

Ask @ladykaddy

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I find it really irritating that practically every ask/wattpad user are following the trend of being anonymous and refuse to answer basic answers of themselves which is actually quite disheartening don't you want your fans to get to know you guys ????

fam if someone wants to keep their personal life private then you gotta respect that.

I'm not sure if you'll remember me (we didn't have a lot of conversations or anything lmaoo) but even though I've read your work a long time ago I still think they're really amazing honestly, I was just wondering how you've been and what you've been up to ? :)

SimplayJamsz’s Profile PhotoJamaira
uni life has hit me hard. like a brick-wall that's about 50m thick. it's literally a constant battle between pulling all nighters and then sleeping for 18 hours the next day. no in between. i'm still surprised that 10 weeks ago, little old me thought she was going to be doing all the reading on time, attending every class, sleeping at the ripe time of 10pm, with her skin on fleek, hair on fleek, eyebrows on fleek, clothes on fleek. banter. i turn up to my lectures in last night's makeup with the hangover of a century and then go home to sleep before trekking back to the library at 11pm to do reading i should have done in reading week. and nights out are even crazier. but now it's my christmas break and i'm home and i can finally breathe again.
oh wait, no i can't. i have to do more reading.
but life's great. seriously. i'm in a place i never thought i'd be, surrounded by brilliant friends and the coolest academics. and i met this mature guy who keeps me grounded and afloat at the same time. plus i'm learning about literary theories and art and aesthetic movements. so much knowledge i feel like my ears might leak glitter soon haha. it's just so cool because i've never felt so carefree and young. i'm happier than i used to be...
...but 9am starts are still the devil. that much definitely hasn't changed lol

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what are ur absolute favourite/must watch films?

-the imitation game
-the theory of everything
-still alice
-finding dory
-the sisterhood of night
-easy a
-prince caspian
-pirates of the caribbean (only the first 3)
-10 things i hate about you
-harry potter and the goblet of fire
those are the ones i can think of off the top of my head. anything with eddie redmayne is a must see for me though

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Watch "방탄소년단 (BTS) ‘피 땀 눈물 (Blood Sweat & Tears)’ MV" on YouTube GUYS PLZ FOR OUR BANGTAN BOYS WE NEED THOSE RATINGS UP

Ellie (ellion)
sorry. first thing i do back on ask is fangirl over my boys. i'm just so deep in kpop i'll never resurface ever again haha
Liked by: Ellie (ellion)

what is your tumblr theme?

i wish i could remember but i can't. i got the template from another tumblr but it was over a year and a half ago. i'm so sorry
Liked by: Ellie (ellion)

what are u planning to do in the summer? i need some ideas for stuff to do, even if its at home :) even if its something like learning a language or watching a play! (sending this to a bunch of ppl for ideas, thanks!!!)

my summer is over and i did nothing but work 40 hours a week. being poor is so fun :))
Liked by: Jamaira

Hey, kaddy! I was on the student room looking at the A2 results day posts when I came across yours!! I couldn't believe the coincidence! Anyway, I came here to say congratulations and your improvement is inspiring. Keep doing what u do bc you're awesome xx YOU GIVE ME HOPE <3 AGAIN CONGRATS

i defo had my fair share of meltdowns. but i genuinely worked my socks off from start to finish. and i hated myself for the longest time but retaking year 12 was the best and hardest decision i have made for myself and my future. good luck to you. i think sometimes you have to fail before you can succeed. if anything, i'm a product of that. i hope you work your cute socks off too. your future is too bright for you to close your eyes to it just yet <3
Liked by: feyre

LTL is so so brilliant. i'm knee-deep into it and ever since i've started i've lost several hours of sleep and tbh this is the best kind of pain i live to endure so thank you! you're writing is incredible.

ahh i'm so excited for you to finish the whole. thank you so much. it's the one piece of work i've had zero regrets writing because it's fully and wholly my heart and soul
Liked by: Avrielle

You're welcome :D [fangirls upon ur answer] also will u ever write about more Greek tales in Elysian??

I'm not sure because I haven't written much in so long that I feel like my style has changed too much, but if you have any suggestions let me know and I'll give it a go ☺

Your writing + you = a m a z i n g!!!! Elysian was more inspiring than tumblr tbh for that day to me when I read it!!!!

omg really????! :") thank you SO much *internal screams*
Liked by: eve Rose

did you watch the game of thrones season 6 finale???!?!??


Name a problem leaders in your country should solve?

