
jung blushed, "daaad!"
"eyyy!" daddy immediately strangled him, "my son has grown up!"

young's phone was left unassisted on table and there was a message.
daddy was so curious and took young's phone to read the message.
"what are you doing, young? i... miss you??? jung youngwoon?? a boy??"
young who has just finished bathing, heard his daddy's loud voice, immediately ran towards daddy.
"daaaad! why do you do thiiiis~~"
"who is jung youngwoon?"
"aaah dad, he's nothing~!" young ran quickly to the room, daddy chased behind.
"young, don't have a boyfriend too quickly! yaaah!"

coming home with a girl.
"hi mom, dad, this is irene."
daddy got choked by the biscuits he was eating, "heok, irene who?"
"my girlfriend."
"vin?? already??"
"yeah, dad, hehehe."
daddy was entranced by his own son's girlfriend, and got really surprised at the same time because vin was still young.
"hi irene.... uh... is he really cool? what kind of things do you do when dating in your age?"

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amusement park kak!

okay! hehe maaf ya tadi jawabin yang gampang2 dulu, baru selesai ngerjain tugas juga soalnya hwhw T_T

it's a very sunny day! but it also has a very good weather as it is not so hot anymore, autumn is coming~
"ai~ cute boy." daddy said as he put a brown fedora hat on davin, "look mom, isn't he cute?"
mommy who was busy tying the ribbon on young's pink dress, took some time to look at the youngest, "aiii so cute! look, he laughs, vin likes it mm?"
davin could only laugh as he tapped on his new fedora hat.
"mooom?" jung called from the room, "where is my creme cardigan?"
"ah, that's in the washing machine, you haven't washed it since last week!"
"ah, really? hehe okay i'll use the brown one."
but then daddy interrupted, "i know you don't want nara's perfume got vanished, right? that's why you don't wash it."
"daaad, it's not that~!"
jung must be blushing really hard that time??
anyway, nara is jung's crush~

[at the amusement park]
"WAAA DAD LET'S GO ON THAT RIDE!" jung shouted right when he saw a giant roller-coaster.
"ah... jung, seriously, can't we ride another one which is more comfortable and safe?"
"no! cmon!" jung immediately pulled daddy's hand without any permission, not caring about his daddy who kept on whining like a baby.
mommy couldn't give any help so she merely smiled at the helpless daddy.
"mommy let's ride the horsesss." young started pulling mommy's clothes while pointing at the carousel.
"oh? okay baby, let's go!"
meanwhile mommy, young, and vin enjoyed a beautiful carousel ride, there's daddy who unconsciously embarrassed himself in front if his own son.

after that ride, daddy threw up a lot, making jung felt guilty so that he treated daddy a glass of fresh lime squash with his own pocket money.
"sorry dad hehehe i thought you were just kidding."
but daddy merely muttered, "i shouldn't have embarrassed myself in front of my son. why."
"it's okay dad hahaha."
hwayoung who found it funny as well merely laughed a little and then gave jung some hits on his arm as a punishment. mommy, once again, could only laugh as she continued massaging daddy's back. and vin? eating strawberry ice cream happily~

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Kak jeyii Daddy kl manja sm mommy dpn 3 lil bears, mereka bakal gimana?

((interviewing the little bears part 2))
Q: do you think mommy and daddy love each other?
J: why... yes of course, what kind of question is this? (crossing arms)
Y: hihi yeeees! youngie asked mommy! mommy looooves daddy so much, daddy loves mommy muuuuch more ihihi
V: ng...? l...ove...?

Q: what kind of things that mommy and daddy does when you didn't see?
J: if i don't see, then i wouldn't know, is it?
Y: ng... hug! kiss kiss! ihihihi cuteee
V: muuuumm (kissy face)

Q: what would you do when daddy and mommy do something like that? lovey dovey, you know?
J: ah, daddy is so clingy to mommy like a kid, is that lovey dovey? if yes... i will be... speechless. like?? why is daddy like that?? wHY?? is that normal??
Y: laugh hihihihi mommy and daddy are so cute!
V: ng... am... (eats biscuits)

kak, menurut 3 little bears, galakan mommy apa daddy?

