

Ask @BasicBarresse

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Kylie you are perfect! Don't listen to anyone if they tell you that you have to loose weight because you don't. And who cares who you hang out with. It's your life, other people shouldn't be allowed to choose your future

Thank you so much baby!

To whoever is telling Kylie she can't hangout with Warren Hills people needs to stop. You don't own warren hills so you're irrelevant. Just because boys don't hangout with you doesn't mean they wont hangout with someone prettier.

Thank you so much that means so much to me please never forget how important you are<3

R u still hanging out with them

They couldn't get a ride so I'm probably going to Noah's sometimes this week or weekend

What are you doing today

Having Matt valli and Noah cavanaugh over and then we might go to the movies tonight

Y did u cut urself? Ur beautiful

Thank you and I was just going through it of shot and I still am but in handling it better

I'm not talking about the people that live in Mansfield that go to Warren Hills, I'm talking about people from other towns that you have no business talking to and you moved in a young grade you obviously weren't friends with everyone from Mansfield.

I didn't say I was and you need to leave because you obviously have no friends with that attitude, and I don't need to keep the same friends since second grade I'm aloud to talk to other towns I don't see why it concerns you, and I have "no business talking to them" well last time I checked I can talk to whoever the hell I want. You're just another scummy lowlife person on ask
Liked by: Ryan karoly

So you like Danny but would u go for any other guys

If a guy comes along that treats me well and is more vastly minded and all I'm not going to wait around for Danny when I already have a guy who's simply prodigious at my fingertips.
Liked by: Kyla


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