GUESS WHO HAS FINISHED ALL THEIR EXAMS(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

All I have to say to that is yikes. People like Farage really shouldn't be given any modicum of power. [Am I the only one who thinks YA authors should stop writing their dystopian novels and have a go at writing something truer to what we are seeing today?]

Herbie Sr.
I think it's hard to write something that is truer to today because the present is constantly changing, and since that change is really small it's very hard to document it in a novel where the story has to keep moving at a good pace in order for it to be good. Nobody wants to read a 400 page novel on today when they can just watch the news for 5 minutes and get a gist of what's going on, y'know? But if you're writing a YA dystopian novel with politics, power and politicians in mind (e.g. The Hunger Games trilogy) then you have to describe the extreme case in order to engage with a younger generation that just aren't that interested in politics, so that they're left with an impression of the worst. I feel like extreme case scenarios, like the one described in THG, are a good way to remind us that prevention is the best cure to any disease. Plus I think I'd much rather read about a Europe devastated by WW3 than experience it myself, because then I can form some idea of how to prevent it by avoiding everything the characters went through in that book. I don't know if that makes any sense, but I don't think YA dystopians are too much of a problem, but I do agree that YA authors need to stop jumping on the bandwagon because they think their book might sell more if it's dystopian.

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I was saying that to my mum earlier! She thought I was being a little melodramatic comparing this to pre-WW2 Germany. I even brought up Stalin. (I feel so rude because like I haven't said hello or anything I just literally started talking politics with you... so hi?)

Herbie Sr.
rude makes the best kind of friends ? also you were right to make that comparison. definitely not melodramatic when farage and hitler share pretty much the same ideology.
Liked by: srijani Herbie Sr.

i'm in that stage where i think nothing i write makes is good and making sense. i love writing, but i feel like i'm so bad at it.

same here, but what sounds dreadful to you might be a beautiful melody to others. usually i get the best comments on the works that i hated the most, e.g. Float.
any writing is valid so just hang on to what you already have and push forward by writing more. most of what i write is complete trash but when i reread it a few days later i'm like "that's weird. this is actually pretty good. i can't believe i nearly deleted this." my theory is that if you write a lot, you'll strike gold sometime soon. maybe you should ask someone else to read your work and ask them what your strengths are and also ask them to give you tips on how to improve :)

Hi, Kaddy. What can you say to someone who needs advice to improve their writing?

read, read, read. notice the way other writers are crafting their sentences, how they build the setting, how they introduce characters and set up relationships, how they keep the pace going (increases and decreases), etc. I think that the best writers are the best thieves who know how to manipulate what they've seen before and put their own twist on things. While you're reading, you have to write, write, write. ALL THE TIME. as much as you can, whenever you can. writing is like any other sport; you get better at it the more you practice. and make sure you have fun while doing it! :)
Liked by: Herbie Sr.

The irony is that in their quest to restore the reputation of 'Great' Britain they've destroyed all semblance of respect in the global arena. I just don't understand. The only reason Britain is relevant is because of it's membership within the EU. You know the saying 'Don't fix what it ain't broke'?

Herbie Sr.
That's all that comes to mind to me. Yes, the EU is bureaucratic nightmare but Westminister isn't all sunshine and daisies either. I just can't reconcile this decision. Ever. It's a joke. England will never return to it's former glory. We have scarce resources and not much to offer. We are only a small island. Also we don't have the security to pull this shite right now. We're already dealing with this austerity measures crap and I just can't. I'm getting myself worked up so I'm just going to stop right now.
That saying definitely comes to mind, but what scares me most is that history feels like it's on a loop again. We have Trump and Clinton wreaking havoc in America. And now in the UK fascist parties are growing because of stinking nationalism and the impending economic depression...something that happened 80 years ago with none other than fucking Hitler who swooped in when his country were weak and crippled by an economic crisis.

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Liked by: Herbie Sr.

Can you give some tips for writing poetry??

read poetry before you write poetry. you have to understand the craft before you try to manipulate it to bring your ideas and feelings to life, that way you'll know how to break a form and achieve an impacting result but you can also choose follow a form to create a different kind of impact. poetry is beautiful, but it's just like any other form of art: you have to learn to draw before you try to paint. have fun. i hope you write beautiful poems and i'd love to read your works if you ever want to share them :)
Liked by: Herbie Sr.

