

Ask @Laedb

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What gift would you like to receive? From who?

I love gifts of any kind. It doesn't matter from who 🤗 they just make you so happy

What do you think people think about you?

Hopefully good things. Not everyone is the same so it's normal to hear different people's opinions 🤗

What do you think about basketball? I want to play someday. What about you?

I have tried it is really fun. You should definitely 🤗

What should happen for you to understand that you have to cancel your wedding?

Such a weird question...mhhh anything unexpected maybe (?)

If you turned into a bird, where would you fly?

Everywhere I wouldn't normally be able to go. I WOULD TRAVEL THE WORLD

Have you ever locked yourself out of the house?

Lol so many times and it's always when the weather is not nice ahahahah

How can I raise my self-esteem? Do you know any method?

We are on the same boat 🤗. However I think we can help each other in order to resolve this. Firstly to raise your self-esteem everything need to start from our subconscious, you need to tell yourself everyday that you are capable,praise yourself over small things each day. Look yourself into a mirror and observe your inner and outer beauty. Another thing that i beleive helps raising self esteem is to compliment others. Last but not least don't ever forget that humans need their flaws, because that's what makes us interesting,lovable and simply human. LOVE yourself more and more each day that goes by. 🌼💌

What do you do when you’re angry?

To be honest I don't find it easy to calm myself and I get even more irritated when someone tells me to calm down. I guess I just like staying alone for a bit.


Language: English