
Elliot Temple

Ask @curi42

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Pick any thread you've ever had with Lulie, Richard, Rami, Seph ... anybody other than David basically. It will almost surely exemplify that. You're also obsessed with authority. The reason you don't see that is probably that authorities you're obsessed with aren't very conventional.

So, no examples.

You hardly share them when discussing things with people. You should engage with the ideas that people you're discussing with have. But as I was saying you lie to yourself bout being interested in any of this. You seem to be more interested in people thinking of you as great. Which you're failing at


The fact that you constantly ask people to ask you questions rather than engage with their ideas and share yours is something someone seriously interested in progress and discussion wouldn't do. You asked for specific cases where you lie to yourself. 300 characters was too few. I have more.

which ideas should i engage with more/differently?
i do share ideas

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You lie to yourself about your lists being anything but a place where you get to scream at people. You're lying to yourself when you pretend all those groups that kick you out don't kick you out for real reasons. You're lying to yourself that you're interested in philosophy.

got arguments?
also if you aren't going to ask questions, maybe you'd prefer the open thread at my blog? http://curi.us/1785-fallible-ideas-unformatted

How much do you think you lie to yourself?

Some. idk. how should i know?
if anyone can point out any specific cases, that'd be real helpful.

u seem like u h8 trans ppl and and dnt care abt them or even want to lsten to thm, whats ur problem with trans ppl? y wnt you accpt that their just born that way and dnt have a choice and jst want to be acepted for who they r? theres lots of proof of this!

what won't i listen to? what proof?
i consider genetic determinism false. to start learning why, see Objectivism or join my discussion group and read BoI and ask what BoI (http://beginningofinfinity.com) says about it https://fallibleideas.com/discussion-info

And, I never confuse or coerce people; sometimes they make a mistake, but that's easily fixed. You really do need to talk to some trans people ton find out the facts.

This one is the fault of ask.fm setting a length limit on questions.

As a trans man, I knew what I was well before puberty. Puberty was awful. I didn't dare tell anyone. My parents allowed me, grudgingly, to have short hair. I am now happier than ever. Pressure not to change back? None, though plenty of pressure not to change to start with.

This isn't a question. I guess your point is you're biased, taking the issue personally, and relying on an argument from authority.

Do you count the number of things you learn from or teach to people?

No I don't count. But when it's less than 5, it's easy to remember if you try.

Re: your biggest unsolved problem being that you want a peer (or above you) to discuss ideas with. What would someone need to be like to count as a peer?

loosely: for every 100 things i teach them, a peer should be able to teach me 20-500 things. (500 means i taught them 20% as much as they taught me. more or less than this range and there's a big skill gap)
they should know tons of great stuff i know (like what's in many of the most important books), instead of being way way behind. they should be able to teach me stuff, win arguments with me (loosely, peer is someone where each of u are winning at least 20% of the arguments).
they should be able to contribute to progress, instead of just trying to catch up to what i already know.

If we accept that mental illness is a myth, are there legitimate forms of coercion in situations where laws are not broken?

I'm guessing you mean with ideal laws with no loopholes.
I don't know if by "coercion" you mean force or TCS-coercion. (What is TCS-coercion? This: http://fallibleideas.com/coercion )
If you mean force, no you shouldn't force people who aren't doing anything wrong. No you shouldn't initiate lawbreaking.
If you mean TCS-coercion, then it depends how you assign responsibility. If I decline someone's offer, they might get TCS-coerced.

re trans stuff, what about kids who identify as the other gender? do you think that is about sex? or is it something different than adults who are trans?

if kid is pretty young, then that's usually about bad parents, bad culture.
parents do stuff like: not let kid have the haircut, toys, dress they want.
then if kid fights with parent over it (common), a lot (somewhat less common), certain parents will think like "well if kid is trans, then they can have the stuff they want" and offer that as the one way to get it.
they'll read trans propaganda/advocacy and find it appealing and get drawn into that stuff.
some parents like the LGBT community, like being involved in something progressive like trans, etc. or have the background ideas so once they find out about it, they'll like it.
one of the awful things here (applies to trans people in general, and e.g. homosexuals too, but especially awful here) is the pressure not to change back.

it takes time and effort to learn PUA stuff. it's ok, it works. but if you want sex with another person: just have it with a guy. no bullshit. save time. put your creativity into more worthwhile projects than getting a female. if you prefer females - change your preferences. Thoughts?

changing from MF to MM sexual preferences is a LOT more work than learning PUA for a typical member of our culture.

What do you do for a living?

Philosophy and programming. Freelance. You can hire me! I'm really good.

If someone is male but identifies as female (or vice-versa) what is a better solution to their conflict than what they mostly do - some combination of elective surgery, a lifetime of confusing the shit out of everyone and coercing people who aren't even remotely interested?

Reconsider genderroles themselves. Learn philosophy and use that to deal with it better.

Me, hostile? The readers will judge. My "source" is personal experience and knowledge. Why do you think what you do? Where does your opinion come from? And what do you actually mean by "Fuck with people in public" and "Do the trans thing"?

So, you have only anecdotes. If you want to discuss ideas, why don't you come to FI list?

So no answer then.

make ur question less hostile. mb give ur own sources instead of demanding mine (i don't even know what sort of sources you have in mind – i see it as a philosophy issue, and i don't see you as interested in philosophy)

Why do you disagree? What's your source of information? You need to speak to someone who knows all about being trans - like a trans person. Try learning about it before spouting your mouth off.

u mad?

You're completely wrong. Gender dysphoria is not about sex, it's about how our internal gender (what we know we are) differs from how our bodies have developed. "Fuck with people in public"? "Do the trans thing"? What are you on about? Consequences? Of course. The doctor explained that.

I disagree.

Do you think all trans people are engaging in "fetishes, kinks and role play"?

Something like that, yeah. It's a sex thing! Yes they also like to fuck with people in public, but the sex stuff is a big part of it.
I'm skeptical any significant numbers of abstinent-for-life types do the trans thing. I think approximately all of them care about the sexual consequences of being trans.

Both major parties, and some minor ones, have female candidates for the presidential election. Is the US ready for a woman president?

Well, which female candidate is actually good?
I admit Hillary is no worse than Obama(a man). But she's an awful candidate.
I'd vote for Ann Coulter for president in a heartbeat. I don't mind female presidents. I never agreed with Rand about that. Yes a larger percentage of the male population would make a decent president – men more often have the right traits. But that doesn't matter. The people running for president are not a random sample, they are self-selected unusual people.

What's your opinion of Caitlyn Jenner?

Bruce Jenner shouldn't be getting much attention. Who cares about his fetishes, kinks and role play that he wants to take outside the bedroom? Why is that in public?
(Answer: because the radical left wants to attack traditional values and lifestyles, for the sake of destruction.)

What's the best thing you can purchase for $5?

get some iOS apps. super efficient value for money there


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