
Elliot Temple

Ask @curi42

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i think you advocate having 1 kid @ a time, raised by 1 parent in a way that requires > average parental resources. if many westerners followed your recommendations it would worsen western demographic problems vs. 3rd world & poors. do you agree this is problematic and if so, whats your solution?

to begin with, if everyone listened to me about everything, we'd assimilate the entire world in no time. no more compromising and appeasing, they'd learn to be Western too. assimilation is being HEAVILY SABOTAGED but cultural relativism, multiculturalism, and in general the left and "moderates" (e.g. the leftist sympathizers making up the majority of the Republicans).
and even if that didn't work, we could still at least change immigration policy so no Western country gets flooded with unassimilated people. don't take in more people than we can handle and assimilate.

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Don't have first clue about how it happens in brain. Something about chemicals making cells do stuff faster. Who cares? Works for me. Stay awake longer...focussed on stuff I wanna b focused on longer. But - drugs give new information you don't get without taking them. why not try?

you believe it works for you. you could be mistaken. you don't understand the subject, so i'm not going to trust your judgment – and you shouldn't either.
if we're going to tell vague stories like "X drug makes you think faster/better somehow" there are plenty of alternative ones we could tell. like "X drug helps you self-coerce". that, too, could explain getting some additional work done.

Is there any point to dressing well? Why bother trying to look good? Should we care at all about appearance?

i recommend appearances that won't get the cops called.
well, what are you trying to accomplish in life? what are the purposes of the clothes? want to impress someone? want to get treated normally? want to stand out? just want utility? are you second handed?

Speed - especially smoking crystal meth: can get 3 days work done in 1. Sleep a bit after. But do it right, way better than Adderall. Would you try it?

what kind of work? by what mechanism do you think it helps you get that work done?
Liked by: Jake I. Lourden

Why get wasted? Feels good. Do you do stuff other than just pursue thinking? Y not search for best pleasure we know how to get? Go back to thinking after. In fact: can then think about the wasted experience. Might learn something new.

the beginning of infinity – progress – is much more deeply fun to pursue than the same stuff which every idiot thinks feels good.
there's so much to be done in life, gotta prioritize

No studies. Government prohobition makes it too hard to do good science. Best you can do is look up stuff like erowid.org Scientists know fuck all about drugs.

do you have an explanation of how drugs would help you think?
like do you think better? but you're already a UNIVERSAL knowledge creator, so what's to gain?
more cpu speed? i think people rarely max their cpu out anyway.

Some people take cocaine or speed and claim it makes them think better/faster. Any merit in this? Would you try it?

why those instead of like Adderall?
if it works so great, start by linking me some study where they beat a control group on a math test or something.

When was the last time you got wasted? And on what?

Why would you want to get wasted? That makes it harder to think.

So would a better wording for you be to treat others as they wish to be treated? Or, to rephrase Jesus, "Love your neighbour as they want to be loved"?

That's better in some ways. But it's very exploitable. If I want to be given lots of fancy cars as gifts – that's how I wish to be treated – should you give them to me?

I don't read the GR in the way you do. For me, it doesn't say anything about pretending everyone is the same as me. It says I should treat people as I like to be treated (in general, not any specific circumstance). This boils down to being nice to others. Why do you interpret it the way you do?

If you like to be treated X way, and someone else likes to be treated Y way, Golden Rule says to treat them X way. This is very dumb, unless you assume everyone is the same as you (all people want to be treated X way).

You said below that you think the Golden Rule (love your neighbor etc) is "Stupid, immoral and destructive." Can you elaborate as to why and how? How being nice to people is immoral or destructive is not obvious.

The golden rule does not say "be nice to people". It says something a lot more like "pretend everyone else is the same as you, has the same preferences as you". It also disregards your self-interest.

Why is "an omnipotent God" a contradiction? Not for people who believe in one.

You said why: because of the problem with the rock. All powerful means being able to lift anything, and being able to make anything (like an unliftable thing).

Imagine that an omnipotent God actually existed. Could he make a stone so heavy he couldn't lift it?

Your question shows that "an omnipotent God" is a contradiction. Contradictions can't actually exist.

Answer the question. You said homeless people should "solve their own problems". Suggest a course of action they may take to do that.

move back in with parents, go to a shelter, save panhandling money, whatever. then maybe get a job or husband.

How do you expect a homeless person to solve their own problem? magic a house out of thin air? if a guy has nowhere to live, no money, may well be in poor mental and physical health, what do you propose he does? And no, their situations don't 'vary a ton', they all have the same problem: no home.

way to stereotype people and lump them into a big collective and refuse to admit individuals exist :(

Up to each of who? I mean, what would be your soloution to the homeless problem?

Individual people who are homeless and don't want to be homeless should solve their own problems.
And their situations vary a ton so a one-size-fits-all solution from me would not work.

What do you think should be done about the poor and the homeless?

That's up to each of them, individually.

How about equality? (equal pay, equal rights and so on, for people of a different gender, religion, orientatiom, race, etc).

what about it?
you can't hire women to do the same work for 70% of the pay. if you really could, a lot of companies would LOVE to hire those women and make more profit. this extra demand to hire those particular people would raise their wages. all the way to equality.

What's your view on inclusive language?

oh you mean like gender neutral language? i think it's sexist for implying women are too weak and fragile to handle people using the word "he".

So no helping the homeless, giving to charity, paying someone's bus fare if they've lost their purse, helping an old lady across the road?

capitalism helps the homeless by dramatically raising the standard of living of everyone. and by not raising housing prices via rent control, tons of building regulations, high property taxes, etc. and capitalism helps unskilled workers get jobs by not destroying jobs in various ways including minimum wage laws (which primarily hurt the least skilled workers)
if you want to help an old lady across the road, or pay someone's bus fair, i'm not going to stop you. i'm also not going to make you. (no one today is going to make you either, so i don't get the issue. voluntary today, voluntary under full capitalism)
about charity in general, look, i'm doing these ask.fm questions as charity. i think this is a better way for me to help people than walking people across intersections. i'm better at this, i have comparative advantage at it.
there's nothing wrong with charity when
- it isn't a a sacrifice. don't sacrifice yourself
- you want to do it, voluntarily
- it's a good use of resources. don't do charity just for the sake of charity. you should consider if it makes sense. don't spend $20 to benefit someone $5.
- it's best if there are values involved for you, ways you can benefit. for example i give away ideas and answers and help people. but i gain value here too: it helps create a better world for me to live in, it helps me find interesting people to talk to, etc
- don't just throw money at something like greenpeace or PETA or ron paul without knowing much about the issue. spend money on stuff where you know what you're doing, you know the topic and can argue why you're on the right side. don't do it to try to reduce some guilt you shouldn't feel or to impress some people.
more could be said but that's a good start.

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What would it take for you to do something good for someone else?

An explanation of how it's best FOR ME TOO. My interests don't conflict with his, rationally and considered in the longrun and big picture. So if it's not OPTIMAL for me, then it's a bad idea! But if an action is optimal for me, then frequently it's going to help others. I have done tons of things that help others a great deal, such as answer ask.fm questions for free, give out free blog posts, etc, etc. But I've liked doing these things, and if I didn't like it and they hurt me, then I'd never have done them out of sacrificial altruism.

What do you think of the Golden Rule (Love your neighbor as yourself, do as you would be done by, etc)?

Stupid, immoral, destructive.
My neighbor and I have different preferences. And different responsibilities.


Language: English