

Ask @BasicBarresse

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Dont be sorry for me I'm the hideous one who was mean to u nobody should get that I'm sorry I want to die I want to die I just want to die u dont deserve any of this I do that's probably why I get threats I'm sorry

Please tell me who you are I won't be mean to you'll ill have more respect for you for being able to tell me and I want to make sure you don't do anything to yourself were all young we fuck up but I just think you should watch what you say..

I have felt so gulty since I sent that I cried myself to sleep last night I cut myself down the wrist I even wanted to kill myself because of that u don't deserve to die I do u get so many likes and have so many guys and friends and everyone in my grade hates me I want to be like you and I'm sorry

Don't feel bad and you shouldn't of cut urself last night

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Grow from our mistakes but id rather die from this one id rather die than live with the pain of knowing I almost killed u beautiful knowing that I drove u so far u would go to the cops it hurts me I'm sorry and I'm going to die its what I deserve u dont deserve it

Don't do anything to yourself please everyone says shit they don't mean but it just confuses me because you wouldn't appolizigze if I didn't mention the police but don't do anything to yourself seriously

an if u go to the cops who knows what ill probably lose the one friend I do have but I'm sorry kylie I am u are pretty and everything I wish I was I want to die so badly for sending that I'm sorry I'm a horrible person u dont deserve it I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry

I don't think I'm gonna go to the cops I'm just very curious as who sent that

Me too! You gotta come to a few Warren hills games!

Mallory Rossi
YESSSS! just text me the dates 9089141894 maybe me and Sam will come to some if the west Morris games aren't on those days!❤

You're so lucky you get all the guys

All guys I talk to think I'm ugly, every guy I talk to leads me on, all of my guy friends besides a few have fucked me over, guys look at me and laugh, no guys ever text me first so no lol you're wrong

yes it was and im sorry look im jealous of u I always have been u are perfect u always get everything and all the guys u have a perfect body perfect everything and seeing u get so many likes and be so funny when nobody thinks I am pushed me over the edge im sorry I regret it ur an amazing girl

Thanks for appoliziging but take it off anonymous or kik me and ill think about it..but don't ever tell anyone to kill themselves that's a disgusting thing

I haven't sent you any hate but honestly you'll embarrass yourself at the police station because you were the one who brought it onto yourself and it's not the first time you've gotten yourself into a fight that didn't involve you and plus this isn't even as bad as some people get

Lol okay I actually didn't I got random questions from someone saying ryleigh hates you so I sent stupid pictures of myself..

i love that you show people who you really are like you post pics that i would never post those, i admire you for that and i think you so pretty . And your pics are so funny also stay strong i'm sorry people are saying all of those things

Victoria Bollmann
Thank you soso much ily❤❤❤❤
Liked by: Victoria Bollmann

How can you go to the police and have someone locked in there? Yes everyone makes mistakes sometimes you do to we know it. But honestly how can you let someone sit in jail for a couple years or so? They made a mistake. Everyone does. People will judge them for that forever ther family will hate them

Saying "kill yourself" isn't a mistake

your am amazing girl but I don't think you should bring it to the police this time. Some of the things you posted and the other girl posted last night were uncalled for so it could make someone really upset enough to send that. They could have a reason, if your in a fight they could be super upset

It's my choice

So you are defiantly going to the police? So many people get hate and this didnt even effect you. Your a strong girl some people get so effected. You are gonna ruin there lives like that? Everyone gets hate so it's kinda weird your gonna actually go to the police

I know it doesn't affect me and it's not weird someone's telling me to kill myself and drink bleach like seriously? You're that disgusting and I'm also doing it so they can get mental help, I'm not 100% positive but I'm most likely taking it to the police. It did affect me in the past but I'm not just gonna let it go anymore NOBOBY deserves to be told to kill themselves.
Liked by: Alma M

Kylie is perfection and I'm so tired of people saying she doesn't deserve to live and crap like that. I hope all you like juvi seriously what is wrong with you? you need to get a life because hatin on Kylie is just hurting you not anyone else. Kylie your amazing and I love you. don't listen to them

Thank you sm ILYYYY
Liked by: Sam Scelso


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