
Joe Edward Mason

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i might do which that will be at 5 ish . sorry for the late replys joey , i was helping my mom put up christmas decorations xDDD

JoeeeMason’s Video 134708983702

i can't see him doing it now a days . he'll have to prove it to me instead . he is at work so of course he wouldn't be doing it now xDDD

Well try and get him to prove it to you ;3

he'll shout at me xDD he'll probably yell at me and tell my mom . my mom would try not to shout . it's like they yell at me if my computer is broke and it wasn't my fault or something but they aren't broke they all work fine xDDD

So? It's only words xD

Wow. I kinda wish he would've shot him xD

Haha, so did he, when World War 2 came around. He felt so guilty and regretted the decision so much until he died D:

i haz no idea , it would be creepy if he actually does but i don't think he does well if he ever did , i don't think he would now a days . i think he somewhat trusts me online now a days xDDD

You should test it, do something bad and see if he says anything ;3

Omg Yes ;D

Jesus, he was a smart fucking guy, shame about his hate for Jews and shit and his murderous antics but damn was he intelligent!

Um I'd have to say my favorite era is probably all of them lol ;D

Hahahaha! Nailed it xD I love The Roaring Twneties and the Great Depression, World War 2 and The Vietnam War ;D

i may do someday . maybe there is a way if all our compute was connected to a network but i don't think they are xDD but they again if he actually spied of what i have / do on he internet I'm pretty sure he would of told me off for no reason or asked questions xDDD hehe i find it gross so i don'tw

Well it's fucking weird xDD

I'm in 9th grade. My favorite subjects are history and math ;D But yeah it sucks being sick

I have no idea what year that is compared to us Brits xD Ooooh, I love History!! Any favourite era? I suck at Maths xD I agree, but I haven't been sick in over a decade ;D


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