
Elliot Temple

Ask @curi42

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Have you watched the Atlas Shrugged movies & Fountain head movie? What do you think about them?

the Atlas Shrugged movies are awful.
i didn't like any Objectivism related movie stuff I've seen enough to recommend it.

Would philosophy spread faster if Donald Trump endorsed and helped objectivism? Why won't he do that?

it'd help if he actually knew what he was talking about. if he was the same thinker as today (who e.g. is clueless about economics) but told people to read Objectivism, i don't think it'd be terribly helpful.
he doesn't advocate Objectivism because he doesn't understand or value Objectivism, and doesn't like what little he knows.

Why do you like South Park?

funny plus insightful (sees through and attacks lots of typical lies) plus dense content.

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Why was Popper a socialist?

that's pretty harsh. let's just say he didn't understand capitalism or write much about it.

Can Catholics read Ayn Rand and be Objectivists?

and stay Catholics? only with some contradictions. Catholicism is false.
but it's not as if the non-Catholics are free of contradictions and mistakes. Catholics shouldn't be particularly discouraged.

What type(s) of music do you like?

various but electronic is best. like techno, trance, i don't pay much attention to the names.

which of szaszs books would you reccomend about addictions?

Ceremonial Chemistry: The Ritual Persecution of Drugs, Addicts, and Pushers, Revised Edition

(oops). Why do you think Szasz is so knowledgeable about addiction? With respect, you seem to know nothing about it. I've been clean for two years, but with help from those who know. Can I ask that you raed some stuff by David Smallwood or Patrick Carnes?

cuz i've read Szasz and he has high quality reasoning.
if Szasz got something wrong, point it out.
does Smallwood or Carnes quote Szasz and then argue against something Szasz said? if not, do you or anyone else have an argument that Szasz was wrong which involves them in some way?
and you're mistaken to think me and/or szasz doesn't know what we're talking about on account of not having the same views as you. that's unreasonable. disagreeing with you is not evidence of ignorance.

Is being a philosopher more fun than being an average ignorant person?

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more fun. i have so much fun -- and higher quality fun -- that you can't even conceive of it. i mean you can't right now. learn philosophy and things can change.

What GDP growth would you expect in an hypothetical Randian USA?

like a number? i don't know i never tried to calculate it. a lot more. GDP is a shitty metric anyway though.

Shouldn't I smoke like Ayn Rand to be a good thinker?

no. and note that Ayn Rand never wrote an argument that you should smoke to be a good thinker. i'm not even aware of her claiming you should smoke at all.
this is like the people who dye their hair to be more like howard roark. don't do that! that's superficial!

Are there jobs better than Freelance Programming?

sure. US President. Apple CEO. writing a column and best sellers which say what you want to say (rather than compromising to appease your audience as is common), like Ann Coulter does.
broadly, knowledge work is good, and manual labor is bad. being a programmer minimizes manual labor. lots of knowledge workers -- e.g. laboratory scientists -- end up doing some manual labor like washing vials out or moving stuff from one table to another table or measuring the right amount of a chemical. limited amounts of manual labor like that are ok (just like the labor of typing is ok). some jobs have too much and some don't.

Should Philosophers drink coffee or vape tobacco? Do you recommend any good sobering drugs for thinkers?

there is no special reason they should, and i don't recommend it.
if you want to do something outside of thinking/learning itself to try to help your mind, i suggest: *get plenty of sleep*.

My question is, what practical help do you think can be given to Joe and people like him? My other question is, how will Mr. Szas's books help him?

his problem is bad ideas. books share good ideas.
as for practical help, e.g. one of his friends could give him a couch to sleep on, some tea, and use of a shower.

Joe doesn't need, or want, libraries of text books. What he needs, and wants when he can think straight, is practical help. He can't pay you, he has no money. Force as a government agent? Eh? I didn't ask about that (unless you're the secret police).

Szasz's books are not text books and you don't seem to have a question here.
As a private citizen, what will I do for Joe? Is that your question? You don't state it. My answer to that: write essays he may not read. You can call my answer "nothing" if you want to. I don't know Joe and I have other things to do.

Example: Joe is hooked on heroin. Because of his addiction, he has lost his marriage, his home and his job. He now lives on the streets and survives by begging and soup kitchens. Any money goes to his dealer for another fix. What would you do for him?

why would i do something for him? is he asking for anything?
one thing i'd like someone to do for him –but not me personally, i have other interests – is run a *cheap* *for profit* rehab center for voluntary self-paying clients only. lots of rehab centers are either charities or oriented towards wealthy people. but there's really no reason they can't be cheap plus for-profit. and if you get it both cheap and effective enough, you can offer payment plans on the basis that you actually help people enough they end up paying you back.
there is other help available to Joe. e.g. we have libraries where he can read the books of Thomas Szasz. but i'm guessing he doesn't want to. and your question is really about what i'm willing to do TO Joe, by force, as a powerful government agent, rather than what i'll do FOR him.

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Your solution to the drugs problem. (I thought that's what we were talking about). Freedom good, force bad ... absolutely. I wasn't arguing, you brought it up. So what do you think should be done to help people addicted to drugs, alcohol, etc?

i have no idea what "the drugs problem" is.
some people have problems in their lives. some of those problems involve drugs in some partial way.
as usual, they should help themselves. this includes requesting and paying for help from others. it doesn't include the government.
you can help individuals you know, if they want your help, and you want to give it.
if you have a particular question about how to help people in some situation, you'll have to be more specific. drug use varies lots. as a generic answer i'd say get them some Thomas Szasz books.

You brought up taking money by force. So what would be your solution?

solution to what? freedom is good. force is bad. get over it.

Taking your money against your will is exactly what will happen because the addicts will need it to buy thir fix. Who else do you think is going to? And what wouild your solution be?

it sounds like you assume all drug users are criminal thieves. that's prejudiced and doesn't fit the facts. and it doesn't fit the "innocent until proven guilty" approach to crime.
you've also changed the subject from taking money via taxes to taking money via burglary. i think you're just throwing ad hoc arguments at me in a one-sided way.

So it's ok for people to get hooked on drugs etc but not ok to help them to recover? You'd be ok with alkies and druggies in the streets and all the problems that would follow?

i'm not ok with INITIATION OF FORCE. i am ok with freedom, including the freedom to shoot yourself in the foot, commit suicide, or ruin your life. but if you ruin your life, you don't get to take my money, against my will, to try to fix your problems.
i didn't say anything about letting people live on the street and commit petty crime. i'm in favor of law enforcement.

Should recreational drugs be decriminalised and the money previously used for enforcement put towards treatment and rehabilitation?

decriminalization is ok but the govt should not pay for treatment or rehabilitation. you wanna take drugs, you pay for the FULL costs. no subsidies for pot smokers.


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