

Ask @ItsReallyJack

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Have you ever broken up with a friend ?

I've had very few friends in my life.
The people I invest in don't care about me.

Who is your best friend for the moment and why?

I don't have a best friend currently and friends such as past friends are absent.
I have been embarrassed about my situation. I can't really talk about myself to anyone due to extenuating circumstances that are beyond most people's comprehension. I don't even know if I want to talk about my life anymore.
I can't really connect to females on a friend level beyond small talk because of this situation as well. Both in respect to professional situation as well as commitment to a relationship from college years I haven't moved past.
I've recently found a potential friend or two at church, but other than this, my church is big but people in my demographics who aren't married are few and far between, especially professionally oriented people.
I don't want to deal with classmates from college because of how my life has worked out. Nothing against them. It's more of a pride issue on my part. I also really don't want to talk about my life. My best friend from college fell apart and I had to abandon that relationship. I didn't have much left after that.
People in high school knew a me that I wanted to leave behind.
Andrew was a friend. He moved away after he graduated. Andrew reached out to me in the past month or so. When he was in Louisville he was kind to include me in his dinners that he would have at his home in Louisville regularly when he was here.
90% of people in my demographics are married and raising a family already. They have commitments to their wife and kids and friends for the sake of friends aren't as important to them. If they want to socialize it's easier for them to socialize with married people who likely have kids too.
This was a minefield question in response. I said too much as is.

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If you had the power to read someone’s mind, whose would it be? ??

I really want to know what Eve was thinking when she picked up the fruit from the tree of evil. How much suffering that she caused unnecessarily through her decisions and actions. Why was it even necessary? Wasn't the garden an easy place to live and develop a great relationship and life?
Surely what she left when she chose that path was extravagant. All for garbage fruit that brought a cursed life.
Because she brought the fall, God's judgment on her was more severe. God said, "Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you." I think she has been trying to overthrow the natural order, but she is bringing bad things on herself.
I wonder how much resentment there was in her marriage?

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According to you, why do people love? Or fall in love?

In Genesis 1, God spoke the heavens, the earth and everything in it into existence in six days and rested on the 7th. God created various forms of life starting with plants on the 3rd day, fish and birds on the 5th day, and every living thing on land on the 6th day, including man. After the 3rd through 6th day, God looked over his work and saw that it was good.
In Genesis 2, God had placed Adam in the Garden of Eden to tend to the garden and oversee his creation. At this point God said the first thing negative about his creation up to that point, God said "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." God interacts with Adam and has Adam name each of the creatures, whatever Adam wanted to name them. As Adam named each of the creatures, Adam found no suitable helper.
So God created a helper by taking a rib out of Adam and using it to form Eve. Eve was called a woman, for she was taken out of man.
God realized Adam needed someone as a companion, and nothing else in God's glorious creation was suitable, so God created Eve. God's first negative thought still stands as truth today. "It is not good for man to be alone."
People need community to be healthy, and more specifically 'a helper in life.' Genesis 2:24 "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh." Before women blow their tops from being called a helper, The Holy Spirit is also referred to as 'a helper,' yet is God himself. It is no light term.
God uses marriage in a christian sense to develop and perfect the husband and wife through the community/family relationship they share together. On their own, they would not achieve nearly as much as they would together through the institution of marriage, a lot of this is character development and sanctification.
People love because it was God's design for creation to be in close knit community/family. The model of marriage and family is how we realize God's love for us.
People today fall in love for all kinds of reasons. They usually don't have the wisdom to consider God's design. People try to take what God designed for husband and wife and give it away for little to nothing. Yet the intention was far greater and therefore much is missed.
"Show me your friends, and I will show you your future." Marriage is the preeminent decision to make in life. I think the most important factors are not even considered. Two people dating should model the faith that they desire for themselves and their children to the greatest extent possible. If two people dating don't even share the same foundation, to be married would be the combination of intellectual suicide, religious suicide, or the groundwork for extreme trial and strife, since every other belief and reason in life is built off of the foundation of faith. This includes people who don't believe in god, because usually that means that they hold themselves as supreme.