((interviewing the little bears))
Q: who's scarier? daddy or mommy?
J: nah, not gonna answer, i'm not going to choose when it comes to parents
Y: mm.... (scratches cheek) mommy...? daddy is scary too... but daddy's face is funny. mommy is funny too! but... mmm...
V: nggg...? mmm... mmy?

Q: what kind of situation that makes mommy and daddy angry?
J: me not coming out of the room to eat, mommy sometimes get angry at dad too when daddy doesn't want to eat, mommy is so strict.
Y: ng.... don't know... when youngie doesn't want to eat? mm... confuse...
V: amamam no nooo (trans: when we don't wanna eat)

Q: why does it always relate to eating?
J: i am busy, mommy doesn't want me to get sick, or else mommy wouldn't let me do anything.
Y: mommy will be sad if youngie sickkkk
V: hehehehe

Q: doesn't that mean mommy is the scariest? yet she's like that because she loves you.
J: (nods) of course.
Y: yeeees! love mommyyyy (love sign) daddy too hihihi
V: ihihihi (doesn't understand every single word)

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kak, ekspresi 3 little bears pas tau kalo daddynya suka gonta ganti warna rambut gimanaa?

((little bears' reaction to daddy's colorful hair))

purple ash grey:
jung → "whoa dad, such a cool colour"
vin → "dadadaddd ihihihi"

jung → "dad seriously??? PINK?? the previous hair was cool already!"
vin → "hehehehe omnomnomm"

silverish grey:
jung → "this is the coolest! don't change it again, dad! and... your hair seem a bit damaged, isn't it?"
young → "aaaangg cotton candy whereee huhuhuhu youngie doesn't like grey...."
vin → "uwaaaa!"

young orange:
jung → "ergh dad, seriously? why not brown? or.... why orange, seriously?"
young → "orange ihihihi sour!!"
vin → "uuung! (sour face)"

daddy's reaction to the kids reactions:

Jei kamu bilang baekhyun di ajak pulang ke cimahi. Terus aing baper jadi inget baekhyun = badri burhanuddin. ????. Maaf jei

gapapa gwencana emang si bayu dulu namanya badri terus diganti.

gak deng.
Liked by: ardhita hastari

i often sent you question when i miss him or i couldnt find news or everything related to him. so thanks again for being nice to ppl especially me. hope someday we could meet up and have a loooooooong convo abt our cutiepie :)

aah i'm so sorry if your questions didn't get any answer! i'm just.... too picky in answering questions :(
yes yes! but all you need to do first is revealing yourself, not being an anon hehe

jeyy thanks for ALWAYS giving me the best answer abt B, i dont know how to fix my heart abt it since the rumor dating revealed. i hv no one to share abt B, my friend thought i was freak and awkward af if i started to talk abt kpop. bcs some of them dont even understand abt boyben boybenan :')

it's okayyy, i just think it's nice to make people think positively at every single thing, including things related to B.
and about your friend, just let them be, you can share other things than kpop with them. but when it comes to kpop, coming to me or any other ones is okay too :)
Liked by: Shafira Arindiyah

coba jey idul adha kemarin bayu main kerumah gk? siapa tau kan bakar sate bareng kak kenzo atau dia yg dibakar (gk)

TEGA BANGET BAYU AKU DIBAKAR NANTI AKU BAKAR KENZONYA (adik durhaka) (boyfriend over brother).

Waktu Idul Adha, sebenernya Bayu diajak pulang ke Cimahi gitu sama ayah bundanya. Tapi Bayu bilang, "Aa mau Idul Adha di rumah Syira aja boleh gak, Bun? Soalnya kasian dia tuh kemarin pas aa pulang dari US dia nangis-nangis sejam."
Bundanya langsung mencibir gitu, "Ih, si aa mah, Syira mulu yang ditemenin, bunda cemburu ah."
Bayu cuma ketawa terus meluk bundanya, "Bunda kan udah aa temenin tiap hari ih."
Akhirnya dibolehin dan ayah bundanya Bayu gak jadi ke Cimahi, potong di rumah aja.

