
W. D. Gaster

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+4 answers in: โ€œMaggy: *she looks up at him* how could I forget you!? I can just remember what I want to rememberโ€
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Latest answers from W. D. Gaster

leave the grandkids to people who WANT grandkids

The fans want her to have grandkids
I will not allow myself to disappoint the fans

But if Nova had kids, they wouldn't be your Grandkids, unless there's something you're not telling us

The truth is revealed, I manipulated the creators of Leon into coming together and founding the Facility.
I manipulated events so that the beta male that is Nova's dad would get lucky and bang an angel.
I also have been manipulating events so that Canada will be blown up and Norm the genie will finally have his revenge,
All so that Nova could one day have super powered grandkids and I can take them to form a new version of the Avengers


EntryNumber17โ€™s Profile PhotoW. D. Gaster
Maybe she should drop her hybrid fanny onto some dick and experiment,
She isn't gonna get any grandkids if she doesn't try.
*Why are you so obsessed with grandkids--*

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