
i wanna touch ur butt

Ask @IDontEvenCare

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And why not come off anon cause you obviously think you know Sammi and Lauren pretty well, yeah? Bet you don't :)

True. They obviously don't, anybody we're close to would already know and not need to ask haha, whoever it is is just a prick :')

Dear nosey cunt who can't spell Lauren right, your to much of a nosey cunt and learn to spell names properly. Thank you and goodnight.

I agree

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ooo touchey did i hit a nerve?? is it because you still love her

Yes, of course you fucking hit a nerve you dumb ass cunt, and you obviously already know you did. No, it's not because I still love her, it's just a fucking painful subject okay. So fuck off, and stop being a fucking prick.

i dont see why you wont just tell me

Well even my closest friends don't know all of it so I'm not going to tell some fucking stranger, am I? If I knew you and wanted you to know, you'd know. Piss off trying to cause shit.

Why? just tell me

Like I fucking said, fuck off.
I'm not exactly going to tell you, especially because I don't know you.

Meet me at Brid tesco at 5pm, I'll knock you out mate.

Lol, seeing as though I live no where near Bridlington and have no idea who you are, how about no. :-)

u can tell u still love lauryn, too bad she dont love youaymore hahah

Um, no. First of all, is that even English?:/
Second, I don't love her. I have a girlfriend, how awkward:L
And three, why would it bother me that she doesn't love me anymore? .___.

Hey I really think we should start talking again, we haven't spoke for a while but idk if you hate me or not...

Aw who is this? I doubt I hate you, I don't really hate anyone excluding the few obvious people:c


Language: English