

Latest answers from ⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤

Wait wut--!? *Serves the brat right tbh XD**Goth was stunned he couldn't even teleport back in after being thrown out* Uhhhh... does mom remember I'm mostly responsible for dad dusting? *he then yells at the door* I'LL BE BACK TO MAKE UP FOR ALMOST KlLLING YOU AND DUSTING DAD! *Goth just can't hush*

GothsOfDeath’s Profile Photo﴾G̤̈﴿﴾ö̤﴿﴾ẗ̤﴿﴾ḧ̤﴿
*Goth gets no response through the door, seems Geno is full out ignoring him. Also not sure if he'll get his powers back that's up to Hades*

HEY MOM! Aunt Allura wants to be my DAD! *Goth barges in just to yell nonsense at his parents-normal day*

GothsOfDeath’s Profile Photo﴾G̤̈﴿﴾ö̤﴿﴾ẗ̤﴿﴾ḧ̤﴿
Goth, until your father recovers, you're an orphan
*Goth is flung out of the room with blue magic, when he tries to open it again he finds it's locked and he can't teleport right now*

*Ask is finally working a little better--watch me have jinxed it now xD* *Reaper yawns before closing his eye sockets、the smol God is just draped over the Tsuns shoulder as he starts dozing off、teleporting like that just drained most of the magic he recovered and I don't think there's IVs that smol*

GrimReapings’s Profile Photo{͜͡͡ Reapeɾ͜ ͡}
*you jinxed it*
*Geno just sighs happy at least Reaper is resting*

*Tiny Death God then teleports on top of Genos shoulder to hug the Tsuns skull* Sorry Love.. I'll try not to let that happen again..

GrimReapings’s Profile Photo{͜͡͡ Reapeɾ͜ ͡}
Don't let it happen again. I don't think I'd survive it a second time

Maybe my puns are a little rusty.. I thought that would get a laugh or somethin *Reaper chuckles nervously* still kinda worried you can't remember how you got hurt like that though.. is it just your arms that got cut up like that? *he gives a worried look*

GrimReapings’s Profile Photo{͜͡͡ Reapeɾ͜ ͡}
Just my arms, I seem fine otherwise. Look I was kinda going through a lot of trauma with you dead. I already have memory issues, it's not surprising that when dealing with trauma my memory just short circuits.

*Reaper then lays himself back down after he sees the Tsuns wounds were bandaged up, he was still worried but there isn't much he can do right now, he's in the same position Life was in a long time ago only in his case, he took himself out on accident* Heh、should I start thinking big so I can help?

GrimReapings’s Profile Photo{͜͡͡ Reapeɾ͜ ͡}
No, no, not right now. I just asked you to rest while I dealt with this. Now I dealt with it.

Language: English