
Joe Edward Mason

Ask @JoeeeMason

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What was the last thing that made you happy and the last thing that made you sad? :3

The last thing that made me happy today was when Ellie replied ;3
The last thing that made me sad was that Ellie still isn't feeling great :c

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Have you mastered the art of getting what you want? Why and how, if you have?

Not really, though I've done a lot for people and despite not doing it for a reward, a few of them have said they'll treat me with something so take that as you will :3

Would you say you lack discipline or do you have it an abundance? How does (lack of) discipline manifest in your life?

In some aspects in life, yes. For instance, I shouldn't be eating really bad food and I should be trying to gain weight by eating good food, but my lack of discipline means I will always eat bad food and despite putting on weight, that's mainly muscle from work xD

What do you think of fandoms? Do you think some people become obsessed or hateful in them? Do some act like they 'own' the fandom? Do you belong to any fandoms?

horcruxes_and_hallows_spam’s Profile Photohallows; spam
I don't see anything wrong with them? They're just filled with people who are passionate about someone or something and sure, some have gone overboard, that doesn't mean they're ALL bad ;3 Both ;3 To be honest, I don't really know as I've never been in one ;3 No, I'm not obsessed about anything like that ;3

I had 10+ previous accounts, I followed you on all of them, of course those accounts would be inactive because I don't use them xD

Christ, why did you have 10 other accounts? xD How long, overall, do you think you've been following me for? ;3


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