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Picture of your taste

I'm an engineer. I enjoy optimizing things. I notice details, and appreciate the work that it takes to design something. There are many factors that go into picking what I want. For something I care about, I can spend hours figuring out what compromises to make. There are different categories of level of care for different types of items. I also understand economic theory well.
When I optimize something for cost, I generally will pay more than the lowest option available when I notice factors such as quality of construction, engineering, and durability.
Generally in life, good isn't cheap, and cheap isn't good.
I have a stereotype against a great deal of Chinese goods. If all you do is copy, you generally don't understand the science to optimize something appropriately. Professionally with things like tools, especially complicated tools (like machine tools), I've realized it's significantly more expensive to buy tools from people who only know how to copy. Precision and repeatability are the first quality components to suffer. Durability follows soon after. Plus, anything electronic from China has security concerns, especially if you are capable of content creation or engineering.
I don't believe in throwing money at something as the sole determinant of value in terms of choices I make. Very often, the most expensive tiers are based on quality of marketing rather than true increased value due to better engineering. As increasingly higher performance is sought (and more money is allocated), there is less and less return on investment for every marginal increase in performance, value, and quality. With things that take a great deal of engineering that are replicated inexpensively (like some integrated circuits) (also software), very often the highest quality and most innovative products are the products that have the biggest consumer base to spread design cost against.
There are things that are worth spending more money (if you have it) if value scales with cost. If more units in parallel linearly scales performance, there is merit in something very expensive. Integrated circuits are very inexpensive to copy something very complicated, but area of a chip (mm^2) is an additional crucial factor to cost. In this consideration, scaling area of an IC frequently exponentially scales usefulness (rate 1), while exponentially scaling cost (rate 2). Yet another consideration is how many units may be in parallel. Performance over cost is valid, but performance per unit is sometimes key because of unit scarcity. Balance.
For personal style I prefer a rugged look over a great deal of effeminate men's clothing that is popular today. I don't mind having a rugged style on Saturdays but a clean, professional style on Sundays. I think there is merit in picking the 'costume' most appropriate for occasion. I don't believe it is a sacrifice of personal brand to have 3-4 radically different styles appropriate for different occasions.

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If you had only one last wish to make, what would it be?

I've had trouble with this one.
Many things in life are meant to be enjoyed throughout life, not once. Once is almost pointless, even if it's an exceptional experience.
I am secure in my faith with Christ. My death marks the end of a period of intense character development and shaping, but not the end of my experience.
After death, I think I'll be asleep and unconscious in the grave until Christ comes to earth and raptures the church. When Christ raptures us, first the dead will be reunited with Him, then the living that are in Christ. (This is scriptural, but Christ also said to the person who was crucified next to him while on the cross 'This very day you will be with me in paradise.')
I'm not entirely sure of my theology - all scripture is truth and is supernaturally inspired by the Holy Spirit. It could be that time fast forwards to the rapture as soon as we die. It could be our souls are immediately with Christ, but the remains of our physical bodies are raptured when Christ comes in the sky to extract the church.
Anyways, what humans in Christ experience immediately after their death isn't important. I don't think it matters - we either won't know or it will be immediately glorious.
What I do know is the first thing those in Christ will experience is Jesus's marriage party to the church as his bride. It will be the party of all parties! A feast like no human has ever experienced! People who were not in Christ will realize the splendor of it and gnash their teeth and be in great agony realizing what they missed out on!
After the marriage ceremony, which in Jewish tradition lasts a week, (a week in God's time, not our time), we will see earth being judged and remade throughout the tribulation. When the tribulation is over, the saints within Christ's kingdom will help Christ rule the earth for 1000 years - the millennial kingdom! I think this is our final instruction and character development. Through our first experience, we saw what was broken in life. Through our experience ruling with Christ, we will know what a perfect ruler does. After the Millennial Kingdom, Christ will judge all Christians and give them rewards if they qualified for any, as well as their next assignment.
What I'm saying is a summary of things I know I will experience being in Christ's kingdom. The end of my life here is only the end of a period of intense shaping and development.
It is only the end of good for those who have no relationship with Christ!
Therefore, I haven't thought of an experience worth wishing for that was my last experience before I pass away. To me, as a Christian, there is only value in something if I can enjoy it throughout life, invest it, make it better, and share it.
The best experiences on earth pale in comparison to what Christians will experience after this life. The only thing on earth that we can't experience is sin in heaven, but why would I destroy what I spent my life working for?

