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what am i to you?

soznatsoz you asked for it heh

kakak suka duka project cover yg lost in tunes itu dong

yang seneng-seneng duls:
i've been blessed with an opportunity to collaborate with such lovely girls, it has been amazing to get to know Shila @DORKyungsoo, Kak Tiff @tiffaniafifa & Val @KAISOONE. let me repeat: they're ultra lovely!
i love the part when i met up pre-team recording session with Shila several times to brainstorm over our acapella duet, the first track in the cover project album, Overdose. we've brainstormed in such ways until we came up with the idea to merge almost all the singles exo had released during all eras (MAMA, Wolf, Growl, Overdose, minus What Is Love from (i guess) pre-debut era and History) into one song, using the single from the latest era a.k.a Overdose as the root of all era transitions, along with a precious arrangement that we had been laughing at over and over during the whole process. http://soundcloud.com/dorkyungsoo-1/overdose. if you listen very closely, the hardwork is evident. we have burried some subliminal messages within the song, find that message, and you'll understand of how hard our work was. ain't that right, bruh? @/d/o/r/k/y/u/n/g/s/o/o
aside from the making process of Overdose, i basically cherish everything, like, super cherish them. all of the solos and duets are wonderful, i can't even leave myself for a single day without listening to the whole album (yes, i am just that narcisstic). and as if working with the girls weren't yet enough, we even collaborated with another helpful, precious friends who were willing to help us with the lyrics, even also music arrangement and mixing. and just so you know, they are damn good. so, thank you so much Kaiyalan, Keudae and Jarbone! and also thank you, Kim Jongdae, for indirectly putting all of our efforts into a huge success. thank you, for ripping open the wrapper of our cover project album, checking out the back of the album for its tracklist right before Val's eyes and bowed down in 90 degrees to her saying words she couldn't comprehend but the "thank you so much" you let out of your mouth; fans couldn't ask for a better idol than you. i hope you had an outstanding birthday, Chen.
yang sedi-sedi:
we didn't have the chance to work altogether as a complete group... it's always either two person or three person, but never four as a whole. and as if the difficulty wasn't bothersome already, our tight personal schedules and whatnots didn't let us to do our recording sessions at ease, so we were kinda rushing out everything by the nearing days of deadline, and trivia: the covers that you've heard (or yet to hear) had some part of them missing. but then, those are it. after all, it has been a whole pretty month, i like working with y'all! looking forward for more projects in the future! saranghae x o x o

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loving your Lost in Tunes cover project <3 you all sound amazing! GAHHHDD!!! the mixing sounds professional as well. i hope exo get to hear all of them. have fun on the concert !!

thank you very merry much, although almost every single person involved in this project are all still amateurs, your appreciation means a lot to us. <33 <333
well, that's first. and about the second statement you just told me... let's just cross our fingers. EXO's Chen had already received our album firsthand, given by @KAISOONE right on the backstage before the concert started (p.s. she nearly cried when she saw how appreciative the kind of idol Chen really was, it was a really touching and uplifting story to hear, damn I envy her to be able to witness it right before her eyes). but right now, we don't know (and we won't know, anyways) if they had listened to it yet or not, so yeah, back to the top, let's just hope they had!
and for the third point, yes, i had some kinda fun at the concert, though it wasn't as fun as i thought it would be. but hey, there are actually some memorable antics during the concert. they're all unforgettable! one of the best nights in my life :_)</3<33

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Berkaitan dengan isu viral yang sedang ngalor-ngidul di timeline belakangan; If you currently don't have any children, what will your top 5 rules be when teaching them? Do you think you'd make a good parent? If you are a parent, what are your top 5 rules? Thank you and wilujeung petang, sadayana. :)

ohsnapitsguido’s Profile PhotoGuisus Christ
Haaai, Guido! ♡
For me, it's all about EQ. Ilmu pengetahuan bisa ditemukan di mana saja, but I realized that pembelajaran serta penanaman karakter yang baik itu adalah hal yang cukup tricky dan membutuhkan kepekaan yang besar, yang sayangnya juga memegang pengaruh besar dalam kehidupan sosial dan karir.
Sadar atau tidak, ketika ditanya tentang sifat-sifat yang tidak disukai, orang-orang cenderung menyebutkan nama sifat negatif yang berasal dari orang-orang terdekatnya. Be it best friends, pacar, mantan, atau orang tua. Because, you know, kita lebih familiar dengan sifat-sifat tersebut karena kita sangat sering berada di sekitar orang-orang terdekat kita. And the things we frequently see will just go in deeper to the back of your mind, just like how you frequently sing along to your favorite song.
Semua orang tua ingin yang terbaik untuk anaknya. Gue pun walau belum punya anak, tapi gue juga mau segala sesuatu yang terbaik untuk anak gue kelak. Sifat-sifat apa yang sudah pernah gue saksikan dan tidak gue sukai, itu yang akan gue coba hindarkan dengan mengajarkan hal-hal yang lebih baik ke anak gue kelak. Tapi, terkadang ada orang yang terlalu berhati-hati and they push to the extreme to prevent a person from changing into something they do not desire. Dan terkadang, bagi anak-anak, buah sifat dari keekstriman orangtuanya itulah yang justru menjadi bumerang, dan menjadi dinilai negatif oleh anak-anak. Dan itulah yang kemudian anak-anak itu akan hindari untuk mereka ajarkan ke anak-anak mereka kelak. And so on.
And I want to put that vicious circle to a stop.
Menurut gue dengan orang tua itu:
1. Menjalin kedekatan dengan anaknya;
2. Tidak menyimpan pikiran atau perasaan yang mengganjal sampai akhirnya output-nya menjadi tidak baik (meledak, marah-marah);
3. Mau belajar untuk mengutarakan perasaan dan pikiran, serta menyelesaikannya dengan baik;
4. Berusaha mengontrol diri dengan tidak terlalu sering membiarkan anak terekspos sifat negatif dari diri pribadi yang masih perlu diperbaiki (since it's gonna be difficult to explain why they shouldn't do the things you do; because it's bad? Then why do you do it?) dan;
5. Up-to-date terhadap informasi lingkungan sekitar mau pun perkembangan dunia;
itu akan membuat orang tua bisa memahami dan dipahami anaknya tanpa perlu ikut menjadi anak-anak.
Gue setuju dengan perkataan orang-orang yang bilang kalau segala sesuatu itu berasal dari dalam rumah. Karena seorang anak ketika dia hadir di dunia ini, yang dia lihat setiap hari adalah orang tuanya. Yang berkomunikasi dengannya pertama kali adalah orang tuanya. Yang ia tiru adalah orang tuanya. Yang ia pelajari adalah orang tuanya.
Intinya, gue mau semua itu berasal dari diri gue dahulu. Jika gue benar dan bisa membuat anak gue memahami apa yang benar, anak gue pun akan benar. Sisanya akan mengalir. Kemampuan untuk problem-solving, bersosialisasi, keinginan untuk belajar; semuanya tinggal mengikuti jika basic-nya sudah benar.
Love your question! ♡

