
i wanna touch ur butt

Ask @IDontEvenCare

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so you do.

I never said that
But seriously, if you're gonna be so invested in my love affairs the least you could do is come off anon or message me so it's not quotes as creepy :/

So you don't like any of you exs then?


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so Andys not the ex you like then?

Wait hold the fuck up, I never said I liked any of my ex's so that's running before the whistle's blown a little ._.

You and Andy should get back together. He never meant to hurt you. She came on to him, and he didn't know what to do. He kissed her back and it was the biggest mistake of his life. He's still in love with you.

If he kissed her then it doesn't matter why he did it or how much of a mistake it was, I wouldn't have ever done that. I got drunk on several occasions while I wasn't at home or with him and there were plenty of people I could have kissed (I have 0 self control when drunk) and I managed to hold myself back perfectly fine. So no, we shouldn't.

Are you really that poor that you can't afford one?

I have plenty if shirts. If I choose to wear his shirt what business is it of yours? He just so happens that I was in love with him and I am upset and maybe wearing his things makes me feel a little better and I'll be damned if you try and say I'm not allowed :-)

you edit all your photos you don't look like that in real life

I do not
If I cares about it why would I post awful and embarrassing selfies?
Like right here in this picture, I have just woken up, I am ill and I have no make up on, and it isn't edited at all(none of my photos are tyvm)
But do I give a shit? No, I don't. :-)

what would you do if your girlfriend was ill/sad

I have always wanted to sing someone to sleep.
Like just lay with them in my arms and stroke their hair and quietly sing until they feel better and fall asleep cuddling her, but I am ugly and nobody wants me ;_;


Language: English