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Which is better, being a realist, an optimist or a pessimist?

I am a realist that refuses to paint a picture that I don't believe. Are you in a tough situation and want an opinion that's useful? Ask me - I will not candy coat it. If I'm invested in it, I will look at minute details that I notice and infer truth you probably haven't seen yourself.
I have prayed for wisdom and discernment at least once every day (if not more) since 5th grade (1995). God has given me a great gift! If you value wisdom, you want me on your team!

Do u have any tips for first date?

In current society, humans greet each other as dogs do, nose-to-tail.
I think that's disgusting.
I believe a sex partner should be a life partner. I want to be able to evaluate you and know great detail about your life before I commit to something that I hold to such a high standard.
With that being said, it is in your interests to inform me about your character, personality traits, likes, dislikes, beliefs, hobbies, quirks, etc, the faster the better, as long as it's tasteful.
When I am confident I can be with you for life, then sexual relations have absolutely nothing wrong with them.
I've lived my life in a way that holds sex for a partner for life with very little deviation.
I think you're interested in me because of my beliefs and character. With that in mind, invest quality time with me so that I know you and am confident in you the earlier the better. The sooner I can be confident that I would want to raise children with you, the sooner bedrooms will be a factor in our relationship.
I want to make a point in doing this right. I've lived my life free from sexual sin/sexual relations to just about perfection. I see value in continuing that until next summer if we date from now until then. I want to be a legacy of doing things almost perfect. I think this will pay off later, especially if I have a public life or am a spiritual leader. Few have lived to such a standard in current society.
Besides sex, on a lighter note, make sure you have confidence in yourself. I have been on a couple dates when I was younger where I went to a restaurant with a girl and she was too nervous to eat. Make sure you enjoy yourself and whatever situation we're in.

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what's something you would never want to tell anyone?

I hope a significant other doesn't ask me 'How do I look?' expecting constant affirmation and encouragement as a method of propping up their mood and feelings of themselves.
I would rather give an objective critique that is positively inclined. I think that's more valuable. If you look stunning one day and I differentiate comments, I think it is better to know you are a true 10 some days rather than a false 10 most days.
Not speaking of beauty:
In general, I would rather have frank discussions that are open about weaknesses and shortcomings. I think people should be tough enough to handle objective criticism given respectfully. I think much more can be accomplished with an objective viewpoint. Sustained growth can be achieved when respectful and objective criticism is expected and given. I think constant praise that is not necessarily true is a detriment - it demotes the meaning of praise in general.
The only caveat being, if you're going to give objective criticism in general among a family, it must be done respectfully and in love. Without a spirit of love it will sabotage things that are more important than growth. If you can't give it in a spirit of love it should be saved for when it can.
If kids know without a doubt they are loved, objective criticism given respectfully and in love becomes a powerful tool. In my mind, that is how you achieve excellence in life.
Otherwise opportunities and time is wasted with dribble that in self reflection for someone intelligent is realized isn't true in the first place. When someone doubts positive feedback, a great deal is lost.

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What do you fear?

Spiritual warfare stuff.
Most people don't have the foundation and faith to realize the world is consumed in an epic and bitter spiritual war between just two sides, but that is the case. People think believing in a god is just for them and their health and wealth. A mature Christian who is late in life would look at like signing up to be a foot soldier in World War I. That's what I think it's like.
I'm confident my side will win because the fatal blow was when Jesus resurrected - taking Satan's power over death and life away from him.
However, the dark side isn't going down without a fight. They are going to bloody God's side's nose as many times as they can before they are put to rest. Being a foot soldier means I'll be caught in the middle of the exchanges of power.
There are some things that I take confidence in:
1 John 4:4
"You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world."
Jesus has power over every other spiritual being on earth. I take confidence in that, and pray for intervention regularly, and receive intervention from above.
I am not afraid to die, in fact sometimes I think I would be happier dead than alive. Paul said:
2 Corinthians 5:8
"We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord."
I completely resonate with that. However I firmly believe the choice of whether I live or die is not for me to make. I serve Christ, so it is God's choice.
One thing I greatly fear is being separated from the love of God and the Holy Spirit, then no longer having help to defend myself from spiritual attacks. I really hope God never loses patience with me when I make mistakes. I have had intense spiritual warfare within my life at specific instances. I have prayed for deliverance and it was granted in the past and sustained today. When I had to be constantly in prayer for deliverance, it was traumatic.
Something that doesn't bother me immediately but will bother me in the future:
(Read Mt 19:16-30)
Matthew 16:24-26 - specifically verse 26
"24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. 25 For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. 26 What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? "
Matthew 19:24
"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”
Matthew 19:25-26
"25 When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?”
26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
In other words a fear of mine is having great success yet still keeping my priorities straight. Most people fail at this.