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Kak gimana caranya mengembalikan kepercayaan atau rasa dari pacar (cowok) yang udah terlanjur illfeel ma kita?

Kalau penyebabnya adalah kamu, maka kamu harus berjuang untuk membuat dia benar-benar yakin bahwa kamu tidak akan mengulangi perbuatanmu yang membuat dia ilfeel. You know... trust is hard to gain BACK. To gain it is one thing, but to gain it BACK? Well, it's more than just hard.
Namun kalau penyebabnya bukan karena kamu, berarti dia memang sudah tidak ingin bersama kamu.
Lebih baik tidak melakukan suatu hal yang kamu inginkan, dari pada membuat seseorang melakukan apa yang kamu inginkan namun dengan terpaksa, karena mereka tidak akan bahagia, dan begitu pula dengan kamu nantinya.
#kenapa #mendadak #jadi #dokter #cinta #padahal #sendirinya #....

Out of my curiosity, how do you use the anonymous feature?

I ask people about questions that might appear slightly dumb to them, but is very pride-pricking. I basically test their theses.
And yes. I figured out in a few of the questions of mine in which they'd answered, that they'd became slightly unnerving.

Kak kalo suara lagi dalam masa transisi a.k.a pecah, should we stop singing?

you shouldn't.
masa transisi suara itu punya korelasi yang erat dengan vocal range, jadi kamu masih harus terus membentuk suaramu dengan cara melatihnya supaya nantinya setelah masa transisi suara terlewati, range suara kamu tidak menyempit, dan pita suara kamu tidak kaku karena sudah lama tidak 'start engine' dengan latihan vokal.
but the keyword is, “not much, not less”. kamu harus tetap melatih suaramu, tetapi tetap dengan intensitas yang secukupnya. jangan berlebihan, jangan diforsir. karena pada masa transisi suara ini, suara kamu lebih rawan untuk pecah, dalam artian sebenarnya. believe it or not.
alright? selamat berlatih (secukupnya)!
Liked by: Ellena. Rafi amantha

Hello, is there any special person you've been longing for a while? Maybe it's your parent, siblings, a friend from high school, a childhood friend? Why don't you give them a call? It might be a pleasant surprise for them. Have a good evening, beautiful people!

i've been longing for my pacar.
i cannot give him a call, karena gue tidak punya pacar.
okay, have a good day too!
Liked by: Annisa Dewi Haruka

Who is your favorite author?

sundaysundaes. Author of "Marriage Life of Mr. Byun", "Unnerving", and "Remember Me" on the Asian Fanfiction site (hey still, she's an author). her writing is rather easy to decipher, and also very heartfelt. she became my favorite Asian Fanfiction author for the way her fanfictions drive readers' emotion when they read them. try to read one of those fanfiction titles i've mentioned above, you might end up liking it.
Liked by: RANI

Lagu yg kau nyanyikan di instagram iku judulne opo mbak? kok keren si kau. kau rese. ah.

Sindhy Rosa Dinmaharani
that jazzy tune, I swear to God, is evergreen. it's an ethereal song that goes by the title "Smile Again", owned by Manhattan Transfer.
and by the way, Sin.
sa æ u
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anyway ada yang mau denger juga ga disini? gue kan anaknya gatau malu so i'm going to put the link to my videogram here and i am expecting some of you guys to click the link and watch the video.
i love being seen, so if you don't mind? ❤️

What do you order at Starbucks?

newest choice of frappuccino, and totally not coffee because in fact, i ain't a fan of it. and most of the times, i order not-so-secret recipes which mostly involve hot chocolate as the base of the fusion. but honestly, it's been a long time since the last time i got to visit Starbucks. i haven't even get to taste their newest Strawberry Cheesecake frappuccino. my God.
anyway, my favorite not-so-secret recipe to order is Cadburry Blackforrest.
and hell yes, it is a very easy choice to pick when all your other not-so-secret recipes are put to waste by the barista because they don't have the ingredients that you wanted. so let's go!
- Signature hot chocolate
- Add raspberry syrup (2 pumps for a grande is recommended, adjust for other sizes)
take 'em up to the barista and voila, the drink is yours!
you'll get why it's named the way it is when it get to touch your taste buds. you're welcome.

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Liked by: feb Thalia


Language: English