
i wanna touch ur butt

Ask @IDontEvenCare

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Hooray for special occasions where you recieve gifts! Do you ship FrostIron?

Haha yeah!:3 and I don't know what that is, should I know what it is?:S

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How do you know if you're a lesbian?

1) I'm just not attracted to guys, at all.
2) I AM attracted to girls, a lot.
3) I've been in love with a girl, in a romantic way.
4) boobs.

Would it be a good thing if you bit? :D

I'm not sure, basically, I meant I literally bite people. Like all the time. It's weird I know, but people are tasty:'3 and oh dear god that sounded so wrong, but idc :')
Liked by: Andy The Human

Weirdest thing you've ever experienced?

Probably that time when me and some friends were high and had a 'massage train' :')

What are your bad habbits?

Chewing my nails, running my hand through my hair, scratching my wrists, saying 'um' a lot when I'm nervous


Language: English