

Ask @BasicBarresse

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truth is you da best bby, feel better and don't let the whole danny thing get in your way, he's not worth it, remember you're beautiful and i love you so much boo<3

Aw I love you so much lexy thank you for everything I could never ask for a better friend <3

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you're so pretty and funny....and perfect....you're just perfect....I love you kylie


When you went up to that lady and was like can i braid ur hair? I died. It was so funny. She like took it so seriously though ahha.

Hahah thanks girl I love doing stupid stuff in public and yeah I know! Like yes! I go to Wendy's to braid people's hair you caught me! And I'm glad I made you laugh keep smiling :)

Im sorry that you feel like you are stuck with the boy you like. You're so full of life. You make everyone on ask feel loved, you make them feel worthy. You will find him one day. I promise. I'm going into highschool. heck i havent even had my first kiss. But your gorgeous. keep ur head up hun <3:)

OMG thank you so much you're ABSOLUTLEY perfect that means so much to me and aw Id love to be friends with you thank you:)

why are u guys not fighting id rip her head off

Because its not worth fighting over and I love marissa were aloud to like the same guy

You deserve Danny he isnt even important to Marissa.

Shut up! As long as Danny's happy is really what matters to me

I felt so bad seriously you didn't deserve that I'm sorry! And I don't have a good chance with him we don't know if he likes anyone he never says. I'm really sorry you got that:( stay strong baby if he doesn't see what you have to offer he doesn't deserve you. I can't wait to see you tomorrow<3

No! I don't want you to feel bad! It's ok really I just need to move on because I've been attached since like JANURARY ... So yeah and same!

Kylie I'm honestly so sorry you got that really I feel terrible that people would use me to make you feel bad I'm so sorry. I would have told you sooner but I'm at cheer I'm so sorry! And Danny doesn't like me, and I mean who wouldn't want to date Kylie she's beautiful. I'm so sorry Kylie!

No marissa! It's okay it's not your fault don't feel bad :) I'm fine! I promise, I just want Danny to be happy I think that's what we both want:) int he end thats what matters most to me


Language: English