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What do you dream about?

Typically I dream about random stuff, although I've gone through some instances in my life where my dreams are incredibly complex and vivid - extremely entertaining - better than a personalized movie. I'm not saying sexual stuff here either - more like a Hollywood action film.
In the past decade, 4-5 times I've been given limited views of a future event from a spiritual entity. They have correlated with events in my life that have already happened (in other words my visions are fulfilled as far as I can tell). Right now I don't know of any future visions (save 2) that I've been given, but in the past I've had experiences of walking into a room and past dreams involving the setting suddenly come to mind. I've had insight into things that would happen prior to them happening.
My dreams were only meant for my benefit.

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If someone wants to talk to you , what are the steps they should proceed to reach your acceptance of giving them a portion of your time to listen to ?

If you're a woman and you aren't someone that I've been pursuing for the recent past, wait until after the Holidays this year to introduce yourself. Things are either going to work out or they won't work out and I'll need some new directions. I'm consistently at SECC on Sundays - you may see me around after 1st service in the atrium, usually towards the information desk in the northeast corner. If you would like to meet me in person rather than electronically, that would be a place I frequent. I usually attend a Sunday school class - Emmaus class, after that, which I'm the only one in my demographics there by age. I attend that class because I've had a great deal of formal biblical teaching - part of my degree is in Bible. The Emmaus class has the deepest teaching at SECC that I'm aware of. Anyways, if you show up some Sunday morning, expect to be invited to my class and then lunch afterwards. As said please wait till after the Holidays unless you're a very specific person so I can figure out where my life is headed. Otherwise I'm not going to be looking, which could set things off negatively.
For the person I've had in mind for a while - I would welcome it if you showed up in my life some day, even without specific invitation. This is unlikely given your personality and past choices, so consider writing something to me and sending it in the mail.
Children play games. I've really wanted to get past that for quite a while.

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When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?

Surviving, not thriving.
There's so much I'd like to do that I'm not doing. Some of it is just not having healthy community to associate with. Some of it is always being in crisis mode - which seems like is ongoing one thing after another. I would like to live in disciplined patterns, but I don't have much structure in my life and I have a great deal of major changes that almost happen and then don't happen. I've had trouble developing patterns with most of my life in flux.

What is your favorite place to eat?

My all time favorite restaurant is Gyu-Kaku, a Japanese barbecue chain in the largest of cities. I visited Gyu-Kaku in Chicago's River North district.
My longtime interest likes to say she's from the Chicago area. If she knows the Chicago restaurant scene, that would be a great outing between Gyu-Kaku and others.
Locally in Louisville for my most favored restaurants I like ethic foods, from Korean, Vietnamese, and Cuban.
I like Japanese Sushi restaurants that have deep specialty role menus. My favorite Sushi restaurant in Louisville went out of business in the last few years. The proprietor there had established a 5+ page menu of specialty roles, or something like that. Very diverse. What's more is the owner found unique flavors and textures, not just variations of 6 or so classes of ingredients. I would order 3 roles of the most diverse flavors that I could find.
Most sushi restaurants have maybe 10 specialty roles. I think that's too mundane for my liking.
I also like Nigiri . My favorite sushi restaurant that closed down also had all you can eat Nigiri for a $30 fee approximately. I loved that experience as well - I would get at least one of everything Nigiri. Considering how expensive Nigiri is normally, that was an excellent deal.
I like Grecian food and Mediterranean style food.
I'm less likely to think American food is notable, although I definitely enjoy places like BJ's. I also appreciate Cheesecake Factory for both their wonderful desserts as well as comfort food.
The only flavor that I don't appreciate as much is Mexican - likely because it's very affordable so I tend to eat it more than most restaurants. I almost have palette fatigue at Mexican restaurants, although there is an excellent Louisville only chain that has a franchise in Prospect (Gustavo's). For a high quality meal at the lowest price dine-in, I'll get Mariscolandia there for takeout occasionally. I also tend to eat Mexican themed food more often than not at home - like chips and salsa or fresh guacamole as a snack at home. I do want to go to a Rick Bayless mexican restaurant sometime. I've read sections of some Bayless cookbooks and have been impressed at his presentation.
I have a list of favorite restaurants in my mind in Louisville, but I don't want to just give out my entire list. A restaurant I will mention by name in Louisville that I like is Mitchell's Fish Market. I've had some great meals there. I'm purposefully only giving chain names here minus Gyu-Kaku. You'll have to go on outings/dates with me if you can't identify the restaurants by inference.
I mentioned Gyu-Kaku by name because if I found someone to go with me to Chicago I would love to go there again. That is still my all time favorite.

