

Ask @BasicBarresse

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know joy? Stay strong, my love. It's people like you who keep this world spinning. Smile.


You are so strong, and such an inspiration. Don't listen to the haters. They are jealous of your strengths. As for your story, I admire you for staying courageous through your tough times. While I didn't go through half of the things you went through, strangely I can relate. Without pain, how can we

I LOVE YOU BABY PLEse stay strong ily and you make me so freakin happy babe

I feel too mean to tell you who I am hahaha and I feel like when I tell you you will be like "oh.. It was just her."

NO I WON'T BABE ILY PLEASE TELL ME the fact that you have to courage to send this to me and take time out of your day to make me feel better would make me love you 10x more, please tell me bby

Like I feel awful about this but I used to judge you and think you were mean and stuff but I was so wrong and I am so sorry for that. You are soo nice and I really wish we were friends but I feel like you don't like me because you got in a fight with my friend and idk haha

I wouldn't hate you because I got in a fight with your friend! Please talk to me or kik me kyliebxoxo ily

This is the same person btw. But we aren't that close but you just said ilysfm. And that is really sweet. I really look up to you because you don't judge people and are nice to everyone! I don't understand how people can be so mean to you. You deserve so much better <3

OMG thank you so much and I do love all of you!<3
Liked by: ☹ Olivia ☻

Aww. Kylie. I've heard so many mean things about you but I've just ignored them because you are one of the strongest people I know. You are so sweet. We aren't even that close. actually I feel like you don't like me. But you seem like an amazing friend and you don't deserve what you go through.

Thank you so much! Thanks for not beilieving it! And I love you I don't hate you I'm a really sarcastic person so I can understand if you think that but trust me I don't

Don't listen to that person! They are extremely disrespectful and rude. You deserve to be treated so much better because you are perfect in every way. You are seriously one of the most gorgeous girls I have ever seen and it amazes me how someone can be that pretty. You are beautiful, stay strong<3

Thank you so much ilysfm
Liked by: ☹ Olivia ☻

NOO DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT! Kylie i love you so much and if you ever think about hurting yourself call or text me! I'll be here for you no matter what! You are so much better than the anons and you deserve the best Love you!

becca smith
Thank you becca ilysm

Maybe you aren't beautiful. Because you're beyond it. Your perfectness just deserves its own word. Your just flawless okay? Okay.

OMG I love you that means everything and beyond to me

How can people be so horrible? It literally makes me sick to even think that someone could tell another person to do things to themselves that they shouldnt ever even think of doing. Please stay strong and ignore all these terrible people saying things that they will someday regret.

Thank you so fucking much that's means so much and I know people are terrible..like what if I did kill myself?

I don't really know u Kylie.. But from your story your so strong!!! really that's a lot for one girl to go through. I have been through a lot too and I can defiantly relate but stay strong ok<3 your absolutely gorgeous and so strong never feel like your not good enough <3

Omg thank you so much that honestly means alot to me you're so beautiful you stay strong as well babe

maybe you should gtfo of kirks ask. now you have three different people coming to you about kirk. get with it babe, being mean gets you no where in life. and you look pathetic as a bitch trying to put him down. lol just stop trying. you will not succeed


You look like the ugly bus ran over your face then backed up, then ran over it again. then a stampede of wild buffalo merged across your face. and then i stepped on you bc you are trash :-)

That rly maed me sad


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