
†Dragon's Blood†

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Heavenly father I call upon you this your child Mario Evans I'm asking you my Father in heaven remove every virus remove every tracking remove every being coming against in the future or my life remove every hack the movie every danger the new every trouble I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ

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Movie hack?
I'm so confused -
Honestly, people freak out about too many things that claim to follow God like they won't watch movies because they're sexual or overall too sexual yet the bible has sex through out - and not the kind where it's like "we're waiting for marriage". They don't like the real world because of the - cults etc, but in the bible they literally praised Gods and mention demons and including one you literally give your kid up to.
then there's the whole - gore aspect and it's like, did you even read the book? because gore is all through that and if we literally followed the bible word for word - and put in on a movie screen and made it ? It'd be rated R or past it, for literally everything we claim "we avoid the real world".

Language: English