
i wanna touch ur butt

Ask @IDontEvenCare

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You just have to ignore what people say, I've been told numerous times 'i'm not good enough' yet I still seem to think I am ^__^

Aw well whoever said that is silly 'cause you are ^_^
I do try to but it's just really hard for me, I'm not sure why :'3

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Well it's easier for some people but then again I have always been optimistic about everything >.<

I wish I was like that haha, I'm the complete opposite :'3

Aw it's amazing , Ly :3 <3

C4M0biitchh’s Profile PhotoMel.
Hehe :3 it looked way better close up, I tried to make it special but failed oops .-. :'3 <3

Maybe you just need re-assuring, At least try being optimistic, you may actually quite like it ^__^

I do try, it just doesn't work haha :'3 ^_^

Its fun when you visit and tbh its quite cool living here aha and aww :( when i lived in birmingham i used to always visit aha <3

gingerkatiemayne’s Profile PhotoAn0tHeR_g@Y
Aw I used to love going for holidays, it was really fun :'3 <3

You have an amazing figure anyway, stop being a pessimist c;

Thank you :'3 haha aw I can't help it c':

@ opinions?

I did this earlier .-.
But yeah ok, how about for all of today, if you send me your @ link I'll do opinions okok

'nothing special' wow dont know how you can say tat because youre a gift. Youre like a dream made into a person okaii??!! And yes im from birmingham but live down here and aw thats cool cc: <3

gingerkatiemayne’s Profile PhotoAn0tHeR_g@Y
Aw that's cool, I kinda like Devon, it's a shame we never go anymore ;_; <3

What was the first thing I said to you c;

Wasn't it that you wish I could see myself like you see me? At least I think it was .-. ;'3

Well from your recent pictures, you are slim c:

I think I look quite fat :'3 but yeah, oh well I suppose there's nothing I can do about it c:

Aw no shh you silly willy. Id faint because youre so stunning >.< <3

gingerkatiemayne’s Profile PhotoAn0tHeR_g@Y
Nuuuu, I promise you wouldn't, I'm honestly nothing special :'3
You live in Devon right? I went on holiday there every year up until I was twelve >.< <3

why are your fingers bent like that on the pic with the guitar??!

It's 'cause I'm playing a b-minor
It's a barre chord and you have to bend your fingers all weird to play it :'3

You may feel fat but honestly you're not, you're really quite slim :3

I don't feel it :'3
But thank you anyway c:

Well you look beautiful as you are ^___^ Putting weight back on is fine, just don't let it become something you despise :3

I hate that I'm putting weight on ;_;
It makes me feel really fat :'3

No youre not seriously shh or i will come to hull and fight you although youd win aha and well thats alright then aha <3

gingerkatiemayne’s Profile PhotoAn0tHeR_g@Y
You'd have to travel pretty far to do that c; hehe aw :'3 <3

Then yeah maybe you are strange after all >.< I once spent a whole week living off Red Bull and ice pops, granted I did lose half a stone but it wasn't healthy ^__^

I've spent practically the past year or so doing that; I lost a lot of weight :'3 only recently started putting it back on .-.


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