Bayu baru mampir ke rumah Syira sorenya setelah bantu2 pemotongan di masjid rumahnya bareng ayah, dan Syira tau itu. Makanya pas Bayu nyampe langsung diledekin, "Ih bau mbek!"
Bayu ketawa lalu langsung ngapit Syira, "Nih bau mbek nih."
"Iiih beneran bau!"
"Emang! Hehehehe." Kata Syira seraya kabur ke taman belakang tempat Kenzo nyiapin segala macam perkakas untuk barbeque.
Bayu langsung ikutan jalan nyusul Syira setelah selesai salaman dan menjawab segala pertanyaan dari mama dan papa, termasuk 'kapan Syira mau dilamar? hehehe'.
Meski kadang Bayu suka bercandain Syira soal lamaran, pertanyaan itu cukup bikin Bayu jantungan karena ditantang langsung sama yang punya anak?
Dengan muka grogi, Bayu nyamperin Kenzo sama Syira yang mulai nyiapin daging untuk dibakar.
Kenzo noticed it, "Kenapa muka lo tegang bener? Sedih ya temen2 lo mau gue bakar?"
"Elo dong, kan lo temen gue." Jawab Bayu.
"Lah gue kan calon kakak ipar lo." Kata Kenzo sambil senyum mencurigakan, Bayu lagi2 dibikin kaget.
"Woy, Zo, jangan ngomong gitu lah, grogi gue." Kata Bayu yang tiba2 ngambil clamp buat sekedar mengurangi groginya.
Syira langsung gemes dan meluk Bayu, "Hihi jangan grogi gitu dong, gemes deh."
Bayu cuma bisa senyum, asli dia gak pernah segrogi itu. Kenzo pun langsung bantu Bayu buat menurunkan groginya dengan cara, "Woy, jangan dipegang doang itu clamp, sini bantu terbalikin daging."
Bayu langsung ngangguk dan ngerjain semuanya dengan gerakan profesional.
"Jago juga kamu, Bay." Kata papa sambil nepuk punggung Bayu pelan.
"Hehe, iya om, udah biasa dirumah suka bantuin ayah. Ayah suka barbekuan gini juga soalnya."
Papa cuma ngangguk2, "Nanti langsung bawa ke meja makan aja ya."
"Siaaap om."

Malamnya, mereka pun makan bersama. Segala macam topik diangkat, dan topik terakhir malam itu adalah,
"Bayu kalau butuh tips2 melamar, tanya om aja ya, om jago nih."
"H-hah? Melamar... kerja, om?"
"Ya melamar cewek lah!"
Dan muncullah Bayu Grogi untuk yang kedua kalinya.

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What is your favorite thing in your room? PAP!

Idk, but I just a found something between the pile of documents in my pc, something I wrote months ago. And, wtf, why is it so sad??

He's the light.

"NO!" I heard him shouting really loudly, as if he knew that I've been refusing to listen to any kind of sounds, the ones which human made,
the ones which sounded like prohibition, and wise words.
I didn't know what kind of magic his voice held, but I halted my willing only to listen to the beautiful sound he made, even though it was full of fearsome and worries, it was still beautiful.
The only voice that I wanted to hear.
"Don't do that, dear. What about me and the kids, don't you have us in your mind?" He said, even though I couldn't see him, I knew that he was trembling from head to toe, tears running down his cheeks so beautifully.
"I do..." I let out my voice which sounded more terrible than his, "I so do, too much of you."
"So why are you standing there? Come down and go home with me."
Home. I nearly forgot about where my home is, about how nice it is, I nearly forgot about everything that's nice.
I heard him walking closer, and I sensed his arm was getting ready to pull me back to the reality,
but when he finally did, I smiled, moved forward, and let us feel the thick air,
"We're flying, baby."

He's the medicine.