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What's your favorite song from the 2000s?

Due to a health issue, I didn't appreciate lyrics in songs until around 2006 when I gained that ability for the first time without great struggle.
One of my favorite songs from the 2000s:
November 1999: https://youtu.be/INaqvTWOu08ItsReallyJack’s Video 150624655986 INaqvTWOu08ItsReallyJack’s Video 150624655986 INaqvTWOu08 York - Reachers of Civilisation (Original Mix)
the only note being the end is designed to be mixed into the next song.
Some of you may give me a hard time for my trance likings. My family never understood my interest. Like I said, I appreciated rhythm and melody but not lyrics. Trance is lyrics light.

What is your ideal girlfriend/boyfriend? In general, what are your preferences?

1. A Woman
2. A Christian / Full of Faith / No idolatry/false gods
3. Respectful
4. Loving relationship (non abusive)
5. Full of Holy Spirit / Sanctified life
6. Wise
7. Discerning
8. Faithful/Loyal/Life of celibacy
9. Trustworthy
10. Intelligent
11. Discipline in life
12. Encouraging
13. Patient
14. Joyful
15. Peaceful - not filled with anger
16. Good
17. Physically Fit
18. Kind
19. Common Language fluency
20. Employment
21. Wealth/Debt
22. Her Health
23. Physically Attractive
24. Engineering mindset
25. Her family
26. Beauty
27. Predominating interests
28. Culture
29. Location
30. Her friends/who she associates with
31. Musical aptitude - (for children's development later)

What would you like to do with money?

I think the #1 answer is philanthropy.
I believe I exist at the end of the church age (meaning Jesus will soon return). I believe this because of the existence of Israel as a nation.
I think the absolute best use of my time in terms of biblical calling would be to fulfill scripture in Matthew 24:45-51.
Jesus says "Who is The faithful and wise servant whom the master has put in charge of the servants in His household to give them their food at the proper time. It will be good for that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns. I tell you the truth, he will put him in charge of all his possessions."
I am living during the generation when Jesus offer can be claimed. I want to be this person that Jesus finds feeding the servants in His Kingdom when he returns.
There is no higher reward listed anywhere in scripture, except to Christ himself. I want to have the faith, and be in the position to fulfill this scripture, execute on fulfilling it no matter the obstacle, and be found fulfilling it when Christ returns. No matter the loss, no matter the trial, withstand until relieved.
I don't care if the key players are more than just me. Even as a team this would be a tremendous reward.
For Christ to offer this in this way indicates there will be an extreme trial. Do you know of anyone who can handle trials better than me?
I think Christ is speaking about physical food.
Just in case I misunderstood, I want to offer spiritual food as well, and be found faithfully pointing people to Christ until Jesus comes again.
I think this is the greatest possible calling of all times. I want to make it happen.
I want to be the reason believers in Christ have food to eat during the extreme trial that the world or believers endure. I want to be the guy that saw it coming and provide for these people so they endure until Jesus raptures the church immediately prior to the Tribulation.
That is my dream. People who enable me will share the reward.
I would be happy to pitch this in a proper way and explain all the specifics of the scripture and related scriptures if given an opportunity.
There is going to be a war or two centered around Israel prior to Christ's return. I think the humanitarian situation specifically for the church will be dire associated with the later of the two wars, probably in relation to harsh persecution where many Christians will be put to death in certain countries.
Russia being in Syria is in fulfillment of one of the prophecies! All of Israel's immediate neighbors will be involved in the first war. The second war will extend to the 2nd removed neighbors basically. Israel will be in charge of all of the land after the 1st and 2nd war, then, in my understanding, the rapture will happen, then the tribulation.
Until things clear up, investing money and expanding influence is key. Building a solid family is key while there is time.
Somehow this CAN be done. Scripture was for this!

