
i wanna touch ur butt

Ask @IDontEvenCare

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Sent to everyone I follow I just unfollowed a bunch of people so If you get this then I still follow you!:) and I am doing hot or not til 9pm (winner gets spammed)

Yay :3

Does it hurt to get your septum pierced??

It hurt when she pushed the ring through cause it wouldn't go straight through but that's it c:

you don't know who you're talking to bitch. I'll track your IP adress and find out your full adress. I'll still stalking you until you give me what I want.... and if you don't give me this thing, I'll go take this one in person. You Fucking Dyke: I'm THIBAUT

Lol no, I can track IP's to and I'll just block you and report you haha go away
Liked by: Doctor Paradox

do u still do drugs?

The only drug I ever take now is pot
And not that often anymore
(although technically, alcohol, nicotine and caffeine are all drugs and I consume a whoooooole load of them)


Language: English