
mars ✨

How can you stop thinking of someone when they are the only one you think about? Not as in forget about them, more like not as much as every minute of every day.

I try to keep myself busy, especially working on something with my hands. creative projects help me a lot since I go into this sort of,,,,,zone ?? where that project and the details of it become the only thing on my mind in that moment. I'll even tune out people around me LOL.
some other ideas might be organizing or tidying up something, working outside in a garden, practicing cursive, starting new projects around the house, playing with pets, etc !!

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How can you stop thinking of someone when they are the only one you think about? Not as in forget about them, more like not as much as every minute of every day.

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Just do more things by yourself and forget bout that tho u don't have to think in That Person cause ur here in there World because ur mother is more important that Someone Treat u like a shit! It's a real fact!🤘🏼🤞🏼
Go do something you love it May not be a permanent thing but I promise you like for me I love playing soccer and I think about this girl everyday but once I start playing she doesn’t cross my mind till after so yeah you will stop thinking just for a moment about her
Go out, be with positive people that get you to live in the moment. When you are in the moment thinking about how fun you’re having they won’t be on your mind as much I promise honey

Language: English