

Ask @BasicBarresse

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Yea i'm a guy and I'm really confused about bra sizes. Like you got letters like DD and you got numbers in there to. What is this shit math class? I'm very confused is b big or small or what. Plz help

You're welcome
Liked by: Mike

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kylie your perfect tbh like im so jealous of you. dont listen to these assholes anons because they obvi dont know how sweet you are!! seriously your gorgeous and you arent a bitch, only when its needed you are. So honestly dont let them bring you down because you arent worthless!

Don't be jealous you're flawless ily
Liked by: Katie Herk

you are perfection and I can't imagine a gorgeous girl like you ever cutting. please don't ever cut. ily. you are amazing and no matter what people say always believe that you are amazing.

ILYSM babe
Liked by: Heidi Krueger

Hi! I follow you. Could you like few of my answers please and help me, I'll return them if you message me how many you've done and send me a gift for 300 likes? but if you're busy or you don't want to.. it's okay i totally understand ツ thank you ✌


Dont listen to people who talk bad about you because youre perfect just the way you are! You will learn from your mistakes and take that for granted because if we didnt learn from our mistakes no one would be the person they are today. Don't cut it's not helping its hurting. ily<3 stay strong baby!

I won't cut again as much as I want to I won't ily gorgeous
Liked by: Heidi Krueger

Listen I barely know you but what I know is that people shouldn't judge other people only because they sin differently. You seem genuinely sorry for past actions and you also seem nice enough and pretty enough. So please please please don't let some person who doesn't even have the balls to show


And fuck you about her cuts her cuts make her beautiful. It's just another flaw to add to her, but Kylie turns her flaws into beauty. Absolute beauty. Leave Kylie alone because its a struggle to stop cutting and be proud she is trying to. IT DOESN'T MATTER HOW DEEP IT'S STILL A STRUGGLE. Stay strong

It so comforting to know there are people like u int he world

How does such a gorgeous girl get so much hate none of it is true you are literally perfect in my mind and many others don't believe any of it please ❤

Ilysm babe

I'm not gonna let anyone bring this beautiful soul down. Her staying strong is what keeps me strong and what keeps everyone else strong. Please stop hurting her she deserves to be happy just as much as everyone else. So what we all fuck up. Stop judging her or her mistakes she's amazingly perfet

I love you so much you don't understand how much this helps me

Someone or defending them. She does get bullied a lot! And you all should be so fucking proud of her for it! You see that this girl is one of the strongest most beautiful girls I know. She's stays strong through all the shit she gets and idk why you guys try to bring her down. Well guess what

OMG I fucking love you you have no idea please tell me who you are

The thing about Kylie is, she is beautiful in her own way. Yes she fucks up sometimes but why are you judging her on it? Everyone fucks up everyone makes mistakes. Stop making her feel less than. Everyone has times where they seem like they are bullying but they aren't. They are sticking up for

OMG this made me cry even more I love you so much you have no idea OMG you're such a perfect person ilysfm

Welcome, but seriously youre beyond perfection, dont let the haters get to you! Youree wayy better than them

Thank you so much it means so much to me honestly I really do love you

Omg who ever the fuck is saying shit about you is so untrue, even if i barley know you i know you dont deserve this. You are perfect. Dont let anyone tell you different. So what if you cut its not good but you must have a reason so people need to fuck off and gets lives. Dont believe thier bullshit.

I love you so much that means to much to me I really needed that ily babe

You always need attention for yourself Kylie its not fucking funny how you act depressed and since your popular you get attention and I've tried to kill myself for a long time but no one ever helps me when you just do it for attention

I DONT FUCKING DO IT FOR ATTENTION don't even say that the last thing I want is attention when I got out of the hospital I didn't want anyone to know what happend I told everyone I was sick so stop
Liked by: Alexandra Elyse

Ok whoever's saying that has not right. Kylie is perfect and at least she's not a coward sitting behind her computer screen saying hateful things to other people. Kylie has a better personality than all of y'all so chill. She's flawless, NOT worthless, so SHUTUP.

I love you so much

pretty sure exactaly NO ONE from long valley hates kylie. if you think everyone hates her, explain why everyone wants to be friends with her and how everyone loves her. go be an asswipe somewhere else because its fuckig annoying

Ily so much Sarah


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