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Latest answers from ⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤

is it true that if a woman sleeps with multiple men, when she gets pregnant her baby will have the dna of all the men she'd slept with?

I see that sex education failed you greatly

[[it is 3 AM]]

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
[[I am awake, I do not know why I am awake. I see all the problems in the RPs, can someone else solve them? Just trying to think how to have Geno save the day is giving me a headache]]

..I know it ain't easy losing your whole world like that.. but you built a brand new one after losing your own.. even created a whole multiverse of worlds.. and you met Life and Death themselves.. Would you wanna change that? I wouldn't wanna erase meeting you..

GrimReapings’s Profile Photo{͜͡͡ Reapeɾ͜ ͡}
Now Goth is trying to burn down my new world
I just, can't help him anymore

..Geno.. *The crow then flies off and comes back with a photo of Geno with Reaper and their kiddos in it's beak* I know we can't change the past at all.. but we can change the future.. your bro would want ya to have a future where your happy or well, as happy as an eternally dying masochist can be~

GrimReapings’s Profile Photo{͜͡͡ Reapeɾ͜ ͡}
I wish I could reset like Frisk and Chara do, effortlessly and rewrite everything

Tbc shielding him from the consequences of his actions.. and I think your doing the same thing I was doing.. bailing him out whenever he messes up too badly.. Maybe we should cut back a bit..I think you need a break just as much as I do..

GrimReapings’s Profile Photo{͜͡͡ Reapeɾ͜ ͡}
I know, I know, I just
I keep remembering finding Papy's scarf...
Tbc shielding him from the consequences of his actions and I think your doing

Geno.. *Reaper would get up himself to comfort Geno, but he honestly can't, the most he can do is have his crows or ravens do it for him, the crow just continues nuzzling him* You told me a while back to let Gothy figure some things out on his own, ya took my hourglass and told me to stop tbc

GrimReapings’s Profile Photo{͜͡͡ Reapeɾ͜ ͡}
I know I did, just. . .

*A crow then sits on Genos shoulder and nuzzles the Tsun* Heh.. looks like he's wearing you down too.. sorry Love..

GrimReapings’s Profile Photo{͜͡͡ Reapeɾ͜ ͡}
I'm not stepping in to save him anymore. But I also can't just let him get himself killed. I'm caught between having Goth learn to fend for himself and my own PTSD from the Genocide run.
I... I really don't know what to do with the kid. I almost wonder if I made a mistake asking for the favor from Hades be to return Goth.
I shouldn't be thinking like that, I can't lose more family. . .
I'll be honest here, I'm at a total loss as to what to do anymore.
A crow then sits on Genos shoulder and nuzzles the Tsun
Heh looks like hes

Have.. I really been that bad? *Goth looks away from his mom* I didn't think I was that bad.. um.. I'll try to do better.. I don't like having you this upset with me.. it makes me feel like I did a skele-ton wrong.. and I mean a TON .. and getting everyone chasing me all the time..*he is THAT dense*

GothsOfDeath’s Profile Photo﴾G̤̈﴿﴾ö̤﴿﴾ẗ̤﴿﴾ḧ̤﴿
Goth this whole situation is as serious as a heart attack.
You cannot keep doing what you’re doing. I’m getting too tired to keep pulling your ass out of the fire. From now on I’ll only step in if you are literally on the brink of dusting because I just can’t do this anymore Gothy.

*Geno went full mom mode* *Goth stares up at his mom for a few minutes before just hugging him, did he finally get some sense knocked into that skull of his?* Sorry mom.. *Having Goth as the next Grim Reaper is terrifying, though XD just imagine the chaos, the sheer chaos the brat would cause*

GothsOfDeath’s Profile Photo﴾G̤̈﴿﴾ö̤﴿﴾ẗ̤﴿﴾ḧ̤﴿
*Well hopefully Reaper and RT!Papy would still be on the job to stop things from getting too bad*
I don't believe you're sorry Goth. You're just sorry I'm disappointed in you. You want me to believe you're sorry?
Do better.
*Geno just isn't holding back today*

Language: English