

Books- physical, digital, or audio?

I love them all, though not equally.
The digital are good when traveling, because books are heavy and take up space, plus the screen helps with visibility so I don't have lights on in case I'm in a room where others are trying to sleep.
I really like the idea of audiobooks, because not only do they go quicker, they free you up to do other things while you listen. The problem is I'm the type of person that will flip back occasionally to reread something that I think connects to whatever I just read (Is this the same last name I saw earlier? How far did it say this town was before? How long ago did that event happen again? Etc.), and that's a little difficult to do on audiobooks. I will listen to them for short books, though, or fairly simple ones where I won't really have to know exactly how one person or event is connected to another. They're also great for when I'm in bed resting my eyes.
Give me physical books for everything else. I love the feel and smell of them, and as I said, it's easier to find something I need to reread.
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How is that little kitty of yours? Love the pic 😍

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoWhere Are The Kittens
He's doing well! Doesn't fall as often lol! I'll still hear a crash once in a while. I'll yell his name and he comes running and immediately becomes more affectionate than ever 😒🙄😂
How is that little kitty of yours Love the pic

Do you know how to code?🧑🏽‍💻

Not from scratch, no. When I was younger and was on blogging platforms, I could go into the source and find what I was looking for in order to tweak the layout into what I wanted.
Say the template only offered 3 spots for additional links, but I needed 5, I could change that. Or if I needed more columns or categories, I could add them.

Why ɗid you ɓlock the last person you ɓlocked 👀

Because they send sh*t like this. Not a question, and something meant for a specific person. Grow a pair and say it to their face!
Why ɗid you ɓlock the last person you ɓlocked

Hi Apple, what’s up with you? Any fun trips? Shift at the 7-11?

Neo_gs’s Profile PhotoI Wonder Where The Kitten Are
Did one shift, yes! Sad to say, the homeless man who lived behind the shop is no longer residing, nor is he welcome there any longer. The drugs did their thing and he started picking fights with the staff and ended up vandalizing an employee's car.
As for the rest, not much going on other than family emergencies really 😅 Got a cousin who recently got engaged, another who's in the middle of a divorce, grandma has apparently been getting drunk on the DL and fell and broke her hip, my dude seems a little withdrawn but doesn't seem to want to talk yet, etc. A lot going on around me lol!

What’s the weirdest thing you believed as a kid? I thought you could put an egg under your pillow and hatch a chick that way. My mom was always pulling eggs out from under my pillow 😂

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoWhere Are The Kittens
Aww, that's adorable!
I used to think that hot dogs were a tube connecting a pig's belly button to his butthole. Cuz you know how the ends look a little... yeah 😐

Yes, I’ll give you an alibi. But I need to know what for 😬

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoWhere Are The Kittens
Most likely, vandalism 😂 If I remember that the president of the PTA when my brother was in school never did jack except brown nose and let the other members do all the real work, and later find that person is running for an elected county position, I may or may not make their past behavior known on the posters this person has had placed all over 🤗
You know... hypothetically, of course 😇

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What’s your judgiest opinion?

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoWhere Are The Kittens
If you can afford booze, cigs, hair/nail salons, and designer bags, you shouldn't be claiming to the government that you can't afford food (be on assistance). I'm all for sticking it to The Man, but that's just plain lazy. I get it's expensive to just exist, but people need to learn to prioritize their needs.

Have you ever worked in a restaurant? If so, what is your most memorable story? I accidentally spilled a Coke on a sleeping child when I was a waitress 😬

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoWhere Are The Kittens
Someone wanted me to make his kid's food. A burger, if I recall 🤔 Cuz he didn't like the cook who was working that shift. I just said, "My job isn't in the kitchen. It's out here." And he got mad, told the kid the mean lady didn't want him to eat, and they left 😂

When you were in school did you ever get caught smoking in the bathroom?

No, I was a good girl 😇

Language: English