
Elliot Temple

Ask @curi42

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Should we be selling arms to Saudi Arabia?

no. not without first insisting on some changes/demands/conditions. saudi arabia might be able to be an ally. but we have to ask them to do some stuff and they have to agree.

Why is recycling bad? Is it better or worse than landfill, and why?

i don't agree with everything here like the $15 per ton of landfill tax. but think about that. they are saying they calculated the harm of landfill, in terms of environmentalism, at an extra $15 per 2000 lbs above what getting rid of garbage currently costs. if we accept their number ... it's tiny. not worth the human effort to recycle. individuals doing recycling would save far far less than minimum wage. there's so many better things to spend your time on than making the effort to recycle 5 lbs of stuff today for 3.75 cents.

That doesn't say what's actually wrong with getting energy from stuff other than fossil fuels. And why is recycling bad? Isn't it better than huge piles of yuk?

what are you talking about? the book has the word "solar" 101 times for example.

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You said that a two-party system is better because it avoids compromises. I proposed that a compromise is better than a government that can do as it pleases and introduce extreme and unpopular laws which benefit only itself and its cronies. Why do you think compromises are bad?

read BoI.

Surely a compromise is better than a party pushing through extreme policies with no viable opposition (except in the general population, who have no say in the matter)?

i'm unclear on what you're trying to argue with.

Ref Clinton, can you elaborate? Specifically giving nukes to Iran and making SCOTUS anti-American - in what way? (I think all governments expand whichever party they are).

follow breitbart.com and frontpagemag.com for a few months in order to get a handle on what's going on.

Why should the President not be directl;y elected?

the US states matter, and there should be checks and balances on the "will of the people" or whatever too.

In what way(s) do you see Mrs Clinton destroying civilization?

giving Iran nukes, expanding government, anti-American SCOTUS

Why are you curious to find mistakes in DD's book now? After all these years.

i have been interested in any mistakes in DD's books the entire time. it's nothing new. it's good to find mistakes so you can improve things.

why do you use privacy as a means of fraud and abuse?

1) what? i don't.
2) you post nasty stuff on my ask.fm anonymously.
how about next time you post a comment i find kinda abusive, i take away your privacy by revealing your name. sound like fun? or do you maybe see some value in broader privacy protections to enable you and others to speak your mind more freely?

i think you've just broken her. how does it feel to ruin someone's life?

i don't know since that's not what happened. why do you think you know what happened?

i think it would make more sense to ask for evidence that they were interested in sleeping with him at all. pua seems to exploit the fact nerds just don't know many women and see anything - friendliness or even just having a conversation as a sign of interest

ok bro

i don't see anything really impressive in this video. he asked two girls for a number and they gave it to him. The last girl was drunk. Clearly he's not afraid of talking to women but so aren't most guys. i'm pretty sure none of these women have or would sleep with him in due course.

he opened by saying people look retarded, and then saved it. and he uses PUA techniques throughout and it works much much better than most ppl doing this stuff.
> Clearly he's not afraid of talking to women but so aren't most guys.
where did you get that nonsense?
> i'm pretty sure none of these women have or would sleep with him in due course.

can you link a video of it working? i don't believe most of these reports ... this things can easily be made up, there are incentives to lie it seems to be a very lucrative business... but i am open minded

well most reports are from people who aren't selling anything.
here's a vid of Cajun (a PUA) on some show:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIsoproa1qocuri42’s Video 132185292154 kIsoproa1qocuri42’s Video 132185292154 kIsoproa1qo

i think they are a fraud for fragile nerds to fall for. i also don't think any of these people actually get laid. do you think they do? why?

well, there are infield videos of PUA working, and i've talked with people who've had it work, and plenty of people have written on usenet and reddit about their experiences

why do you not think pua is creepy? saw that thread on open oxford...

PUA's awesome! they took this field where people were super irrational and used some methods of reason and science to figure out how it works better. lots of serious discussion, field tests, and actually optimism that problems are solvable and this isn't just inherently mysterious.

I appreciate you writing something so that it shows up. My line of thought wouldn't have been complete without this last post.


The fact that you've just ignored the examples I pointed to is also telling. You seem to discuss for no reason other than that you can lie to yourself how great you are and how other people suck. Sadly(luckily) nobody will affirm this crazy notion for you.

(your stuff doesn't show up unless i write something)


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