If I were to describe how heaven feels like in my imagination, it definitely has no antiseptic smells.
I opened my eyes only to be welcomed by a blinding light which burnt my whole eyes, it hurts so much that I wanted to pull my eyes out. It's been a really long time since I saw such a blinding light before I get used to a pitch darkness.
And it was the first time I wished that I could just stay blind forever.
The kind young woman brought me to an intimidating room after I asked about his whereabouts, I asked her many times if she was bringing me to the right place, but she didn't give me any answer.
She merely rubbed my shoulder and brought me in, opening the white blanket to expose the fragile and cold form of my beloved human.
"He saved you."
He left me.
"He said he wanted to give you his eyes so that you can see the colors you always loved, again."
He let me see the cruel world alone.

He's the wound.

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jey hv u seen bh's ig update ? im anxious abt beach he uploaded and curiously check taeng's ig. huhu tetiba negative thinking gt. do you think baek and taeng r still dating ? im bh stand, i want him to be happy however but yeah im a stupid-weak girl if it's abt girl especially taeng:')

why are you so anxious? because taeyeon uploaded something related to beach several days before baek? this one?
what are you thinking about? they went to the beach together?
they went to beach in different days, baekhyun was in fiji island with exo and idk which beach taeyeon went to.
about whether they're still together or not, i honestly am so confused.
some of my friends said that the reason of the breakup was fake, some others said the breakup itself was fake, and some others said the RELATIONSHIP itself which was fake.
idk which to believe, but i will just believe what media has brought, and live happily and keep on loving B~
Liked by: kjds Anggun Thalia

Ka jeyi suka ntn ncis? Karakter favoritnya siapa kak?

waduh udah lama gak nonton hahaha tapi paling suka sama.... antara Gibbs atau DiNozzo sih. Depends on their way in solving the problem di setiap episode hahahah.

Kak jeyi, mau bayu sama jeyi yang lucu-lucu gitu dong hehehe

Bayu itu berisik, berisik banget. Tapi, seberisik apapun Bayu, semenyebalkan apapun Bayu, entah kenapa Syira seakan-akan gak bisa hidup tenang kalau gak ada keberisikan itu.
Maka dari itu, pas akhirnya Bayu balik ke Indonesia lagi setelah beberapa minggu stay di US demi tugas liputan, Syira langsung seneng banget. Bahkan pas Bayu baru berisik di telepon jam 7 pagi.
"Siapa sih nih." Kata Syira dengan suara super ngantuk, otaknya belum loading 100% buat tau kalau itu adalah suara Bayu.
"Siapa yaa?"
"Hai sayang." Nada bicara Bayu langsung berubah sweet, "Good morning, baby."
"Iiih," mata Syira udah mulai panas, mau nangis, seneng banget akhirnya Bayu nelepon. "Norak mentang2 baru balik dari US."
"If you want to cry, then cry first, jangan sambil ngeledekin aku." Kata Bayu di ujung telepon sambil senyum2.
"Lah beneran nangis??" Bayu panik, kedengeran suara pintu kebuka dan suara gubrak-gabruk orang yang lari terburu2.
"Kamu lagi... lari2... mau kemana sih... ketinggalan... pesawat...?" Tanya Syira sambil sesenggukan.
"Enggak, aku ketinggalan sesuatu yang penting banget nih."
Tiba2 pintu kamar Syira kebuka.
"Ngelap airmata kamu." Kata Bayu yang tau2 udah berdiri di depan kamar Syira.
"IIIIH!" Syira reflek lempar bantal, Bayu reflek nunduk, dan bantal langsung ngenain muka Kenzo yang baru banget keluar kamar.
"Ya Allah." Kata Kenzo pelan. Bayu langsung ketawa kenceng, "SORRY, ZO!" Dan langsung nutup (dan ngunci) pintu kamar Syira.
Bayu langsung lompat ke kasur Syira dan meluk Syira erat2, gak peduli sama Kenzo yang heboh gedor2 pintu.
"Jangan nangis lagi, princess." Kata Bayu sambil ngelus rambut Syira.
Syira sibuk sesenggukan di bahu Bayu, "Prince jangan pergi lagi..."
"Iya, prince janji kok." Kata Bayu sambil senyum dan cium kening Syira.

"WOY JIJIK!!! PRANS PRINS PRANS PRINS." Teriak Kenzo yang ternyata denger dialog Syira dan Bayu dari luar.

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Language: English