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Do you admire someone?

I admire Bob Russell. Just a preacher, but a pastor to 24,000 prior to his retirement. Bob is gifted in teaching what is needed to be heard from the Bible. Bob faithfully taught biblical truth and biblical principles. He dramatically shaped the lives of everyone in the city through the collective impact of sharing God's wisdom and being faithful to use his position for maximum impact. Bob is Biblically humble, and not just for show.
He also didn't have a public fall in his career, which is so easy.
If I was involved in philanthropy, I would want to work with Bob as a team member.

Have you ever trusted someone too much?

This answer may surprise you if you've studied me.
My best friend at Cedarville I greatly respected until two years after I graduated. Then because I was close to him, his fall and what he fell into reflected very poorly on me... guilty by association.
I really appreciated him. He had invested a great deal of goodwill in me. I had been to his house and family's vacation home in Virginia a number of times to wakeboard and other watersports. He was a great friend. We were both Electrical Engineers. I thought we both had a firm relationship with Christ, but that was not the case.
I invested heavily in him as a best friend at Cedarville, most of my relational capital.
I really wish his fall didn't effect me. It was brutal in wiping out trust from others even though I had nothing to do with his fall.
I wish I understood what he struggled with and where he was headed earlier in my friendship with him.
I still wish he would do a 180 and go back to the person I knew in school prior to his fall.
What's worse though is if my current knowledge was applied to my past friendship. Then I question more and more. Was he really friends with me for the right reason? People may have seen more than I did at Cedarville. Perhaps I was foolish in not seeing signs like his roommate. I always assumed the best, and until 2 years after his graduation, I had nothing beyond dismissed suspicions. His fall shocked me.
I didn't have many friends and I had invested a great deal of time in developing my friendship with him. Knowing what I now know, I would have had more friends that I invested in so that losing one wouldn't result in losing all my close friends.
Not enough people knew me to judge my character because I hadn't developed that close of a relationship with many others.
I tend to invest a lot in few in terms of how I pursue friendships. For that reason, at this point in life I really need a wife. I can't invest the time required in others and potentially loose it overnight without having stability in a wife/family of my own. Most other people my age are also looking at investing in a family of their own rather than friends just for the sake of friends.
My life would have looked dramatically different if this friend hadn't fallen away from his faith. Actually having a brother in Christ I could relate to would have dramatically changed what happened to me the past decade. To be clear he would have been just a brother in Christ. What a difference that would have made in my life.

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Is there anyone who you jealous of?

Nope, not really. Stuff is nice but not critical to me. My ability to get absorbed in stuff around me, whatever's around me, either simple or complex, keeps my mind occupied. I'm usually thinking. I never have enough time. The ideas that I think define me more than the stuff I have.
I really don't like channeling my mind to watch stuff like sports. Way too boring. Other people get absorbed with stuff like that.

Do you like to make new friends?

I need friends that are either technically inclined or Biblically inclined or ideally both.
I tend to make friends where I live that attend seminary as there is a major seminary locally.
Even though I attend a very large church, there are few people in my demographics there. I think people attend a service and don't get more involved.

What is the funniest GIF ever?

I saw Netflix's American Vandal Season 2 Episode 1 as a video clip that had gone viral (non-gif). I hadn't realized it was a dramatization at the time. I went to a private school K-12. Thinking it was true, resonating with it and thinking it just happened in the past few days had me howling.
I'm glad it didn't happen... that could have killed someone or multiple people - both medically and the emotional burden after the fact.
The time before I put the pieces together and realized it was a dramatization was easily the video clip of the year for me.

What time of day is the best for you?

I love the time in the morning right after I wake up where my brain is still as creative as when I'm dreaming yet I am able to focus my thoughts on whatever I choose. Sometimes a nap will provide a similar experience if I'm able to relax sufficiently.


Language: English