I just feel like this is the prelude to chaos. There's no doubt that there's a lot of hatred out there right now and when it becomes clear that things are going to go from bad to worse the anger is going to fester and it's going to have some pretty dangerous consequences. Honestly, I'm not even

Herbie Sr.
going to feel smug when it becomes clear what a mistake it was to vote leave. And I love being a smug little shite. [A lot.]
There's no satisfaction to come out of this because the devastation will affect us all, and even if we were to rejoin the EU (highly unlikely bc every country has to agree to let us back in and who would wanna associate themselves with snakes anyway), we'll never have the same position of power and respect that we did. I think we've lost more than just our economy and future. We've lost all respect in Europe, and I feel ashamed to even admit I'm British right now. I mean, you know it's fucked up when Donald Trump supports the cause. Btw, what is the dumb yute doing in our country anyway? America... come collect your boy. Now, please. We have enough wankers to deal with already.

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Liked by: Z sarah Rose Herbie Sr.

Glad I didn't disappoint! But honestly I felt like it was a joke. I went to sleep with remain winning and woke up to this monumental eff up and all I could think was 'The end is nigh'

Herbie Sr.
i stayed up till 4am, watching it start strong with remain and slowly wither to 50/50 between the two. i thought london would tip the iceberg and save us all but one city can't fight off those ugly racist towns further up north. cheers to manchester, liverpool, the whole of scotland and the other counties that voted remain... but still. we're gonna have a long, hard future waiting for us. farage and his asslickers wanted to "restore the uk to it's former glory" yet ended up stripping our country of any future glory and prosperity. there's no kinder way to put this referendum other than the fact that we are well and truly fucked.
Liked by: sarah Herbie Sr.

I believe a large population of the British population are pretty happy. Namely those who are a) racist/prejudiced/bigoted/intolerant b) delusional c) easily manipulated d) those who jumped the gun and used their anger and dissatisfaction with our government as an excuse to vote leave e) refer to a)

Herbie Sr.
i was about to fight you when i read the first sentence but then you came through ????
Liked by: sarah Herbie Sr.

eu referendum? you happy that britain is leaving?

who would be happy in a time like this?!!?! we fucked ourselves over more in the past few hours than we have in 30 years, and the worst part is that the old racists who voted leave will be dead in less than 10 years while my generation will have to live with this consequence forever. so no. i'm not happy. not even the slightest bit.

What is the last thing you do before bed?

Scroll through my twitter feed, which takes about an hour. I stay away from tumblr because it'll keep me up til 3am lol

what's your relationship with your sibling(s) like? (if you have any)

I'm closest to my older sister (22). Mainly because we have similar interests (kpop, tv shows, fandoms, etc.) and she's very easy to talk when it comes to world issues. I really admire how aware she is of the world and her place in it. She's pretty awesome, but I've had the most arguments with her because we're both really hot-headed. Once I gave her the silent treatment for 4 months. We only broke the silence because Breaking Dawn part one came out haha.
My younger sister and I have been clashing recently. She's 16 (about to turn 17), so she's coming of age. The growth I've seen in her this past year has been immense. She used to look up to me a lot, but I think she's coming to realise that I'm really not that cool. I wish she'd talk to me more about her feelings, but I understand why she's hesitant about talking to me about things. I'm constantly worrying about her. I remember how wild I was at 17. I'm sure we'll get along better as the age gap between us seems to lessen. I do miss her innocence, though.
My brother and I have an interesting relationship. We respect each other's space very much. He treats me like I'm his older sister because I'm pretty mature. My mother used to spoil him a lot when we were kids so I used to be jealous of him because he used to get away with murder. He's 21 now and has definitely calmed down. We're not as close as I wish we could be, but it's okay because he gets along better with my sisters.

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just wanted to remind you today that us fans love you and whatever crap life has dumped on you today, it will pass. have a good day!

I really needed to hear this today. Thank you so much. I tend to forgot that there are just as many, if not more, spectacular people in this world as there are diseases like Donald Trump.
Liked by: julia

I want to pursue an english degree and my school is making me do work experience any ideas?

I don't think it's necessary to have work experience when applying for an English degree. My only experience has been writing furiously and reading constantly. You might want to experience the publishing side of it, perhaps?

hey kaddy, any advice for gcses and revision??

I think it's very important to spread the workload evenly to avoid feeling overwhelmed by how much work you have left to do. It's much better to start earlier and spend an hour or two revision at a good pace rather than floundering around the night before the exam like a headless chicken. Cramming has its own bonus points, but when you're juggling 10+ subjects, it can be difficult to retain that much information. Good luck with your exams!

have you ever had duck meat? And if not, would you try it?

