

Ask @BasicBarresse

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You could guess easily. I'm always gonna be here for you. And if they tell you all that horrible shit on anonymous fuck them biotch they ain't worth it. And by the way. I love you<3

I love you more and I think I have a clue haha

Anything to make you smile beautiful. I'm glad I could make a impact on you you deserve the fucking world.

So do you please please tell me who you are so I can show you how perf you are

Strong and super beautiful. You deserve to be here you honestly do. Just smile baby and show them how amazing you truly are. Show them how strong you are and how you never give up. You are a hero Kylie Barresse. You show everyone how to live the right way. Always remember that. Chin up baby girl

This made me cry I'm not even kidding you have no idea how much that means to you I would've been dead if it weren't for people like you seriously you deserve to be happy more than I do people that like to make others happy deserve a standing ovation no joke..it amazes me how nice but yet again how cruel some people can be people like you are what keep me going never change ily

Pleasse never let them get the satisfaction of driving you to the cops, driving you out of this earth or driving you back to depression. You deserve the world. They don't know half the shit you have been through! If they went through it they would probably be dead by now. But no you are amazingly

OMG thank you ilysm you're beautiful and I'm not doing it to show them it hurts they deserve to be punished
Liked by: Sam Scelso

Everyone deserves to be here even the haters. Everyone. But they don't deserve things like ask because they are to immature to handle it. You aren't you handle everything amazingly. Sure you can get annoying sometimes. But there's no reason to hate on you. Your still a beautiful kind hearted girl.

Haha thank you, I don't try to be annoying I just don't want the people to think they're hurting me ya know
Liked by: Sam Scelso

Those beautiful scars on your skin and turn them into strength that picks you up again. You make everything your way of saying "you can't bring me down I'm still here" and never let anyone get you down to think that you don't deserve to be here because you do. Every ounce of you deserves to be here

OMG I'm tearing up you're so perfect you're beautiful and we need more people like you who like to make people smile ily

Admired for that. They shouldn't get you down enough to go to they cops. They shouldn't sink you down to that level of insecurity or hopelessness to make yourself be at that point. You are stronger than that I know you are. You are the strongest girl I know. Everything about you is strong. You take

Thank you so much I seriously love you so much it honestly doesn't hurt me it's jut I don't think people should feel ok about getting away with this it's bullshit

You are an amazingly strong girl. You are worth more than anyone could call you. If they are going to say all that shit about you on anonymous, whatever don't let them get to you! If they don't have the guts to say anything they want like you do fuck them. You'd say anything to anyone you are admire

Aw OMG this made my day ily

Kylie, you dont deserve the shit people are saying to you. You didnt do anything wrong at all, none of us did. We were all just standing up for ourselves like wtf people are bored with no lives and you dont deserve it, none of us do. I'm coming to the po po station (; ily

Haha thanks baby and I might actually go to the cops

disgusting and I felt bad for you but now I see how you actually are and I dont care what youve gone cause you deserve it. I really thought you were different Kylie.


I just lost all my respect for you. You went to the hospital for depression and surrounded yourself with people hurting. Why would you ever do that to someone. You cut recently so you know what it feels like. You are harrassing and embrassing her even bullying her. You think its funny but its

Okay you obviously don't know my story because I was depressed and I still am kinda.. So just because I'm not gonna get upset over someone telling me to kill myself doesn't mean I'm bullying someone like it makes ABSOLUTLEY no sense I didn't start drama whatsoever I just got a bunch of questions on ask about ryleigh so I sent stupid pictures..
Liked by: Sam Scelso


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