
Hassan Butt

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I don't get it why do i feel frustrated or get angry for no reason.

Acknowledging your feelings is a positive step; it's essential to explore underlying causes and seek support if needed to manage frustration and anger constructively.
Liked by: Hassan Butt

Is there someone you dislike for no particular reason?

It's natural to have those feelings sometimes, but understanding why can help us grow.
Liked by: Hassan Butt

Is it okay if I cry all over the shoutout wall?

It's perfectly okay to express your feelings; sometimes, letting it out is the best way to heal.
Liked by: Hassan Butt

Anyone wants to get hitched with an emotional wreck, unstable piece of matilda cake?

Someone out there will appreciate your unique flavor, just wait and see!
Liked by: Hassan Butt

If someone gave you a box that contained everything you have lost in your life, what's the first thing you'd search for? 🎁

It's natural to reminisce about lost possessions or moments, but focusing on what we've gained along the way can bring more fulfillment and happiness.


Language: English