

Ask @BasicBarresse

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welll. He's so funny. And I'm falling so hard for him. He absolutely adorable because he has younger siblings and he's so protective over them which makes me have hope that if he was my boyfriend he would do the same to me. ❤ He has grey eyes >>> were really good friends and he always picks on me ❤

He has grey eyes?¿

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+I don't even care that he has a girlfriend, if she makes in happy then that's all that matters right? It literally fuels my heart to see him so happy. And that's why I fell in love with the idiot. He's everything to me and more. Wow so cheesy ahaha, love you Kylie<3

Liked by: Alexandra Elyse

He's the most adorable guy. He makes me happy even though we both started off on the wrong foot. I love how easily we can talk to each other. And how he has no clue. I honestly can't wait for school again so I can see him, knowing he's happy makes me so happy+

OMG this is fucking adorable
Liked by: Alexandra Elyse

Kylie, the girl i like shiws the same feelings (or at least i think) jn person but she never answers my texts shes sonpretty and nice and in i love to hang out with her at parties but im nkt sure hows she feels

Tell her how you feel

Well Kylie I'm undeniably infatuated with my crush but he doesn't know I even exist and so many other prettier, skinnier and funnier girls like him so there is no possible way he would like me but I'll never give up on him because he saved me and he inspires me and I hope one day he might love me

He will love you you're perfect

hes fucking perfect. and gorgeous and like i just wanna be with him all the time. like something about him no matter what he does, hes just ways yours.


I just wanted to say that I think you're stunning and you don't deserve to feel insecure. I read you're life story and I'm so sorry you had to go through that,you are such a strong, amazing girl and you need to stay strong because you have good things coming ahead of youKeep praying and stay strong

Liked by: Sammy Ramos

You should post that think on insta where people come to your ask.fm and talk about their crush cause that was cute

Omg thanks for the idea! I'm gonna do it again:)


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