Never had it, and I'm terrible for trying new food so I probably won't try it unless someone else gets it at a restaurant and offers me some.

how old were you when you started writing on wattpad?

about 15... i cant remember that well because i wiped my first story off the face of the earth. (it was a fanfic. that's all the intel you're getting out of me.)

lol kaddy (referring to your tws) comment what foreshadowing r u talking about (thanks for reading btw)

northbynorth’s Profile PhotoRose
oh just the way the weather was precursor to the cliffhanger. i mean, i knew it was coming but i liked the way you used the weather to create tension. i'll post a more detailed comment later when i get home tonight xx


I can't. My phone fell off my bed about 7 hours ago but I didn't hear it land. Pretty sure it entered a new dimension or compressed itself into a space so small that it became it's own black hole. Speaking of black holes, did you know that we are all capable of becoming one? Something about everybody having a schwarzchild radius. All you have to do is compress yourself into the size of an atom and voila! you can eat the entire galaxy.
Liked by: ★ RYE Maxxie ivy

What's the best thing you can do with a stick of gum?

I hate gum, but Hubba Bubba was the shit back in secondary school. We used eat packs of it to see who could blow the biggest bubble...until people got too old to blow bubbles and started blowing people :))))))))
Liked by: ivy

HOw's your day going?

I couldn't get out of bed yesterday, but I managed to make it to one class today which is a slight (but crappy) improvement. I feel like there's a noiseless washing machine in my head, throwing me left, right and centre every time I try to think. Luckily writing doesn't involve much thinking for me, only emotion; seems like I have a lot of that lately. I don't know what to do with it, but I wrote about 200 words today. Another slight (but crappy) improvement. I hope you've had a much lovelier day :)

Hey there! I'm making my transition into year 12 very soon and have plans to go UCL. What would I have to do to prepare myself??

First of all you need to meet the minimum entry requirements. UCL expect a pass in a fourth subject and a C in a language at GCSE level (thank god I scraped a C for GCSE French). You HAVE to meet the minimum entry requirement so if you're not on track to get that AAB/AAA/A*AA/A*A*A (whichever one your course requires) then you need to step up your game. Your personal statement also needs on point. UCL love personal statements like a kitten loves wool. Even if you're a triple A* student, they'll reject you if your personal statement isn't up to scratch. But you don't have to worry about that right now. Focus on getting straight As this year to maximise your chances of being predicted As and A*s next year :)
Liked by: abida night

kaddy dont worry about oxford. honeslty, their selection is brutal.my friend recieved three a stars and was still rejected. but there are so many other good unis. everything happens for a reason.

northbynorth’s Profile PhotoRose
They rejected JK Rowling and she turned out to be the most successful writer of our century ;) Oxford don't exactly have the best judge of character, so I'm just gonna thank them for setting me on the right path.

Aww kaddy, you didn't let anyone down, i hope you realize that you're always going to be an inspiration for the others. Besides if anyone's missng out, it's not you-it's them.

I feel like anything but an inspiration lately, but thank you :) I'm just so stuck trying to figure out where I want to go next year. Everything is such a mess right now ugh

Do you think doing three a levels in year 12 is a bad idea? I'm really struggling with one of my subjects and I can't see myself being able to pull up my grades before may but my parents think I should continue with the 4. I just don't want to jeopardise my uni application

Not at all. I know lots of people who do three a-levels. In fact, the average at my sixth form is 3 subjects.
It's much better for you to achieve 3 As than a sprinkle of Ds and Es. But I think you should skim through the unis you're thinking about applying to and see if they require a fourth subject. I knew a brilliant girl last year who was really struggling with one subject. Everyone advised her to drop the fourth AS but she wouldn't listen. In the end she got AAAU. She still landed an interview with Cambridge, but she couldn't apply to unis which explicity stated they wanted a fourth AS at grade level E or above (e.g. UCL). So before you drop your fourth subject, make sure you email the unis you're interested in to see if dropping a subject will prevent you from applying :)
Liked by: king


Yeah, I got rejected ? I really thought I had it in the bag, which made it all the more worse. I don't regret applying at all, but I feel awful now because I let down so many people, especially the teachers who helped me prepare for the interviews. Now I'm stuck trying to figure out where I want to go next year. I've received offers from all my other choices so it's not all bad. I'll be okay.

do you make your covers yourself?

Yes :) Except the BTBB cover. That was made by my friend Megan. She's amazing at graphics and digital artwork.
Liked by: night


Language: English