
i wanna touch ur butt

Ask @IDontEvenCare

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Okay, so same person as last time here. Honestly, who gives a fuck if you're going out with Lauren, your private business is nobody else's, the bastards.

I know, they're just trying to get a rise out of me but idc

I am actually fed up if people giving shit now, Sammi doesn't give a toss what any of you think about our relationship, whether you think it's attention seeking or any other opinion, no one gives a fuck and it's not gonna ruin our relationship. So just fuck off + get it in your thick heads. Goodbye.

Liked by: Andy The Human

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Lauryns a fool for taking you back tbh you treat her alright then sometimes you let her down upset her and everything.i just hope you both last because your cute together bro.

It's funny because it's none of your business. It's not like she's never let me down. We've both made mistakes and I know I don't deserve her, you don't have to tell me that

I don't know if I'm a lesbian,but I'm starting to have feelings for a girl I think,I don't know what it is,helppp

Well you don't have to label yourself. And just because you have feelings for a girl doesn't mean you are a lesbian, you could be bisexual or simply be going through a phase. Unfortunately I can't tell you who or what you are, so this ones for you to figure out. I'm always here if you need someone to talk to though:) x

How would you describe your 'type'

I have the urge to say Lauren but I'm guessing that's not what you're looking for:')
Um...well, I have a thing for pale skin and bright eyes, with either really dark or bright hair. Er, I think that's it for looks. And personality, basically as long as they aren't dead boring and can be fun and outgoing they're fine with me.
But I can't imagine being with anyone but Laur to be honest :')

you could do miles better than lauren

Really? I could do better than someone who loves me despite all of my faults, has been there for me when not one other person has bothered to even notice that anything is wrong? I could do better than the girl that has risked absolutely everything for me and has stuck with me, put up with all my problems and my bullshit whereas anybody else would have given up? Let me tell you something anon, I couldn't find anybody better than her on the entire earth. I don't even deserve her as it is nevermind 'miles better than her'.
Liked by: Olivia Matfin

your so beautiful I wish I could be your girlfriend:(

Aw, this is sweet but sorry, you'd have to be Laur to be my girlfriend and you aren't:/

Do you want children when you're older and if so how many?

Yes I do and ideally just two but I guess I could change my mind by the time I'm actually old enough:')

Whoever's abusing you. "Save everyone the trouble of looking at your face" Considering the person is being anonymous, I doubt they can talk.

AaronPardon’s Profile PhotoNiggersaurasrex
I know. They're a bit dumb, aren't they:/ It's amusing how they think I care though:')
Liked by: Niggersaurasrex

No one asked you to look at her face silly cunt, fuck off and leave her alone, she's beautiful and telling someone to die is pathetic, go take a hard look at your self and sort it out.

Aw thank you:3<3

How do you know?

There are a lot of things I could say to that so I hope you are ready for a massive paragraph:)
Okay, here goes:
Basically I have never felt this way about anybody before. I feel so strongly for her that even just the sight of her names makes my heart flutter and gives me butterflies. Every single time she says she loves me it drives me crazy because I can't believe how lucky I am to have her and to know she loves me. The sight of her smiling is the best part of my life and I love it even more when I'm the one she's smiling for. She's so beautiful, I can't even tell you how perfect she is. I have no idea why someone so pretty would want me but I'm singled she does. She never ever fails to make me smile and when I'm with her it just feels so right. Like I've been starved with oxygen and all if a sudden I can breathe. I don't know what I would do without her, but I know my life wouldn't be worth living. I love her with all of my heart, and I know I do with every